英语人>词典>汉英 : 明眼的 的英文翻译,例句
明眼的 的英文翻译、例句


clear -eyed
更多网络例句与明眼的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what kooks like a thick, greyish substance.


Twenty-six eyes which appeared rejection after allograft penetrating keratoplasty between April 2003 and April 2004 in Shandong Shi'erming Eye Hospital were collected, including 16 males and 10 females, 9 cases were repeated relapsing viral keratitis, 8 cases were traumatic posterior corneal leucoma, 5 cases were corneal decompensation caused by various intraocular surgery, 2 cases were congenital leucoma, and 2 cases had other symptom. The rejection occurred at 2 month to 2.5 years after operation. Among them 19 cases were transferred to our hospital and asked adding traditional Chinese therapy because western medicine was ineffective in other hospital.


METHODS: Nine cases(12 eyes), male 4 cases (5 eyes), female 5 cases (7 eyes), suffering from posteriority ptosis , 1/2 1/3 pupil covered by upper palpebral margin, the upper eyelid muscle strength more than 10mm, accompanied by the orbital zone depression with the upper eyelid fold increased. Neostigmine test were used to exclude myasthenia gravis.


As long as you do your job well, why react so sensitively to friendly jibs??


If Wilmington is the centre of Ohio's struggles, Michigan is the centre of America's.


Diabetic eyes with and without retinopathy and 74 normal control eyes were detected by ERG-OPs. The results showed that scotopic and photopic ERG-OPs can be used as a sentive index for early determination of the retinal function in diabetic patients.


With tears thou keep'st me blind, Lest eyes well-seeing thy foul faults should find.


O cunning love, with tears thou keep'st me blind, Lest eyes well-seeing thy foul faults should find.


Lest eyes well-seeing thy foul faults should find.


Dark and light adaptation of the fine structure of the compound eye: the state of dark adaptation had significant effect on the small state of the eye pigment particles and distribution of crystal cone shape, being no significant gender differences.

基膜位于小眼的底部。 3。明暗适应对复眼显微结构的影响:明、暗适应状态对小眼的色素颗粒分布和晶锥形状有较明显影响,性别间则无明显差异。

更多网络解释与明眼的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bodleian:牛津大学图书馆 牛津大学图书馆的

bodkin | 锥子, 大眼粗针 | Bodleian | 牛津大学图书馆 牛津大学图书馆的 | Bodmin | 博德明(康沃尔郡和锡利群岛的首府)


从修辞学的角度看,比喻包括明喻、暗喻(隐喻)、曲喻,还有钱钟书先生所说的圆喻,还有所有一流诗人都会尝试的"换喻"(metonymy). 比喻乃诗人先天之禀赋,虽在父兄不能传之以子弟. 第一流的诗人著眼不在简易层次的赋、比、兴,


●越橘精華粉(Bilberry Fruit Powdered Extract):別名山桑子,是健康明眸的同義字;研究證實越橘可加速視紫質 (Rhodopsin)重生的能力,以促進視覺敏銳度,改善晝盲症或黑暗適應症,還可增加眼部血流迴圈並改善眼睛疲勞.

And one more starry-eyed messiah:而眼明心慈的你啊

And they keep answering that bell群起附和 | And one more starry-eyed messiah而眼明心慈的你啊 | Meets a violent farewell-将忍受残酷的告别

Toll Gate:收费站

在高速公路的出口,收费站(Toll Gate)小姐对司机说:"您好!"的哥应声答道:"我不好,钱好!"这就是我们中国人的一种能力,可能算不上"才艺",不好去特别展示,但是明眼的老外不可能不注意到:那就是一些中国人可以在一天之内或者更长的时间之内不说"你好"、"谢谢"、"对不起&


锥细胞的运动是由于其内段、肌样体(myoid)的伸缩(明时缩短,暗时伸长),而引起的,在固定标本和活体材料所观察到的缩短度为30%(蛙)-90%(鱼类). 在暗视眼时,色素后退(向外方移动),黄昏视觉感受器的杆细胞向前露出,以充分利用射到视网膜的入射光.


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)眼蝶科(Satyridae)一些特有种蝴蝶的统称. 夏季大量出现於美国和欧洲的草原上. 幼虫呈天鹅绒似的褐色或绿色,具小而分叉的尾状附器. 成蝶翅呈褐色,翅展56公分,有明显眼斑(环形斑纹). 翅上的假眼可能用以吓唬或迷惑捕食性鸟类.


香港古董(Antiques)商明叔为了寻找<<格萨尔王>>中传说的魔国冰川水晶尸,雇请胡八一等三位摸金校尉入藏寻找. 在喀拉米尔的龙顶冰川,独眼白狼王带领狼群保卫着冰川下的机密;九层妖塔下安葬的水晶安定山引发了雪崩;一条隧道直通风蚀湖,

And leaden-eyed despairs:忧伤和灰眼的绝望

Where but to think is to be full of sorrow 在这里,稍一思索就充满了 | And leaden-eyed despairs, 忧伤和灰眼的绝望, | Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes, 而"美"保持不住明眸的光彩,

Yod:保鏢 忠誠 飛翔 近視眼 馬虎的大姐姐

Kanowill 大小姐 暗黑 聰明 哥特蕾絲 討厭陽光 避世 | Yod 保鏢 忠誠 飛翔 近視眼 馬虎的大姐姐 | Night 對陌生人冷漠 囚犯 鐵索 回憶 冷冽