英语人>词典>汉英 : 无垢的 的英文翻译,例句
无垢的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pure  ·  purer

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It is nowhere muddy,and a casual observer would say that there were no weeds at all in it; and of noticeable plants, except in the little meadows recently overflowed, which do not properly belong to it, a closer scrutiny does not detect a flag nor a bulrush, nor even a lily, yellow or white, but only a few small heart-leaves and potamogetons, and perhaps a water-target or two; all which however a bather might not perceive; and these plants are clean and bright like the element they grow in.


Where did you keep lily of the valley ?


Farr be it, that I should write thee sin or blame, Or think thee unbefitting holiest place, Perpetual Fountain of Domestic sweets, [ 760 ] Whose bed is undefil'd and chaste pronounc't, Present, or past, as Saints and Patriarchs us'd.


Therefore, the symbol of lotus has connection with his determination to convert to Hou; that is, lotus is as smudgeless as Hou and is the Absolute.


In the story, the bottom of the lotus pond is the hell; therefore, if Kandata wants the salvation from the hell to reach the world of ecstasy and peace, he must be as smudgeless as the lotus and abort his clinging to the world.


The actual and final refuge, embedded within the Dhamma as refuge, is Nibbana,"the deathless element free from clinging, the sorrowless state that is void of stain" Itiv.


He also taught the Tibetan disciple learning from India, meet friends please err is such an important into Tibet, will be translated by theory, creating Tibetan tantra can be scholasticism and development at home and tonsured dojo, two sangha, laid the foundation Tibetan Buddhism.


A long time ago,I abandoned the wishness in somewhere,and I even could not recall she once existed in my heart.


If the U.S. was running a $.6 trillion current-account surplus, commentators worldwide would violently condemn our policy, viewing it as an extreme form of "mercantilism"– a long-discredited economic strategy under which countries fostered exports, discouraged imports, and piled up treasure. I would condemn such a policy as well. But, in effect if not in intent, the rest of the world is practicing mercantilism in respect to the U.S., an act made possible by our vast store of assets and our pristine credit history. Indeed, the world would never let any other country use a credit card denominated in its own currency to the insatiable extent we are employing ours. Presently, most foreign investors are sanguine: they may view us as spending junkies, but they know we are rich junkies as well.

换个角度来说,如果美国现在享有的是 6,000 亿美元的贸易顺差的话,其它国家一定会立刻跳出来谴责我们的贸易政策,将之视为重商主义,也就是长久以来,为人所垢病的鼓励出口,压抑进口,囤积财富的经济政策,我对这种做法也期期以为不可,但事实上就算不是有意的,目前世界上其它国家确实正对美国实行重商主义,觊谀我国丰厚的资产以及深厚的家底,确实除了美国以外,世界上再也没有其它国家可以享有几乎无上限的信用额度,截至目前为止,大部份的外国人还是相当乐观,他们认定我们是花钱如流水的败家子,而且是极其富有的败家子。

If the US was running a $.6 trillion current-account surplus, commentators worldwide would violently condemn our policy, viewing it as an extreme form of "mercantilism"– a long-discredited economic strategy under which countries fostered exports, discouraged imports, and piled up treasure. I would condemn such a policy as well. But, in effect if not in intent, the rest of the world is practicing mercantilism in respect to the US, an act made possible by our vast store of assets and our pristine credit history. Indeed, the world would never let any other country use a credit card denominated in its own currency to the insatiable extent we are employing ours. Presently, most foreign investors are sanguine: they may view us as spending junkies, but they know we are rich junkies as well.


更多网络解释与无垢的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


12月9日 菊(chrysanthemum) 花语:高洁花占卜:您如天使般受人敬爱,加上率真开朗的性格,令不少人成为您的裙下之臣. 您的爱情是纯白无垢的,留意一下身边的朋友,当中的一个正是您的真命天子,他热烈的爱情必能感动您. 花箴言:得到完美的爱情,

Immaculate conception:无垢怀胎

汤姆.琼斯 Jones, Tom | 无垢怀胎 Immaculate Conception | 无秘密可言的斯芬克斯 The Sphinx Without a Secret

Paper Mulberry:构树

韩纸是指韩国的祖先"把构树(paper mulberry)皮煮熟后榨干水分、晒干制作的薄纸". 别的不说,只看在庆州释迦塔发现的第126号国宝--无垢净光大陀罗尼经,在三国时期,韩国的祖先已经以构树纤维作为造纸原料制造了用现代技术都难以制造的高质量纸张,


污垢,灰垢:Grime;Soot;Smut;Dirt | 无定形的:Amorphous;Shapeless | 无法抵抗的:Overwhelming; Overwhelmingly


他自认为是科学家. 况且,他不喜欢一个女子长期为一群追求者所包围. 男人---除了他自己之外---都是龌龊的,和女子处久了必会在那女子心身上留下污渍(stain)这是他不能忍受的. 他的品位,要求无垢的少女.


virga 幡状云 | virgate 多小枝的 | virginal 无垢的


virginal /处女的/纯洁的/无垢的/ | virginian /维吉尼亚州的/ | virginity /处女/处女性/童贞/


虽然他已成佛,但后来仍以菩萨身示现,名为普贤自在王菩萨(KUNsang Wangkur GYALPO):迦叶佛(Kashyapa)时,他再度示现为名为噶永Gakyong的陶匠.在释迦牟尼佛时,他示现为与佛陀自身无二的无垢维摩诘(LicchaVi)尊者.


于吐蕃赞普赤松德赞时期应...[摘要]释迦牟尼 (SHAKYAMUNI)乔达摩.悉达多,佛教创始人,释迦意为"能",牟尼意为"仁",故称"能仁". 幼民悉达多. 出身无垢释迦王族. 庚申年四月初七诞生,少年精通...[摘要]密集金刚(GUHYASAMAJA)密集金刚是了解广大密续文献的关键,

the ink smudged:墨水污染了

背包 backpack | 墨水污染了 the ink smudged. | 她的公寓房间洁净无垢. Her apartment was immaculate.