英语人>词典>汉英 : 无舌的 的英文翻译,例句
无舌的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aglossal  ·  aglossate

更多网络例句与无舌的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The static shape of tongue after reconstruction with submentalental island flap were acceptable. the dynamic function such as movement, speech and swallowing, were all well reformed. cheek mucosity were velvet and has no plump or overstaffed . 4 patients were all given radiotherapy after operation.the figuration and function of tissue defect region,that reconstructed, had no obviously change after radiotherapy.


Different responses of seed germination physiology in mung bean and common vetch towards Cd2+ treatment were conducted with an experiment.


Methods Twenty-three cases of OSAS patients proved by polysomnography were examined with MRI. The cross-sectional area of retropalatal region, retroglossal region, epiglottal region and the lateral parapharyngeal fat pad of RP region was calculated. The thickness of bilateral and posterior pharyngeal wall and other indices were also measured. 30 nonsnoring age-matched normal subjects were selected as the control group. 15 patients underwent turbo field echo T1-weighted imaging during sleep. The images of RP, RG, and EPG were analyzed. Results In oSAS group, the cross sectional area of RP and RG regions was smaller than that of the control group.

应用MRI对23例经多导睡眠监测(polysomnography, pSG)确诊的OSAS患者及30例无打鼾的健康成人进行上气道检查,于轴面图像测量软腭后区(retropalatal region, RP区)、舌根后区(retroglossal region, RG区)和会厌区(epiglottal region, EPG区)的气道截面积,各区前后、左右径及其比值,各区咽侧壁、咽后壁软组织厚度,RP区咽旁间隙(lateral parapharyngeal fat pad,LPFP)截面积,于正中矢状面图像测量软腭厚度、长度及截面积,对两组各项检查指标进行统计学分析。

Death is drawn to sound like a sliper without a foot,a suit without its wearer, comes to knock with a ring,stoneless and fingerless, comes to shout without a mouth,a tongue,without a throat.


Stamens equal to or 2 × as many as petals, inserted in lateral pits on disk or at base of disk; filaments distinct, linear, with or without adaxial ligulate appendage at base; anthers longitudinally dehiscent.


Look for active bass chasing baitfish onto the shallow ends of the points and bars and fish fast-moving baits that can work well around current, such as a lipless crankbait.


Methods: One hundred patients with OSAHS were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups: the stricture group (24 cases) and the nonstricture group (76 cases). The dimension of the lingual region airway, the thickness of the retropharyngeal and the lateral pharyngeal tissue, and the width and length of the tongue were determined.

对经多导睡眠监测系统(polysomnography, PSG)确诊的100例OSAHS患者,采用螺旋CT行上呼吸道连续扫描,测量舌后区呼吸道横截面积,对存在舌后区呼吸道狭窄(24例)和无舌后区呼吸道狭窄(76例)的两组患者进行对比研究。

Results: There was no difference of age, BMI, AHI and pulse oxygen between the stricture group and the nonstricture group. The coronal and the arrow diameters of the stricture group were less than those of the nonstricture group. The thickness of the retropharyngeal and lateral pharyngeal wall, and the width and length of the tongue of the stricture group were larger than those of the nonstricture group.


If requested, the first and last plank can have visible veneered edges, without tongue or groove, finished to match the face of the plank.


Happy is the lover that hath inhaled the divine fragrance of his Best-Beloved from these words, laden with the perfume of a grace which no tongue can describe.


更多网络解释与无舌的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aglossia 无舌 | aglow 通红的 | agminate 成群的



glossopharyngeal neuralgia:舌咽神经痛

舌咽神经痛(glossopharyngeal neuralgia)是一种少见的痛性抽搐,好发于40岁以上的成人,无性别差异. 本病确切病因尚不清楚. 25%的舌咽神经痛伴有桥小脑角或鼻咽部肿瘤. 其他的原因有颈部弹片伤、椎动脉硬化、椎动脉动脉瘤、残留舌下动脉等血管病变以及蛛网膜炎、茎突过长、茎突舌骨韧带骨化等.


桡骨和尺骨、胫骨和腓骨分别愈合成桡尺骨(radioulna)及胫腓骨(tibiofibula). 变态明显,成体用肺呼吸,营水陆两栖生活. (一)盘舌蟾科(Discoglossidae)舌呈圆盘形,舌端无缺刻,舌的四周与口腔粘膜相连,不能伸出口外;仅上颌有齿;雄蟾无声囊.


agloat 踌躇满志 | aglossal 无舌的 | aglossia 无舌


aglossal 无舌的 | aglossia 无舌 | aglow 通红的


重舌目 (Diploglossata) 昆虫纲的1目. 本目昆虫又名鼠螋. 体小,扁平,口器咀嚼式、触角丝状多节,但不长. 无翅、无眼. 革翅目 (Dermaptera)前翅鞘质,极短而后端平截;腹端多具钳状尾铗. 俗称蠼螋. 全世界已知约1200种,中国已知70余种.


代表种类为鳗螈,或称泥鳗、土鳗(Siren lacertina)(一)盘舌蟾科(Discoglossidae)舌呈盘状,尖端不分叉,舌周围与口腔的粘膜相连,不能自由伸出,上颌有齿,下颌无齿.


ash cart 垃圾桶 | infrahyoid 舌骨下的 | equatorial calms 赤道无风带


爪蟾属(Xenopus)是脊索动物门、脊椎动物亚门、两栖纲、无尾目、负子蟾科的1属. 现有14种. 广泛分布于非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南. 它的形态特征:眼小,位于头背上方,无眼睑,无舌. 咽鼓管孔单个. 成体仍有侧线器官;体肥壮、流线型. 后肢粗壮,