英语人>词典>汉英 : 无刚毛的 的英文翻译,例句
无刚毛的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Culm sheaths gradually deciduous to persistent, triangularly narrowly rounded, leathery, longitudinal ribs obscure, densely yellow-brown setose, margins yellow-brown setose; auricles absent; oral setae few, yellow-brown, 1–5 mm, slender; ligule truncate or convex, 1–2 mm, initially ciliate; blade reflexed or erect, linear-lanceolate, glabrous, margins smooth.


Leaves 3 or 4(–8) per ultimate branch; sheath densely deciduously setose; auricles readily deciduous, falcate; oral setae radiate, purple, ca. 3 mm; ligule prominent, ca. 5 mm; blade lanceolate, 10–23 ×(1–)2.5–3.3 cm, secondary veins 7- or 8-paired, abaxially yellow-green and white tomentellate, adaxially light green and glabrous, base asymmetrically cuneate, margins serrulate.

每末级的分枝的叶3或4(-8);鞘浓密具刚毛的脱落的;叶耳容易落叶,镰刀形;口头的刚毛辐射状,变紫,约3毫米;杰出的叶舌,约5毫米;叶片披针形, 10-23 *(1-)2.5-3.3 厘米,次脉7-或8配对,背面的黄绿色和白色短绒毛,正面和无毛的淡绿,不对称的楔形的基部,边缘有细锯齿。

Culms 4–7 m, to 3(–6) cm in diam.; culm sheaths densely fulvous setose, especially at base; leaf sheath oral setae absent to 3; leaf blade secondary veins 2- or 3-paired.


Culms initially setose; culm sheaths with brown setae; leaf blade glabrous.


Culm sheaths glabrous or sparsely yellow-brown setose; leaf sheath oral setae absent.


Shoots usually white powdery; nodal sheath scar glabrous; culm sheaths glabrous or setose in patches.


Culm sheaths persistent, yellow-brown, spotted purple-brown, narrowly triangular or narrowly rounded, proximally leathery, distally papery, brown to dark brown setulose, longitudinal ribs prominent, margins sometimes brown to dark brown setose; auricles absent; oral setae deciduous, brown; ligule yellow-brown, truncate, ca.


Culm sheaths glabrous or sparsely brown strigose, base setose.


The brush holder(1) is connected with the metallic-joint piece(3) on which the stainless brush bristle(4) is poured.The utility model has the advantages of corrosion-resistance, rust-resistance, non-bristle free, loosing-resistance, long service life, clean, beautiful appearance, economy and practicability.Contacted with the intermediate section of the brush bristle, the cookers are without abrasion.The utility model adds brilliance to the modern kitchen utilities.

# 实用新型涉及一种金属刷烹饪用具电刷架( 1 )与金属接头件( 3 ),其中不锈钢刷刚毛( 4 ),是灌注具有耐腐蚀,抗锈,无刚毛免费的,完全丧失了抵抗,使用寿命长,清洁,美丽的外貌,经济和实用,与中间的一段刷刚毛,炊具都没有磨损实用新型增添了光彩,现代厨房配套设施。

Culms glabrous; culm sheaths with retrorse, purple-brown setae; leaf blade abaxially pubescent

秆无毛;有反折,紫褐色刚毛的竿箨;叶片背面短柔毛 12 I。 gigantea 橄榄竹

更多网络解释与无刚毛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Achaea 亚该亚 | Achaean 亚该亚的 | achaetous 无刚毛的

Lygodium japonicum:(海金沙)

...文章摘要:海金沙(Lygodium japonicum)精子发生过程中多层结构由生毛体发育而成,其结构与其他薄囊蕨亚纲植物相似. 刚形成的多层结构由微管带和片层组成,微管带由平行排列的微管组成,片尾由电子致密盘组成,无显赫分层. 多层结构形成后不久即转向近核侧,

sessile:无柄; 无腹柄的

sesarmid crab 蟛蜞 ; 相手蟹 | sessile 无柄; 无腹柄的 | seta 刚毛


Achaean 亚该亚的 | achaetous 无刚毛的 | achalasia 弛缓不能


环节动物门(Annelida). 体长圆柱形或长而扁平,左右对称,由前后相连的许多形态相似的体节组合而成,体节在外部形态上表现为体表的环纹. 有的有不分节的附肢,即疣足;有的无附肢,而只有刚毛,以佐运动. 体腔多数明显.


原环虫纲(Archiannelida)体制比较简单,体表无明显的环节,也没有疣足或刚毛. 发生时有显著的担轮幼虫. 例如角虫(Polygordius),体细而长,栖息退潮线附近的沙泥中. 毛足纲(Chaetopoda)体呈圆筒状,或背腹稍扁平. 体表环节显明,有几丁质变成的刚毛.

Lingula anatina:鸭嘴海豆芽

鸭嘴海豆芽(Lingula anatina) 腕足动物门无铰纲无穴目海豆芽科中的1种,触手冠属裂冠型,双叶状. 背腹两壳呈扁平鸭嘴形,带绿色. 背壳较小,后部较圆;腹壳较大,后部较尖. 壳表光滑,生长线明显,壳缘外套生有刚毛,伸出壳外. 肉茎粗而长,圆柱形,


禾本科(Poaceae)早熟禾属(Poa)植物统称,分布温暖和凉爽地带,约250种,为纤细的一年生或多年生禾草. 通常小穗小,无刚毛,排列成簇,较稀疏. 叶片狭窄,顶端船形.


躯体的分节不明显或全无分节,体表上有部分硬蜱科(Ixodidas) 体形卵圆,背面有盾板,雄虫盾板覆盖背面全部,而雌虫的只达前半疥螨科(Sarcoptidae) 体呈圆形,假头短,基部背面有一对刺或刚毛.