英语人>词典>汉英 : 时光飞逝 的英文翻译,例句
时光飞逝 的英文翻译、例句


time flies
更多网络例句与时光飞逝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Happy birthday to my husband. Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder.


Why am I so scared of that time goes away and can not be allowed stay with you everlastingly .


Why am I so scared ofthat time goes away and can not be allowed staywith you everlastingly .


Everyday with they jubilantly do these matters, felling the time fleet away such as electricity.


Time passed, and the day drew near which had been set for Pythias to die, and he had not come back.


One time must own its special kind of music ,times fly quickly , but music note these times devotedly, music is times' spoor,times' reduction.


It's almost time for dinner - tempus fugit, how time flies - and the scents drifting up towards him are tantalising, even for someone who doesn't need to eat.


Where did the time go? They've grown up so fast!


Time elates all things.


Some of them mark the hours at sabhas and temples while halfway across the globe, the time races by for their children.


更多网络解释与时光飞逝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


11 玫瑰人生 La Vie En Rose | 12 几乎到达 Almost There | 13 时光飞逝 As Time Goes By


13.只是幻觉Just My Imagination | 15.追根究底Analyse | 16.时光飞逝Time Is Ticking Out

Cultural Differences:文化差异性

38.value of knowledge 知识的价值 | 39.cultural differences 文化差异性 | 40.time is fleeting and art is long 时光飞逝,艺术永恒

Days Go by:时光飞逝

03 Trouble 危机 | 04 Days go by 时光飞逝 | 05 Cry me a river 泪流成河

How Soon Is Now:时光飞逝

8. Choose 选择 | 9. How Soon Is Now 时光飞逝 | 11. One Love 唯一的爱

A whole month? God, time flies. -Well put:整整一月了?天哪,时光飞逝. - 精辟

-Just kick her out. -Can you believe it's been a month already?|- 把她赶走就行... | -A whole month? God, time flies. -Well put.|- 整整一月了?天哪,时光飞逝. - 精辟. | Well, at least is she pretty?|可至...

Yes, "time flies:对,"时光飞逝

Tempus fugit.|光阴似箭 | Yes, "time flies."|对,"时光飞逝." | It's the swords!|那些剑!

time flies fast:时光飞逝

吃一堑,长一智A fall into the pit,a gain on your wit. | 时光飞逝Time flies fast. | 过着猪狗不如的生活Lead a dog's/miserable life.

Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day:时光飞逝,流走生命里每个微小的日子

Help of the helpless, O abide with me. 无助者的援助,主... | Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day; 时光飞逝,流走生命里每个微小的日子 | Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away; 地上的欢乐与...

des fois je voudrais tout foutre en l'air:那些我愿意一些随心情而为的时光

j'aimerai que le temps s'accelere 我喜欢那些飞逝的时光 | des fois je voudrais tout foutre en l'air 那些我愿意一些随心情而为的时光 | Quelque chose dans mon coeur 我心中的些许事情