英语人>词典>汉英 : 斯瓦科普蒙德 的英文翻译,例句
斯瓦科普蒙德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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But Namibia is nothing if not unpredictable, and just a day's drive from the OK Grocer, you can find yourself among meticulously coiffed Germans shopping for springbok-skin photo albums, handcrafted silver jewelry encrusted with malachite or mandarin garnet, and elephant-hide belts in the elegant boutiques of Swakopmund, a surreal seaside town that feels like a cross between Brighton-by-the-Sea and Bavaria.


But Namibia is nothing if not unpredictable, and just a day's drive from the OK Grocer, you can find yourself among meticulously coiffed Germans shopping for springbok-skin photo albums, handcrafted silver jewelry encrusted with malachite or mandarin garnet, and elephant-hide belts in the elegant boutiquesof Swakopmund, a surreal seaside town that feels like a cross between Brighton-by-the-Sea and Bavaria.


For decades, the Skeleton Coast, north of Swakopmund, buffeted by impenetrable fog, perilous cross currents and treacherous reefs, has been a graveyard for ships, and Kaokoland, the ruggedly inaccessible northern mountains shrouded by the mists of the Atlantic, wasn't fully explored until the second half of the 20th century.


In a country twice the size of California but with just two million inhabitants, the major cities, Swakopmund and Windhoek, the capital, feel like prefabricated alien entities plopped down without any local roots.


In a country twice the size of California but with just two million inhabitants, the major cities, Swakopmund and Windhoek, the capital, feel like prefabricated alien entities plopped down without any local


更多网络解释与斯瓦科普蒙德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Walvis Bay:鲸湾港

不过,在相比之下,位於斯瓦科普蒙德和鲸湾港(Walvis Bay)港口两地之间的沙丘才是最令人叹为观止. 鲸湾港刚好是展开意大利圣海伦娜岛之旅的起点. 通常可额外花上两至三个星期或以上时间的游客,均考虑这条路线. 斯瓦科普蒙德大沙丘之壮观举世闻名,

Walvis Bay:鲸湾

除了首都温得和克在国家的中心,其他重要的城镇包括港口城市鲸湾(Walvis Bay)和斯瓦科普蒙德(Swakopmund),还有Oshakati、赫鲁特方丹(Grootfontein)、楚梅布(Tsumeb)和基特曼斯胡普(Keetmanshoop).


" SWP","SWAKOPMUND","NA ","斯瓦科普蒙德","纳米比亚" | " SWQ","SUMBAWA","ID","松巴哇(岛)","印度尼西亚" | " SXA&