英语人>词典>汉英 : 普林尼 的英文翻译,例句
普林尼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Photo : Ruapehu, the tallest mountain on the North Island, is a massive andesite stratovolcano.


Pliny in his "Natural History"(AD 77) in the opening chapters of Bk.

普林尼在他的"自然史"(公元77 )在开幕章节的浅滩。

Pliny says that there is no more excellent protection against illness than the castoff horseshoe found in the road.


Important Romans could petition for citizenship for others (e.g., Pliny's request that Trajan enfranchise his doctor).


Also, Roman writers Pliny and Seneca refer to a lens used by an engraver in Pompeii.


This town is mentioned by Ptolemy of Alexandria , Pliny the Elder , Strabo of Amasia , and Isidore of Charax .


He even throws out the absurd suggestion that Philemon was based on the letter of Pliny, which is given in full by Lightfoot in his edition of Philemon.


Pliny the Elder recorded that this land was 12,000 km distant from C 醖 iz, and Uba, a Numidian king intended to establish a stock farm of purple Murex there.


There are no witnesses, he urges, to prove our crimes; Trajan ordered Pliny not to seek us out, but yet to punish us if we were known;- what a paralogism!


The eruptive pattern of the Chifeng phase is: Plinian column (the Chifeng pumice fall deposits)→pyroclastic flow (the Changbai pyroclastic flow deposits)-lahar mainly triggerd by pyroclastic flow. The eruptive pattern of the Yuanchi phase is from Plinian column (the Yuanchi pumice and ash fall deposits)→pyroclastic flow (the Bingchang pyroclastic flow deposits).


更多网络解释与普林尼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


列兵维特本-查普林(Ben Chaplin)---------列兵贝尔乔治-克罗宁(George Clooney)----上尉查理-伯彻约翰-库萨克(John Cusack)-------上尉约翰-盖夫伍迪-哈里森(Woody Harrelson)---凯克军士埃利厄斯-科蒂斯(Elias Koteas)--上尉詹姆士-斯塔罗斯尼克-诺尔蒂(Nick Nolte)--------中校乔丹-陶>是最近在

JLN JOPLIN MO:乔普林 美国(密苏里州)

JKT JAKARTA 雅加达 印度尼西亚 | JLN JOPLIN MO 乔普林 美国(密苏里州) | JLR JABALPUR 贾巴尔普尔 印度


Giorgio Armani乔治阿玛尼 | Kipling凯普林 | Kate Spade凯特.丝蓓

Ilaria Marchesi Cambridge University Press:普林尼信函的艺术

Press Censorship in Caroline England 查理一世时期英格... | The Art of Pliny's Letters 普林尼信函的艺术 Ilaria Marchesi Cambridge University Press 2008 | Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer 乔叟时...


在这意义上说,普林尼(Pliny)关于大象在月光下练习舞蹈的故事毫无疑问是想象活动的一个例子. 另一方面,狗在听到指令后跳过一根想象的手杖,这意味着记忆而非想象,也就是说,它并不依赖于联想的自发唤起,而是依赖于由外部印象引起的联想的释放.

PCP PRINCIPE:普林西比 圣多美和普林西比

PCN PICTON 皮克顿 新西兰 | PCP PRINCIPE 普林西比 圣多美和普林西比 | PCR PUERTO CARRENO 卡雷尼奥港 哥伦比亚

Purim is Adar 26:普林節是亞達26

Ta'anis Esther is the Fast of Esther at Adar 25. ta'anis埃丝特是快速的埃丝特在亚达25 . | Purim is Adar 26. 普林节是亚达26 . | Pesach is Passover at Nisan 15. pesach逾越节是在尼散月14日15 .


1966年初,他来到洛衫矶帮助足见了"布法罗.斯普林菲尔德"(BUFFALO SPRINGFIELD)乐队. 在乐队里,他担任主音吉他并且作曲,偶尔也担任主唱. 尼尔 扬的音乐观念核心始终是强烈的独立意识. 他近乎心甘情愿地否认期望、潮流以及所谓的趣味. 他是个摇滚英雄,

Bruce Springsteen:布鲁斯.斯普林斯汀

Bruce Springsteen,Kat Stevens,James Taylor,Miami Vice 莫尼卡在整理 CD,结果她发现很多 CD 都被钱德勒放错了盒.这段对话中先后提到的歌星分别是 : 布鲁斯斯 普林斯汀 (Bruce Springsteen) , 这是摇滚老将 ,

Plinius Secundus:老普林尼

Plautus 普劳图斯 | Plinius Secundus 老普林尼 | Plotia 普洛提娅