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无沟的 的英文翻译、例句


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In the soft tissue measurements, the value of soft tissue facial angle and B'-Pos-FH in the first extraction group was less than those in the second extraction group significantly. After treatment all the patients had an increase in S-Ns-Pos angle, soft tissue facial angle, B'-Pos-FH and depth of mentolabial groove. At the same time, soft tissue convexity angle was diminished obviously. But the change was not significant between the two premolar extraction groups.


The results show that the composite coating is metallurgically bonded to the substrate and the microstructure is fine and uniform. The hardness of the composite coating is up to 400 HV, which is 2.5 times that of the substrate. Under room temperature and oil lubrication condition, the sliding wear tests indicate the friction coefficient and weight loss of the composite coating are smaller than those of substrate. The worn surface of the composite coatings is much smoother than that of the substrate, without grooves and crater.


NMOSFET devices are fabricated and measured in strained-Si and unstrained bulk-Si channels.


Furthermore,it is found that the stress in the strained Si cap layer is maintained even after the high thermal budget process.nMOSFET devices are fabricated and measured in strained-Si and unstrained bulk-Si channels.


Result showed that, with the controlled facility, the water storage is about 19×10^3 m^3/km of in the main drainage canal, the groundwater table in farmland is raise about 0.3 to 0.5 m and the crop water use is increased about 50 to 80 mm comparing with the non controlled main drainage canal.

结果表明,单位长度大沟年调蓄水量为1.9×10^4立方公尺/km左右,其影响范围内的农田地下水位较无控制大沟平均抬高约0.3~0.5 m,每年可增加作物对地下水的直接利用量50~80 mm,区域年农田水资源调控总量110 mm左右,约占当地年均降雨量的13%;只要控制合理、管理得当,不会因此而影响排水系统对农田涝渍的有效控制或降低原有排水工程的除涝降渍标准。

Shadowless sword manual is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology successfully developed the world's most advanced technology, a high-pressure injection technology, at 0.01 seconds of time to quickly solve a variety of symptoms of aging nano trace elements, in order to fog-state in the form of fixed-point, quantitative, fixed layer, positioning, in order to fan-shaped form of the direct, accurate tire reaches the skin layer, 20-minute onset, 2 hours effective, and 48 hours markedly effective, non-invasive no side effects, can wipe out wrinkles, Sichuan word pattern, raised eyebrow, raised his eyes, his eyes cured pattern, eyes with a black eye, heal nasolabial fold, modified nose shape, face-lift, facial upgrade, double chin, carved facial contours, 7 days to eliminate fat, slim build remodeling , no recovery of cotton contour sculpture mm accuracy can be controlled, not only to solve the aging problem, had a beautiful face can be more delicate to maintain years.


Shadowless sword manual is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology successfully developed the world's most advanced technology, a high-pressure injection technology, at 0.01 seconds of time to quickly solve a variety of symptoms of aging nano trace elements, in order to fog-state in the form of fixed-point, quantitative, fixed layer, positioning, in order to fan-shaped form of the direct, accurate tire reaches the skin layer, 20-minute onset, 2 hours effective, and 48 hours markedly effective, non-invasive no side effects, can wipe out wrinkles, Sichuan word pattern, raised eyebrow, raised his eyes, his eyes cured pattern, eyes with a black eye, heal nasolabial fold, modified nose shape, face-lift, facial upgrade, double chin, carved facial contours, 7 days to eliminate fat, slim build remodeling , no recovery of cotton contour sculpture mm accuracy can be controlled, not only to solve the aging problem, had a beautiful face can be more delicate to maintain years.

去 美容美发保健品 IM互动商圈,与商家群聊发现更多商机。共有24条同类&美体器材&信息,请通过分页查看 12 3 4 5 无影刀说明书是美国麻省理工大学研制成功目前世界上最先进的技术,一种利用高压喷射技术,在0.01秒的时间内快速将能解决各种不同衰老症状的纳米微量元素,以雾态的形式定点、定量、定层、定位,以扇状的形直接、准确的到达皮肤中胎层,20分钟起效,2小时见效,48小时显效,无创无副作用,可祛除皱纹、川字纹、提眉、提眼角、祛眼角纹、眼带、黑眼圈、平复鼻唇沟、修饰鼻形、瘦脸、面部提升、双下巴、精雕面部轮廓,7天之内消除脂肪,重塑苗条身材,无恢复期,对棉布轮廓雕塑精准度可控制的毫米之间,不光是解决了衰老问题,可使原本漂亮的脸更加精致,维持之久。

Lissencephaly is a term used to described a brain with absent or poor sulci formation.


First, by the allocation of irrigation water directly into the ditch outlet Xiaqi, achieve no water loss, greatly improve the utilization of water; are two irrigation systems, replace the pipe with water furrow, not square, and the right to re-use, reducing the irrigation investment; Three is the use of the gate with the outlet opening to adjust a constant and accurate control of flow into the trench plot, for different soil and different groove specifications Xiaqi can greatly improve irrigation uniformity; four gates are porous pipe irrigation system for the flow tubes, and the blind to cross the flow tube as compared to the wall can reduce the work under stress, and reduce the damage to the opportunity to prolong the service life of thin-walled tube; are five gates to facilitate the installation of irrigation systems, pipes, and, upon request, to fight孔安outlet assembly to ensure the accuracy of positioning with the outlet.


Under the plastic-mulched ridge and furrow cultivation, the average soil water content of furrow (12.7%) was significantly higher than that of ridge (9.1%) at the soil depths of 20-100 cm. The locally compacted ridge served as a water flow barrier and a rainfall collection area under locally compacted ridge and furrow cultivation, and the water content of furrow was significantly higher than that of ridge in the same soil depths, which was similar to the characteristic of soil water distribution under plastic-mulched ridge and furrow cultivation. No significant differences were found in soil water content of furrow between locally compacted ridge and furrow cultivation and plastic-mulched ridge and furrow cultivation, with the same efficiency of water collection.


更多网络解释与无沟的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


GFE government-furnished equipment由政府提供的设备 | blindworm 无脚蜥蜴 | outside colter 外开沟器


cancerous | 癌的 | cancerroot | 列当属之数种无叶寄生植物 | canch | 斜壁沟


discourse 演沟,谈话,论文 | discourteous 无礼貌,粗鲁的 | discover 发现,泄露


河道里一年绝大部分时间都是无水的,也可以把它看成冲沟(gully)或干涸河(wash,arroyo、coulee或wadi). 甚至即使在有水时,也是往下越流越少,河床里堆积了很多泥沙. 因为这种河流从暴发洪水到完全干涸各种情况都有,所以流量变化特别大.


"Acoela","无肠目(腹足类,E2-Q)" | "Acoelomata","无体腔动物,无体腔类" | "acolpate","无沟的"


无板纲(Aplacophora)亦称沟腹纲,是软体动物门(Mollusca)的1纲,为软体动物中的原始种类. 该纲分2个目:毛皮贝目(Chaetodermoida)和新月贝目(Neomenioida),约有200多种. 生活在低潮线下数10米至4 000米的深海海底,分布遍及全球,


Fourfold四倍;四重 | Gearless无齿轮转动装置的 | Groove槽;沟

gingivae:[牙] 龈

gnotobiotic 无菌的 | gingivae [牙] 龈 | groove 窝沟,沟槽

opisthoglyphic tooth:后沟牙

上下颌全具齿具毒牙的种类,属于后沟牙(opisthoglyphic tooth). 背鳞小,腹鳞宽大. 头顶被少数大型对称的盾片. 无腰带及后肢的残余. 营陆栖、树栖、半水栖和水栖的生活方式. 卵生或卵胎生. 分布几遍及全球. 例如:虎斑游蛇(Natrix tigrina lateralis)又名红脖游蛇、野鸡脖、竹竿青.


沟齿鼩科(Solenodontidae):第二下门齿有深沟,前足大,5趾具强爪,尾细长,几乎无毛,鼻吻特别细长,眼小,耳壳显著,本科仅1属2种. 海地沟齿鼩(Solenodon paradoxus)金毛鼹科(Chrysochloridae):体形如鼹,无耳壳,眼小隐于皮下,尖的鼻吻端部有革质鼻垫,