英语人>词典>汉英 : 无环鸟苷 的英文翻译,例句
无环鸟苷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无环鸟苷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Review articles only; calretinin; fovea centralis; macula lutea; ora serrata; photoreceptors; rods; cones; optic tract; optic nerve; visual cortex; color vision; photoreception; opsin; rhodopsin; guanine nucleotide-binding protein; G protein-coupled receptors; ion channels (cyclic GMP-gated); guanylate cyclase; cyclic GMP; dark adaptation; visual pigments; polyenes; 11-cis-retinal; vitamin A; chromophores; arrestin; recoverin; phosducin; transducin; bipolar cells; retinal ganglion cells; retinal progenitor cells; amacrine cells; Mueller cells; light; retinogenesis; ommatidia; optic vesicles; retinitis pigmentosa; blindness; macular degeneration; blind spot; Mach bands; electroretinograms; binocular vision; visual acuity; vision; retina

唯一综述;钙网膜蛋白;中央凹;黄斑;锯齿缘;光感受器;杆状细胞;圆锥细胞;视束;视神经;直观皮层;色视觉;光感受;视蛋白;视紫质;鸟苷酸-结合蛋白;G蛋白-电偶受体;离子通道;鸟苷酸环化酶;环鸟苷酸;暗适应;视色素;多烯;11 - cis -视网膜;抗干眼醇;发色团;抑制蛋白;恢复蛋白;phosducin;转导蛋白;双极细胞;视网膜神经节细胞;视网膜祖细胞;无长突细胞;米勒细胞;光;retinogenesis;小眼;视泡;色素性视网膜炎;盲的黄斑变性;盲点;马赫带;视网膜电流图;双目视觉

Calretinin; fovea centralis; macula lutea; ora serrata; photoreceptors; rods; cones; optic tract; optic nerve; visual cortex; color vision; photoreception; opsin; rhodopsin; guanine nucleotide-binding protein; G protein-coupled receptors; ion channels (cyclic GMP-gated); guanylate cyclase; cyclic GMP; dark adaptation; visual pigments; polyenes; 11-cis-retinal; vitamin A; chromophores; arrestin; recoverin; phosducin; transducin; bipolar cells; retinal ganglion cells; retinal progenitor cells; amacrine cells; Mueller cells; light; retinogenesis; ommatidia; optic vesicles; retinitis pigmentosa; blindness; macular degeneration; blind spot; Mach bands; electroretinograms; binocular vision; visual acuity; vision; retina

光感受;视蛋白;视紫质;鸟苷酸-结合蛋白;G蛋白-电偶受体;离子通道;鸟苷酸环化酶;环鸟苷酸;暗适应;视色素;多烯;11 - cis -视网膜的;抗干眼醇;发色团;抑制蛋白;恢复蛋白;phosducin;转导蛋白;双极细胞;视网膜神经节细胞;视网膜祖细胞;无长突细胞;米勒细胞;光;retinogenesis;小眼;视泡;色素性视网膜炎;盲的;黄斑变性;盲点;马赫带;视网膜电流图;双目视觉;视敏度;视觉;视网膜

It may not without exception be mild to buy online acyclovir what items are really noble for you via looking at nutrition fact labels, but online fettle victuals stores often be experiencing away more details ready to consumers thither products such as haleness drinks.


Objective To evaluate the role of acyclovir in treatment and prevention of herpes simplex keratitis.


Glioma is still one of refractory disease in the neurosurgical field; the development of new primary and adjuvant treatment is vital. Recently, the gene therapy of glioma is developed rapidly and there are many methods about the gene therapy that include: suicide gene therapy, immunologic gene therapy, drug resistangce gene therapy, angiostatin gene therapy and so on. The sucide gene therapy is the most potential approach of antitumer, these nonmammalian genes encode enzyme that convert nontoxic prodrugs into highly toxic metablites. Cells transfected with suicide genes are targeted for specific negative selection, witch can be induced by administrtion of the corresponding produg. Among the enzyme/produg combinations, two of the best characterized system are herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase /ganciclovir and Escherichia coli cytosine deaminase /5-flourocytosine (5-FC). The formor can convert the antiviral nucleoside analogs acyclovir , ganciclovir to their nucleoside monophosphate derivatives, the monophosphate forms are subsequently phosphorylated by endogenus cellular kinases to triphosphates, these molecules are potent inhibitors of DNA synthesis.


This disease is important to recognize because there is an effective drug treatment, acyclovir.


He was treated empirically with acyclovir, and multiple blood and CSF cultures were negative.


In vivo gene therapy of ovarian cancer by adenovirus-mediated thymidine kinase gene transduction and ganciclovir administration.


更多网络解释与无环鸟苷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acyclic nucleotide:无环核苷酸

ACV无环鸟苷 | acyclic nucleotide无环核苷酸 | acyclovir无环鸟苷

Acta Stomatol Belg Acta Stoma-tologica Belgica:比利时口腔医学学报

Acta Odontol Venez Acta Odon-tologica Venezuelana 委内瑞拉牙医学报 | Acta Stomatol Belg Acta Stoma-tologica Belgica 比利时口腔医学学报 | ACV acyclovir 无环鸟苷


4)0.1%无环鸟苷(acyclovir)溶液或3%眼膏:抑制DNA病毒合成,为高效低毒性抗病毒药. 对单纯疱疹病毒感染的角膜炎有效,特别是深层角膜炎,疗效较好,每日4~6次. 5)0.01%环胞苷(cyclocytidine,CC)溶液:作用比碘甘油强,


治疗药物类别及常用药物 1、抗病毒剂 阿昔洛韦(Acyclovir) [别名]无环鸟苷 [作用与用途]本品为高效广谱抗病毒药,选择性抑制病毒复制,只在被单纯疱疹病毒感染的细胞中转变为三磷酸化合物,从而抑制病毒DNA聚合酶,阻止病毒DNA合成,


Hercules(希腊神话中的大力神) | acyclovir(抗病毒药无环鸟苷) | papula(丘疹)

Acyclovir Sodium:无环鸟苷钠

问荆草萃取物 Equisetum Arvense Extract Dry Conc. | 无环鸟苷钠 Acyclovir Sodium | 强的松龙 Prednisolone

ACV acyclovir:无环鸟苷

Acta Stomatol Belg Acta Stoma-tologica Belgica 比利时口腔医学学报 | ACV acyclovir 无环鸟苷 | ADA American Dental Associa-tion 美国牙科协会