英语人>词典>汉英 : 无广告的 的英文翻译,例句
无广告的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无广告的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It'll be a great idea to release a full coverage DVD version of this fantastic show without abridgement and Ad interruption.


Reflecting on that particular day, one of the women -- Lydia Beaucoup, a well-paid copywriter for the fourth largest ad agency in San Francisco -- will describe its consequences somewhat disingenuously:''Contrary to those who think that what happened was part of a conspiracy of sexually insatiable black women bent on further dogging the brothers, it wasn't.


This research uses the experimental method to collect the data. The experimental object is open-shelf cosmetics and the experimental subjects are the female students of eight national universities in Taipei city. The study used AIO variables to segment market and then printed ad are used to test the endorser's impact on the advertising effect between different segmentation. And, demographic data, consumption reality and consumption evaluation criteria are used to describe the three segments.


The company manufactures"silver sea"brand series of ceramic products for daily use,art,gifs and advertisement such as tea-things,table ware,coffee-things,drinking vessel and microwave oven,including magnesia seed ceramics seed sclertin ceramics,white ceramics,opal China and fine stone vessel o many kind,Among them the magnesia seed ceramics and hotel ceramics without lead and cadmium are hygienic products with over 1000 kinds and are sold well in all parts of China and also exported to many countries and areas such as Europe U.S.A,Japan,South Korea and South east Asia,well received by the users.


With the help of some authentic examples of advertisements, the thesis makes a practical study of advertising translation in the aspects of tradename, slogan and advertising text on the basis of target-language-culture oriented strategy.


The adless publication is painted either as a disservice to the public, or as an economic impossibility.


Introversive people prefer rational advertisings; Extroversive people and introversive people have no significance difference on the attitudes toward emotional advertisings.


He went about it in a Christian way, neither advertising on Sundays nor fibbing (thus minting the concept of "truth in advertising").


The young youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month.


There are, of course, people on the management side who may be aware of this conflict in themselves, but it is probably nothing like so sharp, the 'Admass' spoils being greater for them and their instinctive feeling not being so strong.


更多网络解释与无广告的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


72 USER INGRE NOT EXIST 无此用户成份数据或编号存在 | 73 INSUFF ADVERT SPACE 广告信息的打印区域不够 | 74 DISCOUNT PRICE INVALID 目标价格不到固定折扣价


尽管打造品牌(branding)及广告宣传(advertising)常常交替使用,但网站建设几乎无法分辨个别差异的产品. 由于产品并无二致,因此,制造产品的同时也必须创造形象的差异,竞争激烈的品牌打造就此成为机械时代的必需品. 也因此,


为你好 都是为你好(alright) 只不过睡个回笼觉 又公布全新的民调 在榜上完全找不到 只不过去趟巴里岛 又推出更快的电脑 我就显得不够时髦 看是谁受不了 你必须活得像一句广告 谁也不能强迫谁思考 把你无趣的一面全删掉 就像把一辈子浓缩成几秒 你只得活得像一句广告 没有人会觉得你无聊 才会被人想到这无关钞票 你才显得重要

look erogenous women on the big board:看到大型广告上的性感美女

漫游 心无所系 wondering heart no direction | 看到大型广告上的性感美女 look erogenous women on the big board | 没有想法 no idea


最为讽刺的是,"冲击"(Onslaught)广告甚至完成了历史四年之久的猥亵Axe广告所不可能完成的事情. 一场有组织的名为"无商业的童年"的活动要求联合利华停止运行Axe广告. 批评如病毒然而,社交媒体的透明度使这种区分显得艰难.


根据我们的经验,代理公司在为大多数客户配置人手时,返工(rework)是最重要决的定因素. 频繁修改广告脚本-通常是广告主自身杂乱无组织的创意流程所导致的-耗费了代理公司相当的人力. 显然,我们在此不能因为广告客户的不规范而指责代理公司.

adless:(杂志等)不登广告的, 无广告的

Adlerian | (奥地利精神病学家和心理学家)阿德勒 | adless | (杂志等)不登广告的, 无广告的 | adlet | 小广告

ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately:无广告不实

33*员工服务热诚 has personnel who have passion to pro... | 34*无广告不实 ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately | 35*提供服务比便解决您的特殊要求 give extra effort to handle ...


winevault 酒窖 酒店,酒吧间 | wineless 无酒的 | Good wine needs no bush.[谚]酒好客自来;货好不用广告.

The Sopranos:黑道家族

美国的热门影集,如"白宫风云"(The West Wing)、"黑道家族"(The Sopranos)和"六人行"(Friends)等,通常在美国本土首播数月后,才会在英国播出. 没耐心的影迷只要花几个小时,就能用高速连线在网络下载非法、无广告的节目.