英语人>词典>汉英 : 最东南的 的英文翻译,例句
最东南的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They plan to climb Rainier, the great mountain southeast of Seattle.


Rutland Water is the largest man-made lake in western Europe, about 40 miles southeast to Nottingham.

位于诺丁汉东南 40 英里的茹特兰德湖是西欧最大的人造湖。

Most of the population is concentrated along the eastern seaboard and the south-eastern corner of the continent.


The Ozarks and the TVA system were prime examples and there was every reason to believe that the Appalachian region and parts of the Southeast could also participate.


After the war between Song and Jin Dynasty, the southeastern area became both political and economic core of Song government.


For men, one of the favorite model of movado mens watch is the SE Sports Edition watches that are made of the high performance stainless steel.


Situated in the southeastern corner of England, and within easy reach of London, the counties of Kent and Sussex provide between them the pleasantest countryside and the most convenient stretch of coastline for anyone wishing to explore the surroundings of the capital.


Carlsbad Cavern is one of the largest known caves in the U.S., located in southeastern New Mexico.


With sea level rise,the partial tide amplitude will be increased,but diminish in some part area;meanwhle tide counting position of partial tide moves unceasingly to southeast direction;Tide amplitude change causing by sea level rising can be taken the Lvsi port as the boundary,to the north,partial tide amplitude enhances unceasingly,and to south it diminishes,especially in destroyed Yellow river it has less enhancement;The region where has the largest increasing partial teide amplitude also the palce which has the quickest erosion rate.sea level rising has a good relation with the beach erosion.


An active volcanic crater on the southeast slope of Mauna Loa in south-central Hawaii Island. It is one of the largest and most spectacular craters in the world.


更多网络解释与最东南的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


巴西因盛产一种叫做"巴西木"(Brazilwood)的红木而得名. 国土面积约851万平方公里,人口约1.8亿,其中四分之一居住在巴西南和东南的五大都会区. 巴西原住民为印第安人,2000年登记在册的印第安人73.4万,约占全国总人口0.4%. 白种人最多,

New Brunswick:纽宾士域

芬地湾(Fundy Bay)位於加拿大东南沿海,在纽宾士域(New Brunswick)和诺瓦斯科细亚(Nova Scotia)两个省之间,临大西洋,拥有世界最大的潮差,一天内可高达17公尺(55英尺),以迅速涨落的潮汐闻名於世.


英国东南(Southeastern)列车运营公司将这种高速列车投入到1994年开通的英吉利海峡隧道铁路线上运行,用于连接英国和法国. 列车由日本日立制造,并运往英国用于其国内高速客运服务. 它们是英国最快的客运服务列车,运行的最高时速高达每小时225公里.


维苏威火山(Vesuvius)是意大利乃至全世界最著名的火山之一,位于那不勒斯市东南,海拔高度1281米. 其最为著名的一次喷发是公元79年的大规模喷发,灼热的火山碎屑流毁灭了当时极为繁华的拥有2万人口的庞贝古城和海滨城市赫库兰尼姆.


南部最大的社会文化族群是丰人(Fon)和约鲁巴人(Yoruba). 超过一半的贝宁人都是丰人,在南部的大部分地区,丰族语是主要的当地语言,尽管也有许多小的族群. 比如古恩人(Goun),就非常接近丰人,因为古恩人集中在东南,靠近波多诺伏,


西摩爵士 (Sir George Seymour) 、伦道夫 (Randolph) 和克雷西 (Cressy) 的轮船抵达克市东南的利特尔顿港; 1856 年 7 月 31 日 ,克市成为新西兰官方最早建立的城市.

Battle of Verdun:凡尔登战役

凡尔登战役(Battle of Verdun)是 中破坏性最大,时间最长的一次战役,战争从 坎尼会战(Battle of Cannae)在 於东南义大利的 的 城处发生. 其为


铃鹿赛车场位于日本最主要的大岛--本州岛(Honshu)的东南沿岸三重县的铃鹿市中部. 在日本的地图上可以知道,铃鹿市还处在大阪与名古屋之间,东京的西南面,进出的机场是名古屋机场. 市区离赛车场有70公里的路程,


希腊马其顿地区最长的河流(297公里(185哩)). 源出阿尔巴尼亚边境的格拉莫斯(Grammos)山. 流向东南,穿过平缓的谷地和盆地,流经卡斯托里亚(Kastorias)湖后,进入品都斯(Pindus)峡谷. 由韦尔米翁(Vermion)山和皮埃里亚(Pieria)山之间流出之后穿过塞萨洛尼基( ...


[主要城市] 朗塞斯顿(LAUNCESTON), 巴尼(BURNIE) , 德丰港(DEVONPORT)[地理] 塔斯马尼亚岛是本州岛主岛,与州同名,也是澳大利亚最大的岛屿. 本州岛还包括巴斯海峡中的金岛(KING ISLANG),弗诺群岛(FURNEAUX GROUP)和东南海外的麦考里岛(MACQUARIE ISLAND)等若干小岛.