英语人>词典>汉英 : 无心地 的英文翻译,例句
无心地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
involuntarily  ·  indeliberately  ·  undesignedly

更多网络例句与无心地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So one man is described as generous, another as a miser; one is called open-handed, another tight-fisted; one man is cruel, another gentle; one untrustworthy, another reliable; one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and violent; one sympathetic, another self-important; one promiscuous, another monogamous; one straightforward, another duplicitous; one tough, another easy-going; one serious, another cheerful; one religious, another atheistical; and so on.


For example, provide the pension to the police martyr's family, carry out preferential policy on the policemen in western underdeveloped areas, directly transfer police equipments to the police sector in underdeveloped areas, put into practice the vocation system with salary for all the policemen, practice "5 small projects"(i.e. small canteen, small library, small gymnasium, small bathroom, and small washhouse) for the police stations at the grass-roots level, care about the work and life of the policemen. Thus, the cohesion of the policemen is strengthened and the policemen can devote themselves whole-heartedly to the tense work free of worries.


Be committed to taintlessness, independent, having the holy life as your aim.


He'd trounced them; thoroughly and mercilessly trounced them.


I have something to say to you: life may not bon voyage, the ways of a man full of twists and setbacks, mistake is very normal, perfect, so my brother-in-law happened thing, I hope you don't blame him, mynah this kind heart, can easily be fraud, so it is easy to fall, I hope this time let him deeply realize the society of darkness, let him awake, gain.


更多网络解释与无心地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9. intact:完整无缺的 | 10. absent-mindedly:不小心地 | 11. shopping trolley:购物手推车


involucrum 总苞 | involuntarily 无心地 | involuntary 非自愿的


involucrum /总苞/皮膜/外膜/ | involuntarily /不由自主/不知不觉地/无心地/ | inwardly /暗暗/暗地里/暗自/在内部/内里/向内/向中心/

free from meanness or prejudice; magnanimous:心地高尚的; 无偏见的; 宽宏大量的

* a generous helping of potatoes 一大份马铃薯. | 3 free from meanness or prejudice; magnanimous 心地高尚的; 无偏见的; 宽宏大量的 | *a generous mind, spirit, etc 高尚的心、精神等

relentlessly: adv.1:冷酷无情地,无慈悲心地 2.持续不断地,不屈不挠地

commentator: n.评论者,评说者 | relentlessly: adv.1.冷酷无情地,无慈悲心地 2.持续不断地,不屈不挠地 | schematic: a.1.图表的,图式的 2.(按照)先验图式的


softhead 无主见的人 | softhearted 心地好的 | softhearted 性情温和的

tenderhearted:心地温和的, 温厚的 (形)

tenderfoot 新手, 无经验者, 生手 (名) | tenderhearted 心地温和的, 温厚的 (形) | tenderize 使嫩, 使软化 (动)


uncharged /不嗬电的/ | uncharitable /无慈悲心的/无情的/不宽恕的/ | uncharitably /无慈悲心地/


416 buttonhole .................. 纽扣孔 | 417 warily ...................... 小心地 | 418 devoid .................. 全无的 缺乏的


uncharitable 严厉的 | uncharitably 无慈悲心地 | uncharted 未知的