英语人>词典>汉英 : 方面 的英文翻译,例句
方面 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
aspect  ·  bearing  ·  facet  ·  phase  ·  phases  ·  respect  ·  respected  ·  side  ·  way  ·  faceting  ·  facetted  ·  facetting  ·  aspects  ·  behalves  ·  facets

更多网络例句与方面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the process of long-time adaptive evolution, wetland plants adopted a series of special strategies to acclimate to salt stress. The main strategies are: 1 life history adjustment, e. g., to adjust seed germination time, implement seed dormancy and viviparity, and change reproductive manner to escape from direct salt stress, 2 morphological adjustment, e. g., to adjust biomass allocation pattern, age stem, defoliate, and carnify vegetative organs to isolate the redundant Na(superscript +) to the inactive-metabolism shoots or exclude the Na(superscript +)from tissues; 3 anatomic adjustment, e. g., to sink stoma, develop aerenchyma, and thicken cuticle and phellogen to maintain normal photosynthesis and respiration; 4 physiological and biochemical adjustment, e. g., to exclude and excrete salt, compartmentalize ions, adjust osmosis, do selective absorption, regulate hormones, and induce antioxidative enzymes to maintain the osmotic equilibrium and eliminate the active oxygen in cell; and 5 molecular level adjustment, e. g., to start up many salt-induced genes to regulate the metabolic responses to salt stress.


Also it was discussed that current situation of studies on culture technology in the aspects of seeds produce , the ways of planting , agamogenesis and transplanting . So , the existing research shortage of two aspects and technology problem to be solved urgently were pointed out .


Also it was discussed that current situation produce , the ways of planting , agamogenesis and aspects and technology problem to be solved urgentl of studies on culture technology in the aspects of seeds transplanting .


A summary of the occurrence and development of pinewood nematode disease was provided in this paper. Based on the practice for controlling this disease, five management strategies for pine wilt disease are considered from five aspects, namely laws and regulations, the national quarantine system, science research and application, public and professional education on pine wilt disease.


Results: 1. Childhood trauma history: the patients with BPD had significantly higher scores of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sex abuse, emotional neglect and physical neglect than the non-personality disorder patients. 2. The parental rearing style: comparing with the Chinese norm, the scores of emotional warmth / comprehension of BPD group were lower; the scores of punishment/rigorousness and rejection /deny of BPD group were higher; The differences were significant. 3. Family environment: comparing with Chinese norm, the scores of intimacy/ affection expression/ independence/ success/ culture/ entertainment/ morality and religion/sense of organization of BPD group were lower; the scores of contradictory were higher.4. Correlation analysis revealed that the childhood trauma history of BPD was correlated with the unhealthy parents' rearing style and family environment. 5. Logistic regression analyses revealed that gender, emotional abuse, physical abuse, emotional neglect are the risk factors for BPD.

结果1、BPD儿童期创伤经历:BPD患者在情感虐待、躯体虐待、性虐待、情感忽视、躯体忽视及总体虐待程度显著高于精神科门诊中非人格障碍患者。2、 BPD父母养育方式:BPD患者的父母养育方式与中国常模相比存在较多显著差异,父亲在情感温暖理解、过度保护方面远低于对照,而在惩罚、严厉,拒绝、否认方面远高于对照;母亲在情感温暖、理解方面远低于对照,而在拒绝、否认,惩罚、严厉方面远高于对照。3、 BPD家庭环境:患者家庭的亲密度、情感表达、独立性、成功性、文化性、娱乐性、道德宗教观、组织性等方面均显著低于中国常模;而矛盾性方面显著高于常模。4、 BPD儿童期创伤与不恰当的父母养育方式和不良的家庭环境显著相关。5、BPD的影响因素:经Logistic回归分析,性别、年龄,情感虐待、躯体虐待、情感忽视是影响BPD患病与否的关键因素。

2There are differences between China's best young football coaches in terms of age, seniority, education, marriage, coaches level, nature of work, the nature of work units, regions, eat. In which older and younger age with higher satisfaction, which is into "U" type ;In seniority, the lower academic qualifications, the higher job satisfaction, showing the antigrowth trend. Level in the coaches, the higher the level on the career identity and career development with lower satisfaction, and other dimensioned showed positive growth. In marriage, unmarried outstanding youth football coaches have higher satisfaction in career identity dimensions. In the nature of the work, the coaches satisfaction is higher, but the degree of salary is lower. Nature in the workplace, the youth football coaches in large-scale enterprises outstanding football club are with higher satisfaction. At the district level, the developed coastal regions are with higher job satisfaction, the old industrial base in the northeast have lower job satisfaction in the work environment and salary degrees. regard to remuneration, salaries in 2000-3000or more than 5000 outstanding young football coaches have higher job satisfaction in the current, but salaries in 3000-4000 or 4000-5000 outstanding football coaches, the job satisfaction is slightly lower三、There is significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and job involvement of China's best young football coaches.


In the aspect of the Philosophy of Language, Montague Grammar inherited Frege's theory of meaning, Russell's theory of reference, Carnap's theory of verification, Goodman's Modern Realism, Tarski's theory of truth, Kripke's semantics of possible worlds of modal logic, etc, and opens up a new direction in the study of Formal Semantics of natural language; in the aspect of Theoretic Linguistics, Montague was influenced by Chomsky's research idea about the formal treatment of the syntax in natural language and extended it to the semantic study of natural language; Montague Grammar has two theoretic sources: One is the Logical Semantics and Intensional Type Theory in Logic, and the other is Categorial Grammar and Transformative Generative Grammar in Linguistics.


There is no one kind of thing that we 'perceive' but many different kinds, the number being reducible if at all by scientific investigation and not by philosophy: pens are in many ways though not in all ways unlike rainbows, which are in many ways though not in all ways but not in all ways unlike pictures on the cinema-screen-- and so on, without assignable limit. So we are not to look for an answer to the question, what kind of thing we perceive. What we have above all to do is, negatively, to rid ourselves of such illusions as 'the argument from illusion'--an 'argument' which those (e.g Berkeley, Hume, Russell, Ayer) who have been most adept at working it, most fully masters of a certain special, happy style of blinkering philosophical English, we have all themselves felt to be somehow spurious.


The art sanitary wares is a creative,developing and progressive art,The creation represents historical changes,creations and developments,each design represents various skills and techniques;the creative development represents forms,techniques,contents and details;it also renews science and technology,such as materials,colors,confects and so on.


The ideal model includes the following aspects. In the perspective of evaluation"s intention, we should stress the motivation rather than rewards and punishment. In the evaluation"s atomosphere, we should invite teachers to paticipate in the evaluation process.In the perspective of evaluation subject, we should stand out the multiple roles of the evaluation subject,especially the nonaligned agencies. In the perspective of evaluation methods, we should apply not only the traditional methods, but also ethnics research method and other qualitative methods.


更多网络解释与方面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be weak in:在......方面很差/be good at在......方面很好

6..give sb. some advice on/about...给某人一些有关......的建议 | 7..be weak in在......方面很差/be good at在......方面很好 | 8..be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事

boating infractions:划船游乐方面的违规 划船游乐方面的违规

bludgeon 杖刑 杖刑 | boating infractions 划船游乐方面的违规 划船游乐方面的违规 | body search 搜身 搜身

emotionally different:(在情绪方面不同的,即精神失常的)

cosmetically different (在美容方面不同的,即丑陋的) | emotionally different (在情绪方面不同的,即精神失常的) | metabolically different (新陈代谢方面不同的,即已死的)

be fortunate in:在......方面幸运

be expert in 在......方面是行家 | be fortunate in 在......方面幸运 | be honest in 在......方面诚实

gain in:在...方面有所增加或增长(可指物质、精神、有形、无形各方面)

Sometimes the best gain is to lose. [谚]有时吃亏就是占便宜. | gain in 在...方面有所增加或增长(可指物质、精神、有形、无形各方面) | gain on (海)侵蚀, 冲刷逼近, 赶上对...占优势 跑得比...快得...欢心

In All Respects:无论在哪方面来看,在各方面

hold sb. in respect 尊敬某人 | in all respects无论在哪方面来看,在各方面 | in every respect 在每方面

in all respects /in every respect:在所有方面

in this respect 在这方面 | in all respects /in every respect 在所有方面 | in some respects 在某些方面

in every respect:指"在各个方面". respect在这里是"方面,着眼点"的意思

rob Peter to pay Paul. 拆东墙,补西墙. 直译是抢彼得的钱去还保罗,即牺牲... | in every respect. 指"在各个方面". respect在这里是"方面,着眼点"的意思. | fight the clock. 字面意思为"与钟表斗争",实际上就是指"争...

in that respect:在这方面; 在这方面

242. in that regard 在那方面 | 243. in that respect 在这方面; 在这方面 | 244. in that way 那样

in some respects:在某些方面; 在某些方面

in some other way 用其它方法 | in some respects 在某些方面; 在某些方面 | in some sense 在某种意义上; 在某种意义上