英语人>词典>汉英 : 无瑕疵地 的英文翻译,例句
无瑕疵地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
perfectly  ·  impeccably

更多网络例句与无瑕疵地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's one of the bright red beak and pliancy carding a defect free white feathers, feathers because of the sunlight shining become glittering.


You slightly fear that the building, otherwise not so immaculately detailed and designed, might gradually begin to resemble a tatty old Dutch space station.


For lifts in triples battery cabin:straight joint panels or stainless decorated at the choice of MDO cabin and landing doors :stainless with graining of the STB initials of the landing door at the level of GF floor:in granite or in similar colour at the choice of MDO false ceiling:in stainless steel with decorated luminous lattice plaint:in stainless steel on the three sides inside panel:mirror on all the height of the cabin up to current hand fou the management lift cabin:panels in noble woodand moldings colours at the choice of MDO

因为在三倍之数电池中的举起小屋:直的关节嵌板或无瑕疵的在 MDO 的选择装饰小屋和登陆门:无瑕疵的与登陆门的 STB 起始的漆木纹在 GF 的水平地错误的天花板:在不锈钢中以被装饰的发光格子悲叹:在这三边上的不锈钢中在嵌板内:在小屋的所有高度上的镜子决定于现在的手fou 管理举起小屋:在 MDO 的选择的在高贵的木材(acajou 或其他的)和成型颜色的嵌板板:在 MDO 的选择的花冈岩或相似的颜色中

更多网络解释与无瑕疵地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


perfectly /完全地/无瑕疵地/完整地/完美地/完美/ | perfectness /完全/精通/分毫不差/ | perfecto /两头尖的中型雪茄烟/

perfectness:完美 (名)

perfectly 完全地, 完整地, 无瑕疵地 (副) | perfectness 完美 (名) | perfecto 两头尖的雪茄烟 (名)

Flawlessly:完美无瑕地 (副)

flawless 无瑕疵的; 无裂缝的; 无缺点的 (形) | flawlessly 完美无瑕地 (副) | flax 亚麻; 亚麻织品; 麻布 (名)