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Through this ideology, a kind of penetrability and amalgamation is represented.
Spare no pains; be capable of anything; stop at nothing
Rather than confront and challenge autocracies, it was better to enmesh them in the global economy, support the rule of law and the creation of stronger state institutions, and let the ineluctable forces of human progress work their magic.
- 更多网络解释与无所不至相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
吹嘘(xu) 胼(bing)手胝(zhi)脚 痼疾(gu) C.蓖麻(bi) 黏稠(zhan) 干瘪(bie) 窸窣(xishu) D. 啁啾(jiu) 狩猎(shou) 砾石(li) 蝾螈(rongyuan)2.判断下列词语中含有错别字的一项( D)A.无可置疑 五彩缤纷 心灵手巧 难以置信 焦头烂额B.专心致志 胡思乱想 随心所欲 小心翼翼 无所不至C.一无所知 烟消云散 不知所措 首屈一指 无动于