英语人>词典>汉英 : 无瓣的 的英文翻译,例句
无瓣的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
avalvular  ·  petalless  ·  evalvate

更多网络例句与无瓣的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Posterior filaments edentate at base.


Similar tree topologies were recovered by both MP and ML trees generated based on unweighted analysis using PAUP*. The Eublepharidae and Gekkonidae were monophyletic.


The main results were showed as follows:Through screen and identification of morphology in M_2 and M_3, respectively, the mutants with mutative traits of plant were found. In which, 11 mutations were leaf variations, including light-green leaf, deep-green leaf, durative yellowish leaf, temporary yellowish leaf, inlaid yellowish leaf, wrinkly leaf, smooth-edged curly leaf, splitting-shaped curly leaf, peduncular-shaped leaf, round leaf and larger leaf, 12 were mutations on plant type, including excessive branches, lacking branches, highness, dwarf-like, erect posture, reclinate posture, strong stalk, slender stalk, tufty branches, wrinkled plant, purple stalk and hair-covered plant, 14 were flower variations, including dense flowers, light-yellow petals, white petals, white-mosaic petals, wrinkled petales, back-rolled petals, narrow petals, larger petals, smaller petals, apetalous flowers, variable-numbered petals, fertile pistil protraction, sterile pistil protraction and multi-anther, and 5 were physiologic mutants, including genic male sterile, cytoplasmic male sterile, bud-dead, and early and later bloom.


Perennial of the eastern United States having early solitary yellow flowers followed by late petalless flowers; so-called because ice crystals form on it during first frosts.


It shows that where Sonneratia apetala is planted in the tidal flat with Spartina alterniflora and its biomass is lower than the biomass of Spartina alterniflo...


Taking the rehabilitation of the mangrove forest in Qi'ao Island lying near the outlet of Pearl River as an example and resorting to the growth models for large-size wetland plants,the paper quantitatively analyzes the competitive relation between Sonneratia apetala,a foreign species,and Spartina alterniflora by prefabricating three different designs.


Methods The clinical data and follow-up results of 17 patients with congenital absence of vagina, who were treated by vaginoplasty with labia minora flap and vaginal vestibular flap graft in our department from 1985 to 2004, were summed up and analyzed.


During operation, an intranasal and marginal combining incision was made to expl ore the alar cartilages and to from a mucosal-cartilage flap in the nasal vest ibule. After the deformity of septal cartilage and the abnormalities of the alar base on the cleft side were repaired, the total alar cartilage was repositioned and rotated with suspension and V-Y advancement to correct the nasal deformiti es. Results Since 1993, a total of 92 cases were treated by the above p rocedure and satisfactory results were obtained.


However, mechanical prosthetic valve has poor biocompatibility, and biological valve is easy to degrade and to be damaged. People have studied a new material to make valve. Giant molecule materials-made no-stent bio-mitral valve with chordae tendineae is similar to normal valve.


Corolla usually purple, red, or white, rarely yellow; tube decurved basally; galea toothless, beakless.


更多网络解释与无瓣的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"孔口;(气孔的)开口","aperture ; pore" | "无瓣花类","Apetalae" | "无花瓣的","apetalous"


aperture 孔径 | apetalous 无瓣的 | apetalous flower 无瓣花


apetalae 无(花)瓣植物 | apetalous 无(花)瓣的,单(花)被性 | aphantobiont 超视微粒

apetalous flower:无瓣花

apetalous 无瓣的 | apetalous flower 无瓣花 | apex 顶点


avalvate stage | 无板期(甲藻) | avalvular | 无瓣的 | avant-courier | 先驱, 前卫, 先锋


roll shop building 轧辊加工间, 轧辊间 | clawless (花)无(瓣)爪的 | outline projector 轮廓投影仪


无流动资金的illiquid | 无龙骨瓣的keelless | 无龙骨的keelless


keelhaul /使爬进船底/严责/ | keelless /无龙骨的/无龙骨瓣的/无龙骨突起的/ | keelson /内龙骨/


petal 花瓣 | petalless 无瓣的 | petiole 叶柄


valved /装有阀/ | valveless /无瓣的/ | valvelet /小阀/