英语人>词典>汉英 : 曾经到过 的英文翻译,例句
曾经到过 的英文翻译、例句


have been to
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He'd visited Egypt as a child, when he was too young to remember, and had once spent a few days' leave in Beirut, but had found it little more than a smugglers' den of diamonds from Sierra Leone, arms from Arabia and gold from Aleppo.


Have you ever been to an amusement park ?


Have you ever been to an aquarium ?


Have you ever been to nations aside of China?


Obviously she had been that way before, for she dodged the boggy bits as though by habit


My route goes past some Great Wall that we've checked out before, including the bit my friend Brice and I arrived at in the summer of 1995 in the waning days of an incredible summer of training rides in preparation for "the big ride"-- the journey to Kashgar.


"I have even been to the exact spot in Savannah, Georgia where he sat on the bench!"


I've been to paradise, but I've never been tome


I not only thought these the pure Productions of Providence for my Support, but not doubting, but that there was more in the Place, I went all over that Part of the Island, where I had been before, peering in every Corner, and under every Rock, to see for more of it, but I could not find any; at last it occur'd to my Thoughts, that I had shook a Bag of Chickens Meat out in that Place, and then the Wonder began to cease; and I must confess, my religious Thankfulness to God's Providence began to abate too upon the Discovering that all this was nothing but what was common; tho' I ought to have been as thankful for so strange and unforseen Providence, as if it had been miraculous; for it was really the Work of Providence as to me, that should order or appoint, that 10 or 12 Grains of Corn should remain unspoil'd,(when the Rats had destroy'd all the rest,) as if it had been dropt from Heaven; as also, that I should throw it out in that particular Place, where it being in the Shade of a high Rock, it sprang up immediately; whereas, if I had thrown it anywhere else, at that Time, it had been burnt up and destroy'd.


"I have even been to the exact spot in Savannah, Georgia where he sat on the bench!"


更多网络解释与曾经到过相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在阿奎利亚(Aquileia)城,他遇到了激烈的抵抗,连攻三个月没有效果. 最后阿提拉通过观察鸟类的活动发现了城墙的弱点,终于把这座城市夷为平地. 在围攻期间,他造了一座土山以祭祀同样曾经到过此地的祖父乌尔丁,

Have been to:曾经到过某个地方

3.水上乐园 water park | 4.曾经到过某个地方 have been to | 5.到某个地方去了 have gone to

the Bund:上海外滩

上海外滩(the Bund)闻名遐迩,外滩位于上海市中心区的黄浦江畔,它是上海一道亮丽的风景线,也是到上海观光的游客必到之地. 十年前,老兵曾经来过这里,那时的外滩不过是观看黄浦江和欣赏哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢风格各异的大楼,


卢埃林与人类学家霍贝尔(Hobbel)共同策划了关于夏安族人(Cheyenne)法的研究项目,该书于1941年出版. 然而,卢埃林仅仅到现场去过很短的时间,霍贝尔曾经披露过这方面的信息. See John M. Conley and Willianm O'Barr,

Child's Play:娃鬼回魂

在未成为周太之前,她和周国丰曾经到过印尼山区旅游,还发生了一件不可思议的怪事,差点让她鬼玩具缠身劫数难逃 相信不少读者都曾经看过>(Child's Play)这部电影,杀人王Chucky的灵魂

decision tree:决策树

更没有一本著作向管理者和企业家传播管理.一个叫迈克.唐纳德的美国人曾经制作过题为:1950-1995年管理浪潮的流行曲线的图表,结果:在过去的45年间,出现过34种理论和潮流,从50年代的"决策树"(Decision Tree)到90年代的"标准检查",


当鸭子从盖满 浮萍(duckweed)的池塘突然走出时,我曾两次看到这些小植物附着在它们的背上;并 且曾经发生过这样的事情:把一些浮萍从一个水族培养器移到另一个水族培养器里时, 我曾无意中把一个水族培养器里的贝类移入到另一个.

Turks and Caicos Islands:特克斯与凯科斯群岛

2006年到特克斯与凯科斯群岛(Turks and Caicos Islands)曾经看过一只,看到一大群梭鱼还是第一次. 一群从海底礁石上掠过的梭鱼 站在码头上往水里照到的一只梭鱼. 海水的清澈可见一斑. 玩的开心,时间也过得飞快. 就在小公主上牙磕下牙对我说冷时,

used to be:曾经

他们曾经是中产阶级、农场主或者其他什么显赫职位,正如影片中前银行家佩林顿先生所说,"你可以在这里(流浪汉丛林)找到某某曾经(used to be)是什么. "但现在他们却只能居住在洪荒时代的丛林,过着食不果腹的生活,每天到外面去搜寻一下可能的工作职位.


每当微生物学家在私人实验室处理病毒性出血热(VHF)疑似病例需要帮助时,南非国家接触性传染病研究所(NICD)就会接到警报. 该所流行病部门负责人Lucille Blumberg博士称她的团队已经注意到一名接诊过为成年男性的VHF疑似患者的医生也曾经接诊过一名来自赞比亚...