英语人>词典>汉英 : 无误差 的英文翻译,例句
无误差 的英文翻译、例句


error free
更多网络例句与无误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And then some ellipses that AUGR estimator is better than the OLS estimator and AUGL estimator is better than the OLS estimator are given, respectively.Second, the definition of the almost unbiased unified biased estimator is proposed. This definition includes the familiar almost unbiased estimators in literatures, and it is the unified expression of the familiar almost unbiased estimators. Followed the biased and variance are compared of AUUB estimator and the unified biased estimator, respectively. AUUB estimator has smaller bias than UB estimator and the variance of AUUB estimator is between the variance of UB estimator and 4 times of the variance of UB estimator. Finally the properties of AUUB estimator are discussed. The conclusion is gained that there are parameters made AUUB estimator is better than OLS estimator in terms of their mean square error. The sufficient and necessary condition that AUUB estimator is admissible is given. The ellipse is given that AUUB estimator is


Then , aiming at characteristic of MCG data , we design the object of error analysis and make concrete analysis by error theory . We draw the conclusions that MCG signals measured by SQUID include obvious random errors and no system errors and crassitude errors .


In this paper the effects of scanning truncation error, scanning position error, random amplitude and phase error, and multiple-reflection error in near-field antenna measurement are analyzed; error equations and the uncertainty of measurement are obtained through computer simulation; compensated techniques for reducing the effects of measurement errors in near-field antenna measurement are presented and the formula and arithmetic of phaseless near-field techniques are derived.


The First Law of Thermodynamics is stated as follows: Matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed.


With the train speed increasing, it's required for the motorman to drive according to the direction of cab-signal, rather than the ground signal. It demands a hundred percent preciseness of the reliability while the cab-signal working.


In this paper,we discuss an application of wireless communication based on microwave guide in the signal transmission in quayside container cranes with a throughput of at least 100 Mbit/s with interference-resistance.

基于微波波导的无线通讯方法在码头岸边集装箱装卸桥信号传输中的应用,并能提供超过100 Mbit/s的通讯速率,具有强抗干扰性,能满足岸桥对于无误差高速通信的要求,对于岸桥监控信号传输提供了一种新的选择

Results The accuracy of discrimiˉnating method in Group B was better than that in Group A;the method of observing the distances and papillas was not error to discriminate the sex of nepionic rat.

结果 B组鉴别法相对于A组准确度高,D组以距离再结合乳头观察的方法来鉴别乳鼠的性别无误差产生。

Gyro compass 032, Error nil. Fixed position by 2 distant objects. Lat 20 degrees 50 minutes, Long 124 degrees 15 minutes, log 458'averge speed decreased to 11.8 knots.


A terminal sliding mode control method was researched as to the problem of electric steering engine requiring position tracking with zerro-error during limited time.


Among routine three impulse control system, because reason of " false liquid location" make steam load rise and drop dynamic characteristic when curve asymmetric, degeneration, can't ask out the accurate mathematics model when and there are the systematic parameters, can't design the accurate feedforward controller either, can only realize the static feedforward , can realize that there is not error in the stable state , but does not control dynamic performance well.


更多网络解释与无误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Error Detecting System:误差检测系统

error-detecting routine 误差检测程序 | error-detecting system 误差检测系统 | error-free maintenance 无误差维护

random disturbance:无规干扰

无规分布,随机分布 random distribution | 无规干扰 random disturbance | 无规误差,随机误差 random error

error variance:误差变量

error time 误差时间 | error variance 误差变量 | errorless discrimination 无错辨别

unbiased estimator:无偏估计值

误差传递 error prpagation | 无偏估计值 unbiased estimator | 系统误差 systemic error

error measuring device:测误器

误差信号 Error signal | 测误器 Error-measuring device | 无误差及无起伏系统 Errorless and rippleless

error, probable:可能误差

error, parity 奇偶错误 | error, probable 可能误差 | error, random 无规误差

residual errors:剩余误差无忧雅思网

residual 剩余的 | residual errors 剩余误差无忧雅思网4XU jbD pd | residual matrix 剩余阵无忧雅思网+tu7{-^:D

unsystematic error:非系统误差

unsystematic engineering 无系统工程 | unsystematic error 非系统误差 | unsystematic measurement errors 非系统测量误差

Errorless and rippleless:无误差及无起伏系统

测误器 Error-measuring device | 无误差及无起伏系统 Errorless and rippleless | 江崎二极体 Esaki diode

errorless and rippleless system:无误差及无起伏系统

无误密码 error-free coding | 无误差及无起伏系统 errorless and rippleless system | 测误器 error-measuring device