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Rough Teutonic crossbreed -american should roll out!
Of or relating to any of the Germanic peoples or languages.
The occasional Damara and Herero homesteads bear no trace of the Germanic penchant for order; they are tiny mean huts cobbled together from sheet metal, elephant dung, car doors, truck canopies, straw and whatever else is at hand.
From the invasions of Germanic people and the fall of the Roman Empire to the disintegration of the Charlemagne Empire in ninth century and the Norman conquest of Britain in eleventh century, in the Barbarian kingdoms, these tribal laws were sometimes set down in writing: these were the leges barbarian.
作为在世界法律史上占据重要地位的日耳曼法,主要是指形成于日耳曼民族大迁徙、侵入罗马帝国境内并各自建立自己的王国之后,至 9世纪欧洲大陆查理曼帝国的解体、11 世纪不列颠被诺曼人征服时为止的日耳曼人的法律。
From the early 5th century Suvi Meeting people, Vandals and Alans formed a loose coalition of the beginning of large-scale invasion of the Roman Empire, the Germanic people of the wave of the invasion of the Roman Empire until the beginning of the 8th century.
Thereafter, Avars, Bulgars, Germans, and Slavs settled the region.
Of,relatiNg to,or beiNg the iNflectioN of NouNs or adjectives iN GermaNic laNguages with a decleNsioNal suffix that historically coNtaiNed aN N.
The Greeks then passed the sack, as it were, to the Latin-speaking Romans, who transmitted their word saccus,"a large bag or sack," to the Germanic tribes with whom they traded, who gave it the form .sakkiz (other peoples as well have taken this word from Greek or Latin, including speakers of Welsh, Russian, Polish, and Albanian).
希腊人于是又把这个词传到说拉丁语的罗马人中,罗马人把他们的词saccus传给与他们做贸易的日耳曼人部落,他们用 Sakkiz 这种形式(其他民族也从希腊语或拉丁语中得到这个词,其中包括说威尔士语、俄语、波兰语和阿尔巴尼亚语的人们)。
Indeed, recent immigrants to the United States are more patriotic toward their new home than long-settled Britons toward the United Kingdom, French toward France, or Germans toward Germany.
In fact, even the cultural similarities between the various European countries there are considerable cultural differences, Germanic people Gauls, Kay and special people, Slavs in dealing with the same thing, we will have a different attitude.
- 更多网络解释与日耳曼人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
长期以来,当地的条顿族和斯拉夫族(SLAV)彼此对立,在波希米亚,这两族人民就分别以日耳曼人和捷克人(CZECH)为代表. 胡司用捷克文讲道及写作,结果他所引起的宗教运动,演变成政治浪潮,日耳曼人转而拥护罗马天主教,而捷克人则支持胡司的见解.
glutton 贪吃者,暴食者 | Teuton 条顿人,日耳曼人,德国人 | Saxon 撒克逊人,英格兰人
Teuton:条顿人, 德国人, 日耳曼人 (名)
tetter 湿疹, 皮肤病, 皮疹 (名) | Teuton 条顿人, 德国人, 日耳曼人 (名) | Texas Rangers 德克萨斯巡逻队, 美国德克萨斯州骑马的特殊警察部队; 美国德克萨斯州的棒球队
Teuton 日耳曼人 | Teutonic 日耳曼的 | Teutonism 条顿风尚
Teuton /条顿人/日耳曼人/德国人/ | Teutonic /条顿人/条顿语的/日耳曼的/条顿语/日耳曼语/ | Teutonism /条顿主义/条顿语风/
①醋水(posca)是一种常见的民间饮料. ②迦勒底人(Chaldaei)是古代广为流传的给占星术士和巫师的绰号. ③卡狄人(Chatti)是日耳曼人的一个部落. 关于日耳曼妇女的先见之明,塔西佗也有描写,参见<<日耳曼尼亚志>>,8.
国内,军事混乱、皇权衰落;国外,波斯人、日耳曼人(Germans)挤兑得它没处藏没处躲. 欧洲的君主一般都御驾亲征,不是他们喜欢御驾亲征,这已经成了传统,你不亲自去,大臣们不愿意啊. 国力强盛的时候,御驾亲征没问题. 现在国力不行了,
The Vandals:汪达尔人
公元439年,汪达尔人(the Vandals)在北非的迦太基建立汪达尔王国,是为汪达尔人的鼎盛时期. 在这个时刻,作为日耳曼人一支的汪达尔人也无疑处在其发展的转捩点,人们不禁要问:汪达尔人从哪里来,又要走向何处?据考古发掘与历史研究,