- 更多网络例句与无碳的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Is a company specializing in the production of carbonless private enterprises.
A percentage of carbonless paper is allowable.
By comparative analysis of applicability, we concluded that the microcapsule from sodium alginate used in carbonless copy paper had the same advantages as domestic and foreign抯 in the characteristic of use, stableness and the speed of color development and so on.
Each part carbonless copy paper are very thin, prone to feed or heap paper error, or due to temperature factors with sensory melting of paper media, so a lot of business card printing carbonless copy paper prior to spare change and maintain condition evaluation.
Based on the discussion of the effect of the refractories on clean steel making, it is concluded that alkali refractories can reduce oxygen and sulfur contents, carbonless or low carbon refractories can suppress carbon pick up of steel; The antihydration property of magnesia calcium system can be improved by surface treatment.
In order to adopt the actual situation of manufacturing with domestic original material and operating level,the first national 1760mm model special coater for carbonless copy paper has been developed,researched and maded.It can reduce the cost of the project investment and save foreign currency.
The reason for the fail of carbon nitride synthesis was analysed and relevant graphitoid carbon nitride and unformed carbon nitride s were introduced in the article.
The austenites without and with C and metallicalloying elements are found in the alloy as solid solution treated state. While the martensiteswithout and with C and alloying elements may be induced by cold deformation.
Iron and steel materials to apply a wide range of reasons, first of all, the ingredients can be used to span, and from close to non-carbon content of pure iron to about 4% of cast iron, alloy, in this context, the phase structure and microstructure are great change; In addition, a variety of thermal processing is to process, in particular, metal heat treatment technology, a substantial change in composition and properties of alloys.
The carbon dioxide produces the main way is fossil fuel massive burning, now mainly through enhances the fossil fuel the energy use factor, the use low-carbon or the non-carbon emerging energy took the fossil fuel the substitute, as well as the carbon dioxide collection and the storage realize the carbon dioxide to reduce the platoon.
- 更多网络解释与无碳的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
tungsten carbide:碳化钨
旋转接头产品内的零件中,连接密封件装置是采用石墨碳精(graphite gas carbon)、碳化硅(silicon carbide)、碳化钨(tungsten carbide)陶瓷(ceramic)等 特殊耐磨、耐热、耐腐蚀材质,经过精密加工组装后达到品质好、寿命长且无泄漏的旋转接头,
无预热时此已熔但未混合区冷却很快,脆性的碳化铁体(Cementite)和裂纹敏感性高的马氏体就会由游离态的碳来形成. 这里应该提到的是限制硅钼球墨铸铁中珠光体含量的原因之一,就是为了减少这种参与在焊接时在已熔但未混合区中形成渗碳体和马氏体的碳的总量.
乙烷的分子结构示意图 乙烷(ethane) 烷烃同系列中第二个成员,为最简单的含碳-碳单的烃. 分子式CH3CH3. 乙烷在某些天然气中的含量为5%~10%,仅次于甲烷;并以溶解状态存在于石油中. 物理性质 乙烷是无色无臭的易燃气体 . 熔点-183.3℃,
uncombined carbon 游离碳 | uncombined 未结合的;游离的 | uncommercial 无工业价值的
uncombined carbon游离碳 | unconfined无约束(限制)的、自由(松散)的 | unconsolidated未固结的、松散的
unglazed 未上釉的;无光的 | ungraded 劣质的;不标准的;次品的 | ungraphitised carbon 非石墨化碳
S Carbonless Treated Ledger:无碳可复写账簿纸
26-S Unsorted Tabulating Cards 未经拣选的表格卡纸 | 27-S Carbonless Treated Ledger 无碳可复写账簿纸 | 28-S Colored Tabulating Cards 彩色表格卡纸
主要含二十碳戊烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳已烯酸(DHA). 其降低血脂的作用机理尚不十分清楚,可能与抑制肝脏合成VLDL有. 鱼油制剂仅有轻度降低TG和稍升高HDL-C的作用,对TC和LDL-C无影响. 主要用于高甘油三酯血症. 常见副作用为鱼腥味所致的恶心,
Maraging Steel:马氏体时效钢
[简介]马氏体时效钢(maraging steel)以无碳(或 微碳)马氏体为基体的,时效时能产生金属间化合物沉淀硬化的超高强度钢. 与传统高强度钢不同,它不用碳 而靠金属间化合物的弥散析出来强化. 这使其具有一 些独特的性能:高强韧性,低硬化指数,