英语人>词典>汉英 : 易传染的 的英文翻译,例句
易传染的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
catching  ·  infectious  ·  infective

更多网络例句与易传染的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was not until scientists like Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch developed the germ theory that the mystery of infectious disease was unraveled.


Because we know that this the virus is a really highly infectious virus.


Because we know that this virus is a really highly infectious virus.


This can predispose the skin to infection from wart viruses and bacteria.


An acute, very contagious form of conjunctivitis, caused by the hemophilic bacterium Hemophilus aegyptius and characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and eyeballs.


An acute,very contagious form of conjunctivitis,caused by the hemophilic bacterium Hemophilus aegyptius and characterized by inflammation of the eyelid s and eyeballs.


An acute, very contagious form of conjunctivitis, caused by the hemophilic bacterium Hemophilus aegyptius and characterized by inflammation of the eyelids and eyeballs.


You end up with a new strain that has easy transmissibility.


He had commanded him not to come near him during his illness, which was exceedingly contagious: but finding that Castruccio waited on him by stealth, he felt that it was in vain to oppose; and, only intreating him to use every imaginable precaution, they spent the last hours of Ruggieri's life together.


With this in mind, the researchers then reanalysed data from knowingly HIV-positive heterosexual subjects in Uganda and Zambia who had HIV-negative sexual partners. Those with a viral load of one million particles per millilitre were more than ten times more likely to accidentally infect their partners each year than those with a load of one thousand.But when the researchers calculated the transmission potential over the entire predicted asymptomatic period, those with viral loads between ten thousand and a hundred thousand copies per millilitre of blood were the most likely to infect their partners. HIV-positive subjects with viral counts of 50,000 infected roughly twice as many people as those with counts of one million.

伦敦帝国学院流行病学家Christophe Fraser和他的同事对收集于1982年到1993年之间的100多例HIV阳性的男性同性恋者的数据进行分析,并结合分析来自乌干达和赞比亚的已知有HIV阴性性伴侣的HIV阳性异性恋受调查者的资料,他们发现中度病毒负荷而无症状的HIV携带者更易播散HIV,这是因为中度病毒负荷的HIV携带者的无症状期较长,而那些高病毒负荷而无症状的HIV携带者虽然传染性稍强,但其传染的持续时间却很短,并且在未经治疗的HIV携带者个体中中度病毒负荷是最常见的人群。

更多网络解释与易传染的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bovine tuberculosis:牛结核病

牛结核病(Bovine Tuberculosis)主要是由牛结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人畜共患的慢性传染病. 该病因其易传染,且能通过奶制品传染给人和犊牛,危害严重,被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为B类动物疫病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病.


脓疱疮(impetigo)是一种常见的化脓性皮肤病,具有接触传染和自体接种感染的特性. 易在儿童中流行. 病原菌主要为金黄色葡萄球菌或乙型溶血性链球菌单独或混合感染. 夏秋季节气温高湿度大皮肤浸渍等;都为使致病菌侵入皮肤繁殖为促发本病创造有利条件.


SEIR的四个字母分别代表易感(Susceptible)、潜伏(Exposed)、传染(Infectious)和康复(Recovered)病人. 美国和加拿大的科学小组研究了205个SARS病例;英国和中国香港的科学小组则研究了香港SARS最初10周的流行趋势. 都得出了一个相同的结论:如果不加控制,


infectiousinfective 有传染性的 | infectiously 传染性地 | infectivity 易传染


1.病原体特性(1)传染力(infectivity):指病原体引起易感宿主发生感染的能力. (2)致病力(pathogenicity):指病原体侵入宿主后引起临床疾病的能力. 其大小取决于病原体在体内的繁殖速度、组织损伤的程度以及病原体能否产生特异性毒素.


SEIR的四个字母分别代表易感(Susceptible)、潜伏(Exposed)、传染(Infectious)和康复(Recovered)病人. 美国和加拿大的科学小组研究了205个SARS病例;英国和中国香港的科学小组则研究了香港SARS最初10周的流行趋势. 都得出了一个相同的结论:如果不加控制,

virulence test:毒力试验;毒性试验

virulence 毒性;毒力 | virulence test 毒力试验;毒性试验 | virulent 剧毒的;致命的;易传染的


infectivity 易传染 | infecund 不孕的 | infecundinfructuous 不结果的


infectivity /传染性/易传染/ | infecund /不结果的/不孕的/不毛的/ | infeed /横进给/

Sarcoptes scabiei:疥螨

1687年bonomos首次发现人类疥疮的病因为疥螨(sarcoptes scabiei). 2个世纪之后才被广泛的承认. 疥疮(scabies)是由疥螨引起的传染性皮肤病,通过密切接触而传染,易在集体和家庭中流行,成人疥疮也可通过性接触而传染. 第一节 病原学 疥螨俗称疥虫,