英语人>词典>汉英 : 日常的 的英文翻译,例句
日常的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
daily  ·  everyday  ·  routine  ·  dailies

更多网络例句与日常的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Aesthetics and daily life inosculate with each other.The freedom,joy and chubbiness of life spread in the real daily life.


Using the network communication foundation and the advanced computer technology, construct set of securities, is reliable, open, the highly effective information network and the office automation, the information management electron system, may provide modernized for the hospital administration department the daily work condition and the rich comprehensive information service, realizes the daily work business to process the automation, enhances the office efficiency and the management level, realizes the hospital administration various departments daily office work standardization, the electron, the standardization, enhancement file department file the and so on copy clerk file, dossier, science and technology file, financial file manageability, realizes the information on-line inquiry, borrows.


MIYAKE Genro plays on eerie phantoms of quotidian subject matters and magnifies them into the mixture of the quotidian and the non-quotidian.


Plaque needs to be removed through a daily oral care routine which includes brushing and flossing or the plaque will harden into tartar.


The use of horticultural perlite in stadium soil at St.


Under the agreement, the PCC will handle the day-to-day administration of grant applications and financial support on behalf of the Stationers' Foundation, the charity arm of the Stationers' Livery Company.


In her artistic digging focused on satires of everyday human nature, her gazing at ontic female in the level of everyday life brings forth her particular female diction.


Maybe daydream is necessary in our everyday life. Mo Junfeng describes the secret of our everyday life of this time veraciously. Our desires are exposed but still oppressed. The angst from the oppress only have to show through daydream. So the scene in daydream exceeds the reality of everyday life a lot.


Because he is not avoiding the trivial daily into poetry, some life "intact" embedded poem, such as brushing teeth, conjee, harvesting yield.


After the incident, Mr Joseph Lau of Chinese Estates is also general meeting in public that "more than a group of institutional investors after more than a request","While institutional investors did not affect the day-to-day operation of the Group, has been asking companies to make the invisible Pressure."


更多网络解释与日常的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accessorize,everyday attire:配件,日常的装束

stretch fabrics-one size fits all拉伸织物-人人都适合一种尺寸 | accessorize,everyday attire配件,日常的装束 | SIGNATURE DESIGN签名设计

daily clash:日常的冲突

22.be rooted in... 根源在于 | 23.daily clash 日常的冲突 | 24.world view 世界观

Retractable thermoprobe:例行的、日常的

Retract 转子 | Retractable thermoprobe 例行的、日常的 | Retrieval 日常检查、日常检测

She watches everyday English on TV after dinner:她晚饭后在电视上看日常英语

2. everyday 作定语,译为"日常的". | She watches everyday English on TV after dinner.她晚饭后在电视上看日常英语. | What's your everyday activity?你的日常活动是什么?

workaday: a.1:日常的,工作的 2.平凡的,平淡无奇的

serve: v.适合(特定的用途或目的),满足,符合(要求、愿望) | workaday: a.1.日常的,工作的 2.平凡的,平淡无奇的 | the shakers: n.(美国宗教)震颤派

No, we begin by coveting what we see every day:我们看见日常的东西就开始贪图

No, we just...|不是,我们只是... | No, we begin by coveting what we see every day.|我们看见日常的东西就开始贪图 | Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice?|你可有感到一些眼睛在盯着你?

daily skirmishes:平日的小摩擦;日常的小冲突

35. the seven-year itch 七年之痒(据认为结婚七年后会有喜新厌旧之感) | 36. daily skirmishes 平日的小摩擦;日常的小冲突 | 37. produce a sense of... 产生......的感觉

then the obvious, then check their zits in the mirror:然后日常的 就是对着镜子检查他们的青春痘

Wake up, go to the bathroom... | then the obvious, then check their zits in the mirror.|然后日常的 就是对着镜子检查他们的青春痘 | - Do they both use the same acne cream? - Because acne cream contains l...

everyday pastimes:日常的娱乐活动

1.lay the roots for... 为......奠定基础 | 2.everyday pastimes 日常的娱乐活动 | 3.electronic spying 电子间谍


在50年前,MarcelDuchamp宣布他所谓"现成的"(ReadyMade)日常用品事物,是一种艺术. 为的是要使人睁大眼睛,发现我们身边习以为常的日常事物的本来的美和它们在美学上的价值,如小便器这种东西,如果人们忽略其日常的功能,将其放进艺术博物馆,