英语人>词典>汉英 : 无法阻碍的 的英文翻译,例句
无法阻碍的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无法阻碍的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium,Tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium,And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium.


The skin on the cuticle cell respiration is carried out in the gap, but also through the cuticle, pores and sebaceous glands absorb water and nutrients, in the hot weather, sweat and oil secretions greatly increased, together with the air of dust, pores are particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of dirt, if unable to do a good job of deep cleaning work, dead skin cells would be unable to come off naturally, resulting in the skin surface area of thick, so not only can not make your skin smooth breathing, even hinder the absorption of skin care ingredients, direct affect the quality of the skin, so deep cleansing and exfoliating the effort will have to work.


That bodies should be lent us, while they can afford us pleasure, assist us in acquiring knowledge, or doing good to our fellow creatures, is a kind and benevolent act of God -- when they become unfit for these purposes and afford us pain rather than pleasure -- instead of an aid, become an incumbrance (=encumbrance)妨碍、阻碍、阻碍物、累赘 and answer none of the intentions for which they were given, it is equally kind and benevolent that a way is provided by which we may get rid of them.


If you do this, little things wonot inhibit your progress.Even big disappointments cannot squelch true enthusiasm.


It was proposed in the 1960's and developed rapidly in the 1990's. However, some theory problems, for example, the fluid dynamics and mass transfer during the filling up period which could not be dealt with in conventional distillation theories has been remained unstudied. And the simulation and mathematical models have to be made based on some assumptions, which are different from the actual situation obviously. Therefore the further development of DACO was restrained in the past years.


TABLE 7-4:OUTLANDS EFFECTS ON SPELLS AND ABILITIES Distance form Spire Impeded Spells Limited Spells Other Effects 1,200 mi. None None None 1,100 mi. 9th None None 1,000 mi. 8th-9th None None 900 mi. 7th-9th 9th All creatures gain immunity to poison 800 mi. 6th-9th 8th-9th Psionic spell -like abilities don't function 700 mi. 5th-9th 7th-9th Positive and negative energy can't be channeled 600 mi. 4th-9th 6th-9th Supernatural abilities don't function 500 mi. 3rd-9th 5th-9th Access to the Astral Plane prohibited 400 mi. 2nd-9th 4th-9th Divine powers of demideity rank and lower annulled 300 mi. All 3rd-9th Divine powers of lesser rank and lower annulled 200 mi. All 2nd-9th Divine powers of intermediate rank and lower annulled 100 mi.

表 7-4:在外域上法术及能力的效果距离无极尖峰的距离阻碍法术限制魔法其它效果 1200英哩无无无 1100英哩 9级无无 1000英哩 8级-9级无无 900英哩 7级-9级 9级所有生物获得对毒素免疫能力 800英哩 6级-9级 8级-9级心灵类法术能力无效化 700英哩 5级-9级 7级-9级正能量和负能量无法进入 600英哩 4级-9级 6级-9级超自然能力无效化 500英哩 3级-9级 5级-9级无法接触星界位面 400英哩 2级-9级 4级-9级半神及以下等级神力被取消 300英哩所有 3级-9级微弱及以下等级神力被取消 200英哩所有 2级-9级中等及以下等级神力被取消 100英哩所有所有所有等级的神力被取消

In the model of intersection, the instruments had to be levelled and orientated relatively by aiming at mutually. Because levelling is manual and there is no mark of theodolite′s center which can be aimed at, the error of the common method of self-locating is too big to be allowed for precisional indus trial measuring.


Above them, the newly installed pipe is an impenetrable obstacle that separates Michael from his brother. T-Bag slowly saunters towards Michael, spinning a shiv in his right hand.


England went ahead through an absolutely fantastic goal by Joe Cole. He chested the ball before sending a looping, textbook volley in off the top of the post from 25 metres out, with Isaksson only managing to get his fingertips to it.


The skin on the cuticle cell respiration is carried out in the gap, but also through the cuticle, pores and sebaceous glands absorb water and nutrients, in the hot weather, sweat and oil secretions greatly increased, together with the air of dust, pores are particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of dirt, if unable to do a good job of deep cleaning work, dead skin cells would be unable to come off naturally, resulting in the skin surface area of thick, so not only can not make your skin smooth breathing, even hinder the absorption of skin care ingredients, direct affect the quality of the skin, so deep cleansing and exfoliating the effort will have to work.


更多网络解释与无法阻碍的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


由於分子本身具有互变异构(Tautomerization)或共振(Resonance )现象及六环的立体阻碍因素,使的其不仅无法进 行单一聚合(Homopolymerization),也很难与其他单体进 行共聚合反应(Copolymerization),2(2'-氰化乙基)马来 醯□单体也具有类似结构,

El Dorado:理想黄金国

Tulio 和Miguel是一对微不足道的小骗子,靠着赢来的理想黄金国(El Dorado)传说中的黄金城市的地图,他们深信自己找到了通往财富和荣耀的道路唯一的阻碍是他们被关在了西班牙冒险者协会的船上,无法脱身但在一匹叫Altivo的战马的帮助下,




民主党和共和党各占参议院49席,而民主党得益於2名无党派的支持,成为参议院多数党. 但民主党可能无法获得60席以上成为"超级多数党(supermajority)". 如果成为"超级多数党",即使共和党要"阻碍议案通过(filibuster)",也可以单独处理议案.


unencumbered 没有阻碍的 | unending 不停的 | unendurable 无法忍受的


Gartner 研究机构认为延迟是"应用程序效能的无声杀手",延迟一面阻碍了使用者享受 WAN 的好处,也使得广域 网络 (WAN) 无法发挥潜力. 因此,服务供货商和使用者都希望延迟的问题能被解决,同时发挥应用程序的效能.