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无韵诗 的英文翻译、例句


blank verse
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She wrote most of her poetry in blank verse .


It was in blank verse that she sang.


Shakespeare developed this feature, and also the potential of blank verse for abrupt and irregular speech.


However, Shakespearean blank verse was used with some success by John Webster and Thomas Middleton in their plays.

但是,莎士比亚的无韵诗被用来取得了一些成功的人John Webster和托马斯米德尔顿的发挥。

Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse .


After Milton, blank verse went out of fashion and for a century and a half the favored verse form in English was that of couplets.


Robert Frost once said that his poem "The Gift Outright" is "a history of the United States in a dozen lines of blank verse."


Christopher Marlowe was the first English author to make full use of the potential of blank verse, and also established it as the dominant verse form for English drama in the age of Elizabeth I and James I. The major achievements in English blank verse were made by William Shakespeare, who wrote much of the content of his plays in unrhymed iambic pentameter, and Milton, whose Paradise Lost is written in blank verse.


Blank verse: Verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter.


He used to utilize concise language and plain poetic form: vocabulary in his poems is mainly informal, and most of them belong to monosyllables; on syntax, Frost mainly adopts normal, prosaic lingual orders and strict and orthodox grammars; on the poetic form, he often writes traditional blank verse, sonnet and pays more attention to the phonetic natural rhythm, lines' musical effect and the relations between sound and meaning, which form his unostentatious artistic style.


更多网络解释与无韵诗相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blank verse:无韵诗

这是因为莎士比亚的剧本很多时候不是用白话文写成的,而是一种叫无韵诗(blank verse)的诗体. 这使得演员的表演很多时候是在朗诵诗,而观众是在听诗,而不是听生活般的对话. 这很类似我们去看传统戏曲的经验:若是没有一定程度的熟悉,

blank verse:无韵五节格

比如英国批评家约翰逊博土只喜欢听"联韵"诗(heroic couplet)而不能欣赏弥尔顿的"无韵五节格"(blank verse)便是"音聋"的好例. "音聋"有起于先天的,有起于种族差别的,也有起于习惯与修养的. 中国人读外国诗,或是英国人读法国诗,

blank verse:无韵体诗

作为英国戏剧的先驱,"大学才子"(University Wits)中最才华横溢的一员,马洛(Christopher Marlowe)出色地完成了完善无韵体诗(blank verse)的历史使命,使其成为以后英国戏剧的主要载体;他还独创了文艺复兴时期英国戏剧全新的男主人公形象--有个性、有抱负,

Heroic couplet:互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的两行诗

Stanza 诗节 | Heroic couplet 互相押韵的含有五个抑扬音步的两行诗 | Blank verse 无韵诗

Measure for measure:请君入瓮

通过对莎剧>(Measure for Measure)几种译本的无韵诗译文对比分析,发现英若诚先生的译本再现了莎剧无韵诗既充满生活气息又高度艺术化的特点,既满足了舞台演出的需要,又照顾到了观众的感受.


消除细纹:向日葵生长素萃取物消除眼部周围肌肤的松弛及细纹 滋润:海藻萃取精華提供眼部周圍最脆弱的部位充分的滋潤 清盈无油脂配方能即舒緩、柔軟眼部肌肤,让男士的双眼更明亮有神. 娇韵诗专利植物萃取: 野牛草(Bison Grass)和 南姜(Chinese Galanga):活化肌肤 马齿苋(Purslane) :调和和净化的功能


rhymeless 无韵的 | rhymer 作诗者 | rhymester 作诗者




rhyme-scheme 押韵格式 | rhymeless 无韵的 | rhymer 作诗者