英语人>词典>汉英 : 无效的行为 的英文翻译,例句
无效的行为 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nullity  ·  nullities

更多网络例句与无效的行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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Effects are observable system behaviours triggered by specific combinations of Causes, expressed as imperatives (like "Actions" in Decision Tables, e.g.,"Display 'Invalid Date';"Subtract Amount from Balance).


With regard to acts, the law obliges the individual either to perform or to omit certain acts; hence the distinction into "affirmative or preceptive" laws and "negative or prohibitory" laws; at times it is forced to allow certain things to be done, and we have "permissive" laws or laws of forbearance; finally, the law in addition to forbidding a given act may render it, if performed, null and void; these are "irritant" laws.

对於行为时,法律规定,无论是个人表演,或省略某些行为,因此,区分到"扶持或preceptive "法和"负面或禁止性"的法律;有时,它是被迫允许某些事情要去做,我们的"通融"的法律或法规的忍;最后,在法律之外,不许一特定行为可能导致它,如果履行,是无效的,这是"刺激性"的法律。

Next, that all translations of prelates, and depositions of the same, or of any other beneficed persons, revocations of commendams and gifts, admonitions, ecclesiastical censures, processes, sentences, acts and whatever has been or will be done or accomplished by our aforesaid lord and his officials or commissaries, from the time of his departure, to the injury of the council or its adherents, against the supporters or participants of this sacred council, or to the prejudice of them or any one of them, in whatever way they may have been or shall be made or done, against the will of the persons concerned, are in virtue of the law itself null, quashed, invalid and void, and of no effect or moment, and the council by its authority quashes, invalidates and annuls them.

接下来,所有的翻译主教,并证言的同时,或任何其他beneficed者,撤销的commendams和礼物,训诫,教会责难,流程,句子,行为和一切已经或将会做了或完成了我们的上述勋爵和他的官员或commissaries ,从时间他离境时,向受伤的立法会或其党羽,对支持者或参与者这一神圣的,或者以不妨碍他们或其中一人,不论以何种方式可能已经或应当作出做过的事,对人的意志,是借助法律本身无效,撤销,无效的和无效的,不具法律效力或时刻,而该理事会是由它的权威翻案,无效和annuls他们。

In the case of absolute void,right scanonly be annulled after the longest extinction of action,which affects only actionprivilege in stead of substance rights,It bespeaks the condemnable nature of this kindof act under prevalent law;while in the case of relative void,extinction period andconsent can lead to the terminate of the right to annul,the condition and forms ofconsent is also scrutinized.


The act of nullifying; making null and void; counteracting the effect or force of something.


The answer Was that the pally has mistaken the conduct as valid and performed,that is to say,returning property and compensation were not a direct but an indirect consequence of void civil conduct.


The act of revoking or annulling or making void.


The act of eliminating or annulling .


Rescinded civil ACTS shall be null and void from the very beginning.


更多网络解释与无效的行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the attorney general:总检察长

德、法、意检察官在与身份相关的案件(宣告婚姻无效和当事人无行为能力、宣告破产、亲子、收养等诉讼)等涉及社会公益或公共秩序的案件中(特别是因为刑事犯罪而致使民事诉讼无效的案件),享有"以法律的利益"向最高法院提起终审上诉的权力,美国司法部长即总检察长(the Attorney General)则在涉及国会制定法的合宪性争


法院所纠正的是并列(coordinate)部门的行为,且不得从事立法行为,即使以消极的方式也不行. 且他们只有在极为清楚的案件中才能有所作为,因为撤消立法的结果可能极为严重. 如果要说宣布立法无效的情况和其它不同,因为这里的最终问题是对文本的解释,

Null hypothesis:无效假设

关于定性评定,大多数研究产生了积极的结果;但是,就效果大小(effect size)的标准而言,有关没有效果的无效假设(null hypothesis),是不可能被拒绝的. 作者认为,对于各种结果(包括累犯)来说,没有大量的证据证实行为技术在改变反社会行为方面有功效.

Sexual immorality:不道德的性行为

如果婚约附有对方配偶死亡、对方获得离婚判决、对方获得宣告婚姻无效的判决[16]之条件,则属违反了公共政策,因为它们可能促进不忠实(infidelity)、不道德的性行为(sexual immorality)、甚至犯罪行为.

null and void:无效,作废

会议中表决通过宣布1828年与1832年的关税法在州内无效作废(null and void). 安德鲁?杰克森总统坚定回应'拒行联邦法规为叛国行为'. 他随即增援位于该州内的各联邦要塞. 南卡罗莱那州以采行拒行联邦法条款(Ordinance of Nullification)处理关税问题,

Num Lock key:锁号码键, 数字键组转换数字和翻页/寻找功能的键 (计算机用语)

nullity 无效, 无效的证书, 无效的行为 (名) | Num Lock key 锁号码键, 数字键组转换数字和翻页/寻找功能的键 (计算机用语) | numb 失去感觉的, 麻木的; 惊呆的, 发愣的 (形)

act without legal effect:无效法律行为

act without compensation 无补偿行为,无偿行为 | act without legal effect 无效法律行为 | act without responsibility 不负责任的行为

void act; act without legal effect:无效法律行为

无效的法律 void law | 无效法律行为 void act; act without legal effect | 物权 property

nulliparous:从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形)

nullipara 从未生育过的人; 未产妇 (名) | nulliparous 从未生育过者的; 未产妇的 (形) | nullity 无效, 无效的证书, 无效的行为 (名)

void ab initio:自始无效

前捷克斯洛伐克教授比斯持里基(Bystricky)认为,强行法规则可以从其所具有的两个特性上来识别:其一是若此类规则被违反,任何国家(即使与其没有直接关系)均可提出主张,而不被视为是干涉;其二是违反此类规则的条约或行为自始无效(void ab initio),并且不具有任何法