英语人>词典>汉英 : 旅馆侍者 的英文翻译,例句
旅馆侍者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与旅馆侍者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Used by a desk clerk in a hotel to summon a bellhop.


The waiter ventured to whisper that it was perhaps inexpedient to carry out the order, in consideration of the dignity of the house and its custom.


I thought of those skinny little runts, who look like bell hops and messenger boys, that one sees on pornographic post cards in little bookshop windows occasionally, the mysterious phantoms who inhabit the Rue de la Lune and other malodorous quarters of the city.


In the face of the bare grass-plat, the tenantless wooden alcoves, and the dark windows of the hotel, it was indeed rather difficult to imagine that the place was ever gay with merry people taking pleasure in the bright summer weather; but Robert Audley declared himself willing to believe anything the porter pleased to tell him, and followed his guide meekly to a little door at the side of the big hotel, which led into a comfortable bar, where the humbler classes of summer visitors were accommodated with such refreshments as they pleased to pay for, without running the gauntlet of the prim, white-waistcoated waiters on guard at the principal entrance.


On his first inquiry he was told, with the impertinence peculiar to hired hackney-coachmen and inn-keepers with their houses full, that there was no room for him at the Hotel de Londres


Marchmont's academy for young gentlemen.


The Café of the simple inn where they stayed was the meeting-place of the notabilities of the little city; the Sindaco, the avvocate, the doctor, and a few others; and among them they noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man, with bright black eyes and snow-white hair—tall and straight and still with the figure of a youth, although the waiter told them with pride that the Conte was molto vecchio—would in fact be eighty in the following year.


The bellboy planked down the baggage.


更多网络解释与旅馆侍者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bellflower吊钟花 | bellhanger装钟匠 | bellhop旅馆侍者

bellhanger:装钟匠, 恋钟者

bellflower | 吊钟花, 风铃草 | bellhanger | 装钟匠, 恋钟者 | bellhop | 旅馆侍者(=bellboy)


bellhanger装钟匠 | bellhop旅馆侍者 | bellicism好战倾向


bellhanger /装钟匠/ | bellhop /旅馆的侍者/ | bellicose /好战的/好斗的/

Well Done:熟透的

一位朋友在临行前曾笑着告诉我:点牛排时千万不能要"熟透"的 (well done) ,否则侍者会感到受辱:你可以吃我的皮靴. (you can have my boots) 早上我尽量不沾旅馆准备的北美风味的早餐,而是去找旧式的咖啡店,要一杯咖啡,一个可松,

head waiter:侍者领班

toilet:盥冼室 | head waiter:侍者领班 | bellboy:旅馆的应铃侍者

Pack rat:旅馆侍者

旅馆式公寓套间/service flat | 旅馆侍者/pack rat | 旅客证件检查/road control


bellhop旅馆侍者 | bellicism好战倾向 | bellicose好战的


bellhop | 旅馆侍者(=bellboy) | bellicism | 好战倾向,好战性 | bellicose | 好战的, 好斗的

service flat:旅馆式公寓套间

旅馆/public house | 旅馆式公寓套间/service flat | 旅馆侍者/pack rat