英语人>词典>汉英 : 新纪元 的英文翻译,例句
新纪元 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

new era · new epoch
更多网络例句与新纪元相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A new era in Impark's history came on March 28, 2000 when Impark Parking was listed as a public company on the American Stock Exchange.


We can overcome the barrier of time and distance....


The governments too must stand shoulder to shoulder, not in a battle line, but in a sincere effort to achieve the new era.


Beijing MJ was opened in 2003, the first flagship store of MJ Group in mainland China. In 2009, MJ will enter Shanghai. Shanghai MJ is bigger than Beijing MJ, which is the bigge st modernized and automatized health screening center in the mainland China, providing top-quality service of health screening, health evaluation, health management together to you for your healthier life.


World's Best Sellers: The Final Decryption of The Power to the New World, the Top Secret Decisive Weapon of the Final Success of War and Peace, Destruction or Survival, Death or Life, Prosperity or Ruin, and Stand or Kneel Down The Best Sellers on Billboard Through 30 Countries and for the 4.2 Billion English and Chinese: Fire-new Energy, Astronautics, Nucleonics, Bionomy, The Laws(ISBN/EAN13:1442131241/9781442131248) and The Laws PlusISBN/EAN1

最终解密开启人类发现新大陆新纪元的动力方程式:战争与和平、毁灭或生存、胜利或失败、死亡或生命、繁荣或衰败、站立或跪下的最终决定性超级机密武器,光走得比蜗牛慢,宇宙飞船飞得比光速还快,人们从场态重现历史和预知未来,微型的核武比氢弹的威力还强大30多个国家的排行榜上畅销书:《The Laws(ISBN/EAN13:1442131241/9781442131248)》和《The Laws PlusISBN/EAN1

Smart Connection Enterprise just came on the market in the spring of 2004, which means it took a little over a year for it to hit the century mark.

Smart Connection Enterprise 在 2004 年春季才开始面向市场的,也就是说它仅用一年多一点的时间就创了历史新纪元

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,it was the ep och of incredulity.


We hope that TED can contribute in a full and fundamental way to the building of this new era in the teaching of music, in which the social, communal, spiritual and vindicatory aims of the child and the adolescent become a beacon and a goal for a vast social mission.

我们希望, TED 能够和我们一起去创造一个音乐教育的新纪元,在这样的新纪元中,孩子们的希望会成为整个社会的标杆和目标。

The first part and the second part describe the different phases of automobile industry and the evovlement of service pattern of automobile service trade corporations at home and abroad, respectively;Furthermore,we ananalyzed the service patterns in different phases,summarizing the rule and preparatorily forecasting the trend of automobile service trade. The third part mainly illustrates the development of Henan Epoch Motor.


It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair


更多网络解释与新纪元相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Babylon A.D:生死新纪元

人烟之岛 Obitaemyy ostrov | 生死新纪元 Babylon A.D. | 行动目标希特勒 Valkyrie

Enya 7000:万张 爱尔兰 80年代-00年代 新纪元

74. Gloria Estefan 7000万张 美国 80年代-00年代 拉丁/流行 | 75. Enya 7000万张 爱尔兰 80年代-00年代 新纪元 | 76. Roberto Carlos 7000万张 巴西 60年代-00年代


开小差者defector | 开新纪元的epoch-making | 开心tofeelhappytohaveagreattimetomakefunofsomebodycheerinessyippee


feasible, 切实可行的,可执行的; | epoch-making, 划时代的,新纪元的; | arbitrary, high-handed, overbearing, 霸道的;


epoch-making 开新纪元的 | epochal 新纪元的 | epochmaking 划时代的


epoch-making /开新纪元的/划时代的/ | epochal /新纪元的/划时代的/ | epochmaking /划时代的/极重要的/

epochal:新纪元的; 有重大意义的; 划时代的 (形)

epoch 新纪元; 时期; 时代 (名) | epochal 新纪元的; 有重大意义的; 划时代的 (形) | eponychium 甲上皮; 指甲上皮 (名)

Antoine Laurent Lavoisier:拉瓦锡 开创化学发展新纪元的拉瓦锡

拉姆塞 为周期表增补新家族的拉姆塞 William Ramsay | 拉瓦锡 开创化学发展新纪元的拉瓦锡 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | 李比希 革新化学教育的化学大师李比希 Justus von Liebig

a new frontier:今晚 美国进入了一个新纪元

Good evening.|晚上好 | Tonight, the United States|has entered a new dawn, a new frontier.|今晚 美国进入了一个新纪元 | In just a few moments' time,|在片刻之后

on the threshold of a new age:新纪元的开端

pull off such a feat 成功实现这一壮举 | on the threshold of a new age 新纪元的开端 | genetic engineering 遗传工程