英语人>词典>汉英 : 方括号 的英文翻译,例句
方括号 的英文翻译、例句


square bracket · square brackets
更多网络例句与方括号相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All of his bracketed references indicate the page numbers in the works referenced.


In our example we want to have the numbers enclosed in square brackets.


The jambs of the windows are bracketed by sapele mahogany ribs that hold a true plumb line against the canting wall surface.


We have already seen the caret ^ and the dollar $ in action, so now lets look at the others, beginning with the square braces .


Other notational systems use angled backets around the internal arguments to identify the external.


Put these words in round brackets and those in square brackets.


1 The types of brackets used in normal punctuation are round brackets and square brackets .


Brackets方括号11.1 the types of brackets used in normal punctuation are round brackets and square brackets .


2 They are used in some contexts to convey special kinds of information, especially when round brackets are also used for other purposes: for example, in this dictionary they are used to give the etymologies at the end of entries.


You can get access to individual elements with an index and pair of brackets, or a consecutive group of elements with the brackets and colons giving the indices of the elements you want starting from one index and going up to but not including the ending index.


更多网络解释与方括号相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bracket operation:方括号运算

bracket 方括号,中括弧 | bracket operation 方括号运算 | bracket polynomial 方括号多项式


注意,在定义数组int count[4];时,方括号(Bracket)中的数字4表示数组的长度,而在访问数组时,方括号中的数字表示访问数组的第几个元素. 和我们平常数数不同,数组元素是从"第0个"开始数的,大多数编程语言都是这么规定的,


boundary symbol 界线符号 | bracketing 方括号法 | branching 分枝法


折叠长行的最好选择方法是使用Pyhon支持的圆括号,方括号(brackets)和花括号(braces)内的行延续. 假如需要,您能够在表达式周围增加一对额外的圆括号, 但是有时使用反斜杠看起来更好.确认恰当得缩进了延续的行.

square brackets:方括号

( )parentheses 圆括号 | [ ]square brackets 方括号 | >french quotes 法文引号;书名号

square bracket:方括号

(3) 可以用方括号(square bracket)将字符串合并成更大的串,例如:(6) 建立二维数组(two dimensional array)一样可以直接输入,只须加方括号,并用分号分行,每行字数必须一致,不足处可用空格补充.

square bracket:方括号;方括号

[正]方阵列 square array | 方括号;方括号 square bracket | 平方列联 square contingency

square bracket:方格形,方括号

square box wrench 方套筒扳手 | square bracket 方格形,方括号 | square brick 方砖

square bracket function:方括号函 ,取整函

square bracket 方括号 | square bracket function 方括号函 ,取整函 | square deviation 平方偏差,方差

eckige Klammer square brackets:方括号

Ecke vertex 顶点 | eckige Klammer square brackets 方括号 | effektiv effective 有效的