英语人>词典>汉英 : 晚间新闻 的英文翻译,例句
晚间新闻 的英文翻译、例句


late news
更多网络例句与晚间新闻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rather than plodding through a morning paper and an evening broadcast, they increasingly seek the kind of information they want, when they want. Few pay.


The anan of the BBc network's evening news got fired.


She anchored the evening news for several years.


L She anchored the evening news for several years.


As network news programs strive to reinvent themselves, the grandfatherly Bob Schieffer seems like an unlikely choice to anchor the CBS Evening News.

CBS 电视网新闻节目为彻底改版而做着努力,因此给人祖父感觉的 Bob Schieffer 显然不太可能成为 CBS 晚间新闻主持人的候选人。

As far as I am concerned, the program I like best is the news, especially the Evening Newscast Program which is shown by CCTV every evening.


CBS will be the first network to simulcast its evening news show online when Katie Couric debuts Sept.

Katie Couric 将于9月5日首次主持 CBS 晚间新闻,届时 CBS 也将成为第一家网络同时联播晚间新闻节目的电视网。

I'd advise you to avoid the London evening dailies like the "Evening News".


I recommend skipping the nightly news entirely, but muting just the business news might be enough.


At a time when just three networks dominated American television, Walter Cronkite and his evening newscast rose to become number one in the news ratings.

当时,美国只有3个新闻电视节目,Walter Cronkite和他的晚间新闻在收视率中位列第一。

更多网络解释与晚间新闻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Late News:晚间新闻

Sports News 体育新闻 | Late News 晚间新闻 | World Report 世界报道

Stuttering mumbling:结结巴巴 含含糊糊

in unobvious ways 虽然他表现得不太明显 | Stuttering mumbling 结结巴巴 含含糊糊 | for nightly news to replay 只是为了不断播放晚间新闻

Stuttering and mumbling:结结巴巴 含含糊糊

in unobvious ways 虽然他表现得不太明显 | Stuttering and mumbling 结结巴巴 含含糊糊 | for nightly news to replay 只是为了不断播放晚间新闻

nightly news:晚间新闻

另外,他的"晚间新闻"(Nightly News)也吸引了1千零60万的观众,比前一周增加了31%. 初步的新闻收视率显示,三大电视网的竞争让"卡特里娜"紧紧抓住了观众们的眼球,一改之前收视状况不佳的市场窘境. 上一周(8月29日~9月4日)美国共有2千900万观众,

news roundup:晚间新闻

22:35周五星级影院:大腕 Friday Hall of Fame:Big Shot's Funeral | 23:40财经速递 World Market Update | 23:45晚间新闻 News Roundup

What's he going to tell Kory:他会怎么告诉科里

What's he going to think?|他会怎么想? | What's he going to tell Kory|他会怎么告诉科里 | When mom and dad are on the evening news?|当爸爸和妈妈在晚间新闻

focused interview:焦点访谈

29个组又分为四种类型:经理人员、学生、学徒和实习生、工会成员. 让他们观看两个晚间新闻"举国上下"(时间分别为1976年5月19日和1977年3月29日),然后研究各组的解读. 研究时又采用了两种方法:焦点访谈(focused interview)与团体访谈(group interview).

You fuckers:混账东西

You should see what they do with the nightly news.|你真该看看晚间新闻报道了什么 | You fuckers.|混账东西 | Ilsa?|莉莎?


美国广播公司把两档新闻节目"20/20"和"黄金时段"(Primetime)合并成一档晚间新闻节目,每周播出三期. 哥伦比亚广播公司甚至把其王牌新闻节目"60分钟"增加到一周播出两次,另一档杂志型电视新闻节目"48小时"也同样扩展到一星期播出两期节目.