英语人>词典>汉英 : 旋律配合 的英文翻译,例句
旋律配合 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
counterpoint  ·  counterpointed  ·  counterpointing  ·  counterpoints

更多网络例句与旋律配合相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In fact, not only was rhythmic complexity of this repertoire largely unmatched for five and a half centuries, with extreme syncopations, mensural trickery, and even examples of augenmusik(such as a chanson by Baude Cordier written out in manuscript in the shape of a heart ), but also its melodic material was quite complex as well, particularly in its interaction with the rhythmic structures.

而事实上,这些作品不仅仅有着大部分在550年内无人能及的节奏复杂程度(极端复杂的切分音和记谱),比如augenmusik(如由Baude Cordier通过非记谱手法自由创作的chanson);并且他们的旋律素材也相当复杂,尤其是其在节奏组织中的配合尤为复杂。

Winkler and vocalist Marie Cain have smooth and lilting voices perfectly suited for the relaxing strands of music.

Winkler与歌手Marie Cain都有平滑而轻快的嗓音,与音乐舒缓的旋律配合得非常完美。

Tempering Fugazi's gnarled guitar webs with Seattle grunge, straight-up prog-rock, and crooned vocals, SDRE launched a thousand imitators who connected with their dramatic melodies and introspective mysticism.


Contestants compete for prize money in 15 categories, including several fiddle and guitar categories, harmonica, mandolin, old-time singing, banjo, and buck dancing.

与赛者可角逐共15个项目的奬金,分别为数个小提琴及吉他项目、口琴、曼陀林、怀旧歌曲演唱、五弦琴及巴克舞( buck dancing,一种美式踢踏舞配合非洲部落旋律的舞蹈)。

Contestants compete for prize money in 15 categories, including several fiddle and guitar categories, harmonica, mandolin, old-time singing, banjo, and buck dancing.

与赛者可角逐共15个项目的奖金,分别为数个小提琴及吉他项目、口琴、曼陀林、怀旧歌曲演唱、五弦琴及巴克舞( buck dancing,一种美式踢踏舞配合非洲部落旋律的舞蹈)。

Their basic instruments are the marimba, traditional Islamic instruments such as lira gabbang , the low toned bumbong and panpipes , as well as melodic angklungs .

创立於1973年,由马尼拉菲律宾综合技术大学的50位大学生组成,乐团所使用的乐器都是采用当地材料手工制成,最基本的乐器包括悦耳的marimba、传统回教乐器lira gabbang、低沈的bumbong和panpipes,以及提供配合旋律的angklungs。

Jazz originates from New Orleans of southern America at the end of 19th century, and is characterized by a strong but flexible rhythmic understructure with solo and ensemble improvisations on basic tunes and chord patterns and, more recently, a highly sophisticated harmonic idiom.


更多网络解释与旋律配合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a tempo:原速

第20-21小节渐慢要自然,第21小节回原速(a tempo) 前要有呼吸. 第30小节右手上的复倚音要贴键滚动圆滑地弹出,右手独立正确地保持好节拍与节奏. 第34小节右手上的复倚音要与左手上的分解音型配合协调,倚音的弹奏不要失去旋律的歌唱与连贯.

counterplea:反驳; 抗辩 (名)

counterpart 副本, 配对物, 复本 (名) | counterplea 反驳; 抗辩 (名) | counterpoint 对位法, 重复旋律, 旋律配合 (名)


"在旋律配合(counterpoint)里,配合是个对抗的术语,而在旋律配合的音乐技巧里,会出现"音调对音调"的短句. 萨义德论证说,"按照同样的方式",反帝国的主题可以针对迄今许多西方文化杰作的主流解释来阅读. (5)例如吉卜林,可以是一个帝国主义者,

Dream Pop:梦幻流行 )

"小红莓"在音乐上受"史密斯"(THE SMITHS)晚期风格影响颇深,并融合了80年代后期"梦幻流行"(Dream Pop)和爱尔兰克凯尔特民谣的特点. Dolores高亢、清亮而自由的嗓音,配合着富有深意的歌词、激动人心的旋律,征服了全世界的听众

lead singer:主唱者

到了50年代,出现了所谓doo-wop演唱方式,以主唱者(lead singer)为聚焦,其它和声部分则以简单的三和弦及重复合声旋律或以单音节声音或器乐摹拟来配合主唱者.


旋律美妙的作曲家melodist | 旋律美妙地melodiously | 旋律配合counterpoint

Panda Po:熊猫阿宝

小提琴、大提琴、单簧管以及各种大大小小的鼓在这方面的表现尤为突出,对影片画龙点睛的>(Panda Po)一曲就充分展现出他们这种对中式风格的旋律基因进行挖掘、运用的思路,在所有乐器的配合下,这段原本东方味并不是很纯正地道的乐章,



Trilling exercise:颤音练习

03 双手配合练习Exercise on coordination between left&right hands | 05 左手旋律、右手伴奏Left-hand rhythm and right-hand accompainiment | 06 颤音练习Trilling exercise