英语人>词典>汉英 : 时间划分 的英文翻译,例句
时间划分 的英文翻译、例句


time division
更多网络例句与时间划分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

50The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia 4000 years ago.


The maturity of the industrialized society and the popularization of the wage system have constituted a dualistic structure of working time and non-working time.


The seasonal division and their change in various Sichuan areas is discussed using the daily mean temperature data of Sichuan 135 stations and the seasonal division method by Zeng Qingcun et al. It is shown that:(1) Between 1961-2004 each seasonal length is different, summer and winter are longer than spring and autumn, and difference of the seasonal division in different areas is mainly shown by the time scale of spring and autumn.


Another way to periodize this theoretical construct is to think of Joyce's concept of the epiphany as the urbanization of William Wordsworth's concept of the spot of time.


To analyze the superiority and fallacious concepts of the antimodern consciousness Chinese modernization, we can easily find out that antimodernity must be based on modernity, antimodern consciousness must be based on modern consciousness.


In China, where the present is to a certain extent history, snapshots can be misleading; discourses should integrate different "clocks" and be attentive, behind shorter developments or even ephemeral fashions, to very slow movements, what Fernand Braudel (1902-85) called the longue duree.

我们应去除短暂发展时期(更不用说那些短命的时尚趋势)的干扰,将它们整合进历史长河中一些缓慢但关键的演变运动中进行深入分析。这也就是法国史学家、&总体史&的集大成者费尔南多。布罗代尔(Fernand Braudel,1902-1985)所强调的长时段。他把历史时间划分为&短时段&、&中时段&、&长时段&,并认为长时段才是把握和认识历史的关键。

To find more suitable extraction algorithm for neural net recognizers, the applications of LPC sepstrum as well as the RW are investigated, and new procedures for the vector alignment and the normalization are proposed. The Time-Delay Neural Net model is generalized, and two kinds of non-uniformly windowed-time-windowed and component-windowed -pyramidical architectures are proposed.


It abandon the traditional measure that divide the development course of the scientific and technological park according to the time, and redistrict their development courses according to the logic route that the park grew up, then divide development course into three stages: embryonic stage, it introduce domestic and international agricultural new and high technology , advanced equipment directly, engaged in running an enterprise on a commercial way, use the new and high technology to carry on precise, deep processing or storing and keeping fresh to the high-quality agricultural and animal products, do not have cooperation with local peasant basically; the stage of growing up, the park brings along local peasants production, does not confine to the production of the industrial base in the park again, a kind of nonstandard cooperative form has appeared between peasant and park; at ripe stage, the park sets up the training center of agricultural science and technology, carry on the professional technical training to the industrial base and peripheral peasant, spread through three kinds of diffusion effects, such as radiation, the grade


A safety level-based evacuation scheme of subway station is presented in this paper, with performance-based evacuation design combined. According to the evacuation characteristics of subway station, accidental evacuation time and available safety evacuation time under smoke control have been classified into three safety levels respectively. Then four safety levels have been proposed based on them. A flow chart of safety evacuation scheme of subway station under fire was then proposed based on the guidelines of safety evacuation and code for design of metro.


The divisions of time we use today were developed in ancient Babylonia four thousand years ago.


更多网络解释与时间划分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boundary condition:边界条件

e边界条件 (Boundary Condition) :输入部分的边界值,就是使用一般书中说的等价类划分,试试最大最小和非法数据等等. f性能 (Performance) : 正常使用的时间内系统完成一个任务需要的时间,多人同时使用的时候响应时间在可以接受范围内.

decline stage:衰退期

S曲线(S-Curve)就是产品生命周期曲线,见文[BCG矩阵的时间因子与产品生命周期曲线]讨论,S曲线横轴为时间,纵轴为产品普及率或销售量. 根据S曲线划分,一产品生命周期包括起步期(Introduction Stage)、成长期(Growth Stage)、成熟期(Maturity Stage)与衰退期(Decline Stage)等.

international date line:國際換日線

划分为东西各180 经度,把全球分为24 个时区,以格林威治时间(Greenwich Mean Time,简称GMT) 作为世界标准时间. 该东经180 度子午线即定为国际换日线(International Date Line),又称国际日期变更线,作为国际换日之基准.

Product life cycle:产品生命周期

产 品生命周期(Product Life Cycle)也可称为S曲线(S-Curve),见文[BCG矩阵的时间因子与产品生命周期曲线]讨论. S曲线横轴为时间,纵轴为产品普及率或销售量,根 据S曲线划分,每种产品生命周期包括起步期(Introduction Stage)、成长期(Growth Stage)、成熟期(Maturity Stage)与衰退期(Decline Stage)等.

to mark off:划分

to pace off : 用步子测 | to mark off : 划分 | 3. adverb 表示时间、距离间隔

Alarm Output:报警输出

4、按up arrow 或down arrow 键生效(ON)或消(OFF)安全锁●动态时间划分(DTD)多路处理允许摄像机的录像时间以画面移动●独立的主(MAIN)和(CALL)监视器输出允许同时观看多摄像机括报警保持输入(Alarm Hold Input)和报警输出(Alarm Output)报警保持输入(Al

time slice:时间片

分时的基本思想是将CPU时间划分为许多小片,叫"时间片"(time slice),轮流去为多个用户程序服务. 如果在时间片结束时该用户程序尚未完成,它就被时钟中断,等待下一轮再处理,计算机则让给另一用户程序使用. 由于CPU速度很快,


时间被划分成一系列帧时间间隔(FTI),FTI又被分成给定数量n的时间间隔(TI),每个TI有各自的持续时间. 每个TI的所有权由从该设备集中选择的一组TI所有者设备(TOG)专用. 每个TOG包括给定数量k的发送设备和给定数量m的接收设备,

time-share computer:时间划分计算机

time-share 时间区分 | time-share computer 时间划分计算机 | time-share driver 分时驱动器

time-share driver:分时驱动器

time-share computer 时间划分计算机 | time-share driver 分时驱动器 | time-share monitor system 分时监督系统