英语人>词典>汉英 : 时间表 的英文翻译,例句
时间表 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
schedule  ·  timeframe  ·  timetable  ·  schedules  ·  timescale  ·  timescales  ·  kalendar

time-table · time table · time schedule
更多网络例句与时间表相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first two categories known as the ratio of a timetable requiring the high ratio tend to produce high-frequency response; subsection (3),(4) class is called interval timetable according to which long intervals tend to produce low-frequency response.


I want to do things that conform to my time frame, not someone else's.


I tend to think, given the schedule that Team NINJA has set for themselves over the next half a decade -- which is an exceptionally busy one -- that they will not port the game either.

我有这种想法,给TEAM NINJA下五年时间设立一个时间表--这会是个非常繁忙的时间表--也就是说他们不可能会把这游戏移植这游戏(NG2)到其他平台。

In cases where Members parties to an interim agreement believe that 10 years would be insufficient they shall provide a full explanation to the Council for Trade in Goods of the need for a longer period.


Should an interim agreement notified under paragraph 7 of Article XXIV not include a plan and schedule, contrary to paragraph 5 of Article XXIV, the working party shall in its report recommend such a plan and schedule


Since the model is a large scale and NP-hard combinational optimization problem in the real navigation environment, a hybrid simulated annealing algorithm is employed to search the suboptimal solution composed of a lockage timetable and a ship scheduling, The search starts by trimming the existing lockage timetable based on heuristic rules; the result is then used to compute the ship scheduling by the depth-first-search algorithm. The obtained solution is finally updated by the Metropolis rule.


You learn according to your own schedule-- not the teacher's schedule.


Controlling the activity factor (in order to reduce interference and power consumption) can include: reducing the power level, prohibiting transmission of one or more devices, schwduling the transmission activity according to a stored timetable (actualised by location information or congestion bulletins).


As I return your topic papers , I'd like to look over 仔细检查 the schedual schedule 时间表 on which scatches sketches out 概述 what we'll do during the next two weeks.


A large number of algorithms have been proposed in the literature, which differ from each other based on the type of institution involved and the type of constraints. This paper first surveys the origin and the techniques, then presents the AI Planning-based algorithm to solve TTP. We implement the algorithm by SQL language, which is Timetabling Problem, and show that it is of great value by using the simulated data on it. At the end of this paper we describe other applied domains and its prospect.

时间表问题是一类应用非常广泛的研究课题,目前业出现了各种各样的解决时间表问题的方法,本文简要分析了近几十年时间表问题研究的历史和技术现状,提出了基于智能规划方法的时间表问题解决方案Plan TTP,并且我们用SQL语言实现了这一解决方案Plan TTP,通过对学校课程表的模拟实验证明该方法具有较大的使用价值,最后指出Plan TTPS的一些其他应用领域和发展前景等。

更多网络解释与时间表相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

according to schedule:按时间表; 按照原定进度

ever since从......以后,一直 | according to schedule按时间表; 按照原定进度 | ahead of schedule提前

Active Time List:有效时间表

active filter 有源滤波器 ACTER | active time list 有效时间表 ATL | Adaptec, Inc. Adaptec公司 company

active time list,ATL:有效时间表

"主动威胁","active threat" | "有效时间表","active time list,ATL" | "现用标题带;现用视窗标题列","active title bar"


受众占有率 audience share | 时间表 avails | 一刻平均听众数 average quarter-hour audience

Departures Board:班机出发时间表

8.座位号码SEAT | 班机出发时间表Departures Board | 1.班机出发时间表 Departures Board

If it's like every other time line that's come out this year:如果这个同今年其他的时间表一样

Yeah, you're doing a detailed time line on the w... | If it's like every other time line that's come out this year|如果这个同今年其他的时间表一样 | it'll be the opening salvo of a much larger retrospec...

frantic schedule:忙乱的(工作)时间表

forlorn adj.被遗弃的 | frantic schedule 忙乱的(工作)时间表 | free choice 自由选择



emphasizes strictly adherence to schedules:严格按照时间表行事

prefers formal tone 较喜欢正式的语调 | is flexible about schedules 不拘泥与时间表 | emphasizes strictly adherence to schedules 严格按照时间表行事

time table:时间表

治疗计划时间表(time table)是按不同患者的畸形情况和具体要求而个别制定的,这是实施治疗的具体方案. TEAM的主要工作是针对每例唇腭裂患者,组织TEAM成员集体会诊讨论,制定出适合该患者的治疗计划及其具体的实施时间表(time table),