英语人>词典>汉英 : 无数的年代 的英文翻译,例句
无数的年代 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aeon  ·  eon

更多网络例句与无数的年代相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gateways to realms unseen for countless eons are open in front of you.


In very small amounts throughout the eons were these frequencies of information brought onto this planet.


Red Valve has installed numerous Hawse pipe valves worldwide since the late 1980s.


During these terrible years, the Bridge was known as the Iron Lung, for it kept so many people breathing. It gave work to a fairly constant number of 1,400 men on the site, as well as many thousands more in the steel, cement, sand and stone trades which supplied the immense quantities of materials.


The growth of communist economies was the subject of innumerable alarmist books and polemical articles in the 1950s.


"Other groups in the 1960s and early 1970s, such as the Rolling Stones, etc. attracted enormous audience with their elaborate, bizarre theatricality."


Just Recollect....On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairUp ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering lightMy head grew heavy, and my sight grew dimmerThere she stood in the doorway;And I was thinking to myself

不得不回忆,回忆曾经纯真年代,回忆那些单纯却空虚的时光,于是再此拿出《Hotel California 》,无数次感动我的音符。

Aeons passed before life existed on the earth .


Aeons passed before life existed on the earth.


This is a less wear of the era of more concern, many people asking: Let ladies wear a little less now, when people are buying less materials used such as G String , vying with one another when the "thigh MM" the time, C String is born!

这是一个穿的越少越受人关注的年代,无数人在呐喊:让女性穿的更少一点吧,当大家还在购买用料更少的丁字裤,争先恐后的当&股沟 MM &的时候, C 字裤横空出世了!

更多网络解释与无数的年代相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aeolotropismanisotropism 各向异性现象 | aeolotropy 不等方程 | aeoneon 无数的年代

Alternative Rap:另类说唱 )

解小东在90年代中期的歌曲"今个儿真高兴"中找到了自己的最佳位置,在这首"嘻蹦乐"(Hip-Hop)作品中他用非主流(另类)说唱(Alternative Rap)方式演释得淋漓尽致,他的即兴演唱获得无数歌迷和广大乐评人的一至好评!


在那战火纷飞、白色恐怖的年代,无数革命先烈为了祖国的解放,人民的幸福,在枪林弹雨中抛头颅(lu)、洒热血,救民于水火之中. 抗日寇(kou),除汉奸,打蒋匪,斗土豪,中华大地上发生了多少可歌可泣的故事和经历了多少惊天动地的壮举.



Ronnie Aldrich:龙奈.阿尔德里奇

龙奈.阿尔德里奇(Ronnie Aldrich)是英国上世纪60-70年代最受欢迎的录音室钢琴家. 他那种独特的演绎方式使世界上无数的仰慕者能够立刻就辨认出他的风格来. 他的演奏或许会给人以简单的假象,因为他常常以单音弹奏开始一段旋律,

Shirley Temple:秀兰.邓波儿

秀兰 邓波儿(Shirley Temple)是电影史上一个特殊年代的传奇. 只要是看过她的表演的人都无不被她的天才所折服,她那天真无邪的形象,天才的模仿能力,使所有美女硬汉的大明星们通通败在她的手下,全世界的人陶醉在她可爱的酒窝里这个曾在银幕迷倒了无数观众的可爱的小姑娘,


aeon /永世/无数的年代/ | aeonian /永远的/永久的/ | aepression /抑制态/


eon /永世/无数的年代/ | eonian /永远的/永久的/ | eonism /易装癖/

environmental villains:破坏环境的恶棍

environmental damage 环境损害 | environmental villains 破坏环境的恶棍 | eons n. 永世,无数的年代

environmental villains:破坏环境的无赖

environmental damage 环境损害 | environmental villains 破坏环境的无赖 | eons n. 永世,无数的年代