英语人>词典>汉英 : 普遍有效性 的英文翻译,例句
普遍有效性 的英文翻译、例句


universal validity
更多网络例句与普遍有效性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The worst is that individual who is fully alienated finally easily loses real self and integrated self, living a modern life which is equal and quantitative and depends on money's specific property-abstraction, objectivity, unity, fungibility and universal validity.


The worst is that individual who is fully alienated finally easily loses real self and integrated self, living a modern life which is equaland quantitative and depends on moneys specific property-abstraction, objectivity,unity, fungibility and universal validity.


1231 The mark of a logical proposition is not general validity.

6.1231 逻辑命题的特征不是普遍有效性

For these rules, or laws of nature, absolutely general validity is required--not proven.


1232 The general validity of logic might be called essential, in contrast with the accidental general validity of such propositions as 'All men are mortal'.

6.1232 逻辑的普遍有效性同"凡人皆有死"这类命题的偶然的普遍有效性相对比,可以称为本质的普遍有效性

A formal truth is a true proposition to determine whether the formal proposition is of universal effectiveness or relation of satisfaction.


The establishing of global order needs the universal validity of some values in the world today.


One emphasis of Kant's deontological ethics is his insistence on the universal validity of categorical imperative.


It regards universal validity as objective validity. It is quite valuable that the commonality of knowledge is emerged. However, the problem of the objective validity of knowledge has not been solved reasonably because of its stand of transcendental philosophy.


While the disaster gradually slumbering in the womb of theoretical culture gradually begins to frighten modern man, and he anxiously ransacks the stores of his experience for means to avert the danger, though he has no great faith in these means; while he, therefore, begins to divine the consequences of his situation--great men, universally gifted, have contrived, with an incredible amount of thought, to make use of the paraphernalia of science itself, to point out the limits and the relativity of knowledge generally, and thus to deny decisively the claim of science to universal validity and universal aims.


更多网络解释与普遍有效性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Missing data:缺失数据

文章摘要:缺失数据(Missing Data)在调查研究中(特别是对大规模人群的调查)是一非常普遍的问题,并在一定程度上危害研究结果的有效性. 例如调查对象拒绝或忘记回答某个或某些调查问题,文件的遗失,数据不准确的记录等,都会造成数据的缺失或丢失.

universal validity:普遍有效性

[19] 在此值得一提的是,有些人可能将普遍性与普遍有效性(universal validity)等同视之. 可是笔者认为这是两种不同层次的概念,分别指涉可普遍化与可证立性的原则存在特徵,不能混为一谈. 普遍性是指原则做为一种可被描述的(describable)规约命题,

universal validity:一般有效性

universal subgroup 通用子群 | universal validity 一般有效性 | universal variety 普遍簇

universal variety:普遍簇

universal validity 一般有效性 | universal variety 普遍簇 | universally japanese ring 伪几何环


理解的基本重要性( foundationalsignificance)得到了澄清(clarified);现在我们必须从理解的逻辑形式来确定解释学能达到的普遍有效性的程度(attainable degree of universal validity).


因为所谓"图式化",也就是依照"规则"(Regel)对对象的规整. "图式"与形象、意象、图象(Bild)之最重要的不同在于后者是直观所提供的,因此不具有普遍有效性,而经过"想象力的先验综合"规整过的"图式",当然比后者抽象,但比知性概念具体,