英语人>词典>汉英 : 新玩意 的英文翻译,例句
新玩意 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gismo  ·  gismos

更多网络例句与新玩意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Folks I was trying to see what new weapons toys have the Chinese displayed in their much ballyhooed march past.


Everyday, children will do something new—slender chains stranded by popcorns, handmade bibelot and wind-bells made by wallpaper with German style. And we hang those wind-bells to the ceiling.


Every day children will do little new fad---Popcorn form themselves into a small chain, Do small handmade decorations and wallpaper-like Germany-do Campanula, Campanula we have these hanging in the ceiling.


But vehicles using the novel product will not exude the sweet smell of success.


Most of us only buy clothes because it is the new fad, or it is the "season".


Every children can do some new toys—a slender necklace made by popcorn, manual small ornament and Germanize Aeolian bells made by wallpaper. We hang the bells from the ceiling.


The toy in question was the Large Hadron Collider, and it was going to find all sorts of wonderful things, ranging from the Higgs boson (which is needed to explain why mass exists in the first place) via dark matter (which is needed to explain why the universe is as massive as it is) to miniature black holes the densest concentrations of mass possible, which journalists of a more scaremongering disposition confidently predicted would eat the Earth up as soon as the machine was switched on


This is what I have never seen the new stuff, stimulating!


Everyday the children would make some gismo, e.g., chains made of pop corn, hand made small trinkets and German wind-bells made of wall paper. We hung these wind-bells over the ceiling.


No surprise wireless handsets nearly outnumbers slot machines when the CTIA, the Cellular Teller-Communications and Internet Association comes to Las Vegas, but these high rollers, after suffering through the high-tech bust, are optimistic that new toys and technology will attract new business.


更多网络解释与新玩意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


十六世纪的义大利克雷蒙纳(Cremona)是小提琴的诞生地. 当然,弦乐器不算是新玩意了,早在第八或第九世纪,亚洲人就用弓拉弦乐器了. 有些弦乐器不知以什麼方式成功地传到了欧洲,在欧洲演化成六弦琴,这是十三世纪的一种创作,类似小提琴,

Doppler radar:多普勒天气雷达

光是中控台的按键就让人眼光缭乱,标配和选装的新玩意多不胜数,包括ELS Surround顶级音响,语音识别实时导航系统,多普勒天气雷达(Doppler radar)实时监测系统等.车室内着实让人唏嘘,


girth 周长 | gisarme 战斧 | gismo 新玩意

Pretest loop:預測試迴路

推測指令,推定指令 presumptive instruction | 預測試迴路 pretest loop | 精美新玩意兒 pretty amazing new stuff



Youve Got Mail:电子情书

有看过电子情书(Youve got mail)吗?虽然那是略嫌古老的网络时代,但每当收到信时的语音,就有种复古的迷人处,而这个名为「USB Email Notifier」,顾名思义就是每收到新的信,这块类似砖头的USB小玩意就会亮起灯号.


gisarme 战斧 | gismo 新玩意 | gist 要点


以后大家多来敲门吧. 说到呼拉呼拉,是日本这一两年新崛起的玩意. 可以说是超轻型(Ultra Light)和轻型(Light)jigging的一种钓法. 问题是,使用的钓竿因为是高碳精(High Carbon)竿,所以...

Queen Victoria Market:维多利亚女皇市场

维多利亚女皇市场(Queen Victoria Market)早於1878年建成,最初是拍卖牛马的市场,经多年转变才成为今日的大规模露天市场. 这是墨尔本着名的历史地标,占地超过7公顷,有千多户商贩在那里摆卖,从新鲜海产食品,到本地蔬果、熟食,以致衣物、玩具、饰品、新世纪的玩意,