英语人>词典>汉英 : 暴民统治 的英文翻译,例句
暴民统治 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mobocracy  ·  mobocracies

mob rule
更多网络例句与暴民统治相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Pakistani government must realize that kleptocracy can only continue for so long – eventually, they will be forced to choose: governing the periphery of their country benevolently or giving up power in the capital to mob rule.


The irony and terror of mob rule are vividly depicted in this unforgettable drama about a lynch mob taking the law into its own hands, despite protests of some level-headed onlookers.


We go through the rule of law to look for recovery we do not indulge in mob rule.


This time, KMT leaders countenance mob rule.


There is a risk that Argentina will slide towards mob rule.


For most of the 19th century it was a synonym for mob rule (for which the lovely but little-used "ochlocracy" would be an even more precise term).

对於大多数的19世纪,它是一个代名词,为暴民统治(其中有可爱的,但很少使用" ochlocracy "将是一个更加精确的任期)。

Many Chinese people have objected strongly to killing pets, but they are powerless as mob rule has been given new legitimacy by the Sars emergency.


In seventeen eighty-seven, the word "democracy" meant something very different from what it means today. To many of the men meeting in Philadelphia, it meant mob rule.


Anarchy, mob rule, and mice in your garibaldis.


Mob rule; fanned mounting tension into mobbish terrorizing; moblike mentality.


更多网络解释与暴民统治相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mob rule:暴民统治

就会变成一场政治运动的结晶点,这种政治运动想用暴力、暴民统治(mob rule)和纯粹粗俗的种族观念来解决一个多民族国家的天然困难和冲突. 美利坚共和国的居民结构和历史是世界上最不均等的,它敢于在此基础上实行平等,

Mob rule, exactly:暴民统治 没错

556 00:40:28,770 --> 00:40:30,030 暴民... | 557 00:40:30,210 --> 00:40:31,550 暴民统治 没错. Mob rule, exactly. | 558 00:40:31,799 --> 00:40:34,160 在一个开放的社会 你能够通过你的代表 In an open societ...

mob rule platinum edition:暴民统治

重返神秘岛,return to mysterious island | 暴民统治,mob rule platinum edition | 机甲大战之极度毁灭,robot wars extreme destruction

Anarchy, mob rule, and mice in your garibaldis:无政府,暴民统治,吃着葡萄饼干的老鼠

If people don't respect the law, what have you g... | Anarchy, mob rule, and mice in your garibaldis.|无政府,暴民统治,吃着葡萄饼干的老鼠 | What are you going on about? You think his mouse brothers come...

Democracy and mob rule aren't the same thing:民主和暴民统治不是一回事

554 00:40:25,529 --> 00:40:26,630 坚持下去. Hang o... | 555 00:40:26,730 --> 00:40:28,590 民主和暴民统治不是一回事. Democracy and mob rule aren't the same thing. | 556 00:40:28,770 --> 00:40:30,030 暴民...


mobilize 流通 | mobocracy 暴民统治 | mobster 盗匪


monocracy 独裁政治 | mobocracy 暴民统治,暴民 | mobocrat 暴民政治


mobocracy 暴民统治,暴民 | mobocrat 暴民政治 | aristocracy 贵族统治;贵族


millionocracy,财阀统治. | ochlocracy,暴民统治. | pedantocracy,腐儒统治.


theocracy 神权政治 | oschlocracy 暴民统治 | autocracy 独裁政体