英语人>词典>汉英 : 方格花纹 的英文翻译,例句
方格花纹 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tartan  ·  tartans

更多网络例句与方格花纹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heading 7804 applies, inter alia, to plates, sheets, strip and foil with patterns (for example, grooves, ribs, chequers, tears, buttons, lozenges) and to such products which have been perforated, corrugated, polished or coated, provided that they do not thereby assume the character of articles or products of other headings.

项目7804 适用於具有花纹图案(例如槽纹、棱纹、方格图纹、泪纹、钮纹、菱形花纹)的板、片、带及箔,同时亦包括经穿孔、起瓦楞、打磨或涂层的产品,但以这些产品不会具有其他项目内所列制品或产品的特性为限。

I cannot say I'm the same as that kind of friends, but look at you,Tearguitar, you wear horn-rimmed glasses, checkered pattern shirt, casual jeans...


The cloth has a pattern of red and white squares .


Sectioned skirt with fabric sections cut on the diagonal;popular fabrics include tartan and tattersall plaids or stripes...


English houses are decorated two weeks before Christmas day. The tree is decorated with tinsel, twinkling fairy lights, tartan ribbons and baubles.


She had on a black bonnet with plumes not unlike the hats of the heralds-at-arms at the coronation of Charles X., an immense tartan shawl over her knitted petticoat, and the man's shoes which her daughter had scorned in the morning.


更多网络解释与方格花纹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


高发泡与低发泡的皮革克重差别很大花纹:数十种新颖的花纹(波浪纹/针孔纹/六角纹/方格纹/菱形纹/圆点纹/ 方块纹/乱石纹...)起订量:300M适用于:箱包(bags)手袋的肩带止滑皮,手套(gloves):滑雪手套(skigloves),

brat check:黑白两色方格花纹

bird's eye:鸟眼花纹,芝麻点花纹 | ? brat check:黑白两色方格花纹 | ? buffalo check:野牛格子(主要指红与黑的大型方格纹,也有其他颜色的)

checkered iron:花纹钢,格纹铁

checkered 方格的 | checkered iron 花纹钢,格纹铁 | checkered plate 网纹钢板


? check:格纹 | ? checkerwork:彩格图案,棋盘格 | ? chequer:格子花纹,方格图案


而本季最In的是印上格子(checks)、方格花纹(tartans)的围巾. .布料:新加坡的气候除了在年底转凉,其他时候都热乎乎的,投资在布料太厚重的围巾不实际,建议选棉质或纤维胶(viscose)布料的,它不厚、不重,适合全年使用.


? checkerwork:彩格图案,棋盘格 | ? chequer:格子花纹,方格图案 | ? counter-change patterns:交错变色花纹(花纹的同一部位,各段中用不同色纱变换)

Paisley pattern:佩斯利涡旋花纹(俗称"火腿"图案)

? Oxford check:牛津格 | ? paisley pattern:佩斯利涡旋花纹(俗称"火腿"图案) | ? pane:长方格(棋盘式等)


tesselatedmirror 嵌和反射镜 | tessellate 镶嵌成花纹的 | tessellated 棋盘格状的 分成方格的

Tessellated:棋盘格状的 分成方格的

tessellate 镶嵌成花纹的 | tessellated 棋盘格状的 分成方格的 | tessellatedfundus 豹纹状眼底