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旱生型的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
xeromorphic  ·  xeromorphous

更多网络例句与旱生型的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The result indicated that: with the change of ecological factors and intensification of human activities,strong stability of grassland community structure of the local alpine meadow type along the highway in this region was found,proportion of medium xerophilous、rhizomous grass increased;alpine grassland community had relatively low stability,grassland community successed naturally to adapt to the new environment;...


The single-celled phytoplankton included 116 inshore wide distribution species, 31 inshore warm-water species and 26 inshore temperate species, and the vascular plants were of 6 ecological groups, i.e., halophtes (24 species), hydrophtes (22 species), amphiphytes (35 species ), mesopllytes (103 species), zerophytes (6 species), and psammons (4 species). Halophtes, hydrophtes, and amphiphytes were the edificators and dominants, reflecting the azonal feature of the wetland vegetations. The vascular plants were divided into 5 life-forms, including 20 phaenerophytes, 4 chamaephytes, 54 hemicryptophytes, 48 geophytes and 68 therophytes, among which, hemicryptophytes and geophytes accounted for 52.58%, reflecting the relatively important function of cold and wet climate and local water-accumulated bottomland environment on the vascular flora formation.


With the deflected succession of aquatic ecotype plant functional group,the dominance of mesophytes and xerophytes increased,while the dominance of aquatic and hygric plants decreased. However,there are only planting crops in the reclaimed wetland. In the composition of plant biotype functional group,the hydrophytes reduced quickly with the deflected succession and the dominance of perennial herbs is mostly marked,and there are only annual herbs in reclaimed wetland. Compared with primary swamp,the species diversity index of meadow is the highest,the swampy meadow follows,and the reclaimed wetland is the lowest.


Flooding,as a kind of disturbance events,occurred with higher and higherfrequency over the world.To investigate the effects of flooding disturbance ongrassland vegetation and the soil,a comparatively thorough study was conducted onAneurolepidium chinense grassland in Songnen plain,Northeast China.The studysite was located in Sanjiadian National Rangeland in the territory of Da'an city,Jilirprovince,which was partly flooded in 1998.On the study site,Several transectssubjected to different flooding durations and intensities were designed for thecomparative study among them on such aspects as vegetation characteristics,seedbanks,vegetative propagation of rhizomatous plants,distribution patterns ofpopulations,interspecific relations,and physio-chemical properties of soil.Theresults were as follows:(1)Of the functional group composition of the vegetation,with the elongation of the flooding duration or the increase of flooding severity,theratio of hygric and hygro-mesic plants increase,while that of mesic and mesoxericplants decrease,of Therophytes changed unimodally,of Geophytes increased,whileof Hemicryptophytes decreased.


Based upon the ecoanatomical method, leaf anatomical characters of eleven populations of six evergreen species (Cyclobalanopsis glauca, C. myrsinaefolia, C. gracilis, Castanopsis sclerophylla, C. eyrei and Lithocarpus glaber) from the eastern subtropical area of China were analyzed and compared with SPSS, DCA and TWINSPAN. The results are: 1. Although the leaf structures of the eleven populations still belong to the mesophyll type, they all express the trend of xerophilization. 2. There are some differences in leaf anatomical characters among populations, species and genera, which occur as the results of their adaptation to different habitats. 3. Different leaf anatomical characters have different variations among populations, species and genera, of which leaf thickness and palisade tissue thickness (considered as ecological adaptation characters) have greater variation than sponge tissue thickness, lower cuticle thickness and lower epidermis thickness (as systematical evolution characters). 4. The leaves of C. sclerophylla and C. glauca with thicker lamina, palisade tissue and cuticle (a multilayered upper epidermis in C. sclerophylla) are thought to better adapt to their dry habitat. The leaves of C. eyrei with thicker sponge tissue, although characterized by a multlayered upper epidermis, adapt to their humid and warm habitat. The leaves of C. myrsinaefolia and C. gracilis characterized by a thinner lamina, a less palisade tissue and a moderate cuticle thickness adapt to the humid and cool habitat in a middle mountain.

选取亚热带东部替代分布明显的壳斗科6种常绿树种(青冈、小叶青冈、细叶青冈、苦槠、甜槠和石栎)的11个种群叶片进行生态解剖,并用SPSS, DCA和TWINSPAN比较分析,结果表明:①尽管6种11个种群叶的结构仍属中生叶型,但有着不同程度的趋旱适应;②叶的解剖性状在属间、种间和种群间均存在着不同程度的差异,这是它们适应各自生境的结果,青冈和石栎的种内差异较大,反映出它们对环境变化有较强响应能力;③叶片的不同解剖性状在属、种类和种群间的变化并不同步,其中叶片和栅栏组织厚度等性状差异突出,反映它们更易受环境的饰变,是生态适应性状,而海绵组织、下角质膜,特别是下表皮厚度等性状差异较小,显示出这些性状的稳定性,可以认为是系统演化性状;④苦槠、青冈具有较厚的叶片、栅栏组织、角质膜和发达输导和机械组织,苦槠还具有复表皮,表现出对旱化生境的适应;甜槠尽管具有复表皮和较厚的叶片,但这是海绵组织增厚的结果,是对中生生境的适应;小叶青冈和细叶青冈具有较薄的叶片和栅栏组织、角质膜厚度居中等特点,可能是对中山凉湿生境的适应。

Result:The stomatic density and characteristic of leaf epidermis and stem epidermis in six Ephedra species was differenc,there were no ob...


Result:The stomatic density and characteristic of leaf epidermis and stem epidermis in six Ephedra species was differenc,there were no obvious morphological differences in stoma shape and size.


The comparative research results showed that:(1)Thediurnal variation of the net photosynthetic rates in the aquatic leaves was a "double-peak", with an various "midday-decline", the time of the peak value appeared at about 10:00 A.M. and 13:00 P.M., while that in the xeric leaves was showed with invarious peak value and "midday-decline"; The diurnalvariation of transpiration ratesof both aquatic and xeric leaves appeared as a single-peak, the appearance time of peak value of the latter was earlier than the former and gradually decreased in the afternoon; The stomatal conductances appearance time of both of them were close to that of photosynthesisrate ,reached to the maximum in the morning and then gradually decreased: Diurnal variation of intercellular CO2 concentrationshows that: both aquatic and xeric leaves increased at first, and then exhibit a tendency of ascending within narrow range.(2) The net photosynthetic rates, photosyntheticallyactive radiation, stomatal conductances and transpiration ratesof both two kinds of leaves showed positive correlation, The correlation degree among them was prominent, there was significant negative correlation between The net photosynthetic rates and intercellular CO2 concentration.


Xeromorphic structure reflected tree top leaves with stronger adaptability to water stress,and suggested that they were under water stress condition.


It proves that tree top leaves suffer from water stress and hydraulic limitation becomes greater with tree height.Water stress influence tree height growth in several aspects:firstly is the influence of exterior water condition,and community average tree height is positive with exterior water condition.Secondly, hydraulic limitation influences individual tree structure and function.Xeromorphic structure,Lower water potential and turgor pressure limit cell division and expansion,which restrict gas exchange and carbon assimilation capability.However,respiration consumption increases with the spread of tree crown.Shortage of nutrient limits carbon investigation on new leave growth and may ultimately limit tree growth.Thus,the main limitation of tree height is water.


更多网络解释与旱生型的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cycas revolute:苏铁

常见的苏铁(Cycas revolute)作为观赏植物栽培;国产全部苏铁属植物均为保护对象. 松柏植物(Coniferae) 包含了大多数的裸子植物,是地球南北温带大面积森林的主要树种. 多为常绿乔木,单轴分枝,有长短枝之分:叶多为针形,或条形,气孔旱生型,


xenon stroke light 氙频闪灯 | xeromorphic 旱生型的 | xylene 二甲苯

xerophytic leaves:干生叶

耐旱性的 xerophytic | 干生叶 xerophytic leaves | 旱生根着型 xero-radicantia