英语人>词典>汉英 : 无脸的 的英文翻译,例句
无脸的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无脸的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The two children faced them, side by side, with eyes like stone and expressionless faces.


It was a face that seemed habitually silent and unspeaking, as though it could not speak if it would.


Designers at Inovaxion present the Woodstation:" human-sized French company, INOVAXION, and a high-quality Chinese factory, AEROTIME, When you get close to the WoodStation?, a movement sensor will detect you and will automatically the product's screen through the wood to give you information.… based on coloured luminous icons given through the wood screen and activated by a simple motion of the hand. In lighted mode, this powerful device will track fluctuations of barometric pressure, indoor relative temperature and indoor relative hygrometry data to provide you the weather forecast 12 to 24 hours in advance. The product also manages Hour, Calendar and Alarm clock functions. Big colored icons show sunny - partly cloudy - cloudy - rainy / snowy and stormy. Hour, Calendar, and Alarm clock are shown in red. This practical and useful product is suitable for both A/C Adaptor and batteries, which gives you the option to show it everywhere."


Illusionist No-Face, for instance, is a magician who can instantly shift appearances.


He looked at the childrens' impassive faces, wondering what they were thinking.


A face lacking any interpretable expression,as that of an expert poker player.


Chip and modular group are the component of two big core of TV,' letter core ' ended occupation of Chinese color television ' be short of core ' the history, we hope to make good model group, change color television job thereby ' without the face ' the current situation.


This handsome peerless face, you like it there --!


His cheeks were unlined; his unseamed face.


Wretched of the smiling black beard, white beard no such helplessness, knife Kanxiang black beard, said that the Navy wanted me Banzhang Lian, I have killed a great general, today I use the other side of the face to your life, black beard Shemale subordinates bomb away with the chest that Daoqi, black-bearded giant Ka Buda men shot, but was stopped Kapur, saying that the child you are rusty in prison, and let me do you, audience shocked, card Poor's anger into energy and a punch in the Ka Buda's eyes, eyes fell initially, but soon black-bearded men of the magician-based bar bang is heard, Ka Buda has sprouted eyes, black beard, a sinister smile.


更多网络解释与无脸的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


deadlock /僵/僵局/停顿/相持不下/ | deadness /死/死一样的状态/无生气/ | deadpan /无表情的脸/无表情的/无表情地说/


一参观者在史蒂夫.麦奎因的作品>(Deadpan)前陷入沉思在当代艺术界具有相当影响的特纳展已经走过了23个年头. 日前,位于伦敦的泰特英国美术馆正在举办特纳奖往年获奖者的回顾展. 多年来特纳奖已成为艺术圈中历年不变的固定话题.


deaden-------"呆等"-----失去活力,减弱 | deadpan------"呆的"---------无表情的脸 | dart-------------"打他"-----------飞标

faceless politicians:而去找那些没名没姓 无头无脸的政治家

because I wasn't consulted when the goddamn laws ... | No, instead, nameless, faceless politicians,|而去找那些没名没姓 无头无脸的政治家 | the so-called protectors of the moral majority decide what is r...

smooth-faced:滑面的; 无胡须的; 胡须修得干净的; 平易近人的

smooth over 消除; 掩饰 | smooth-faced 滑面的; 无胡须的; 胡须修得干净的; 平易近人的 | smooth-shaven 不留胡须的; 脸刮得干净的

smooth-shaven:不留胡须的; 脸刮得干净的

smooth-faced 滑面的; 无胡须的; 胡须修得干净的; 平易近人的 | smooth-shaven 不留胡须的; 脸刮得干净的 | smooth-tongued 油嘴滑舌的, 花言巧语的


barbarity: 暴行 | bareback: 无马鞍的 | barefaced: 不要脸的

lidded:有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形)

lid 盖子; 眼睑; 限制 (名) | lidded 有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形) | lidless 无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形)

lidless:无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形)

lidded 有盖的, 加盖的; 有...眼睑的 (形) | lidless 无盖的; 注视着; 无眼脸的 (形) | lido 海滨浴场; 露天游泳池; 海滨游乐场 (名)

bald-faced:脸白的, 脸上有白斑的, 无掩饰的, 赤裸裸的

foot brake rod 脚踏闸杆 | bald-faced 脸白的, 脸上有白斑的, 无掩饰的, 赤裸裸的 | fertilizer apparatus 排肥器