英语人>词典>汉英 : 断言 的英文翻译,例句
断言 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

affirm  ·  affirmance  ·  affirmation  ·  allegation  ·  allege  ·  assert  ·  assertion  ·  asseverate  ·  asseveration  ·  aver  ·  averment  ·  avouch  ·  claim  ·  declare  ·  declaring  ·  predicate  ·  predicates  ·  predication  ·  pronounce  ·  protest  ·  protestation  ·  avouchment  ·  constate  ·  avers  ·  affirmed  ·  affirming  ·  affirms  ·  alleges  ·  alleging  ·  asserting  ·  asserts  ·  asseverated  ·  asseverates  ·  asseverating  ·  averred  ·  averring  ·  avouched  ·  avouches  ·  avouching  ·  claimed  ·  claiming  ·  claims  ·  declares  ·  predicated  ·  predicating  ·  pronounces  ·  protested  ·  protesting  ·  protests

tell the world · say with certainty
更多网络例句与断言相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And this is a lesson which I suspect you must have learnt out of Homer; for he, speaking of Autolycus, the maternal grandfather of Odysseus, who is a favourite of his, affirms that 'He was excellent above all men in theft and perjury.


Aver'.'' that his report is true.


Consequently, since in our days the sower of cockle, the ancient enemy of the human race, has dared to scatter and multiply in the Lord's field some extremely pernicious errors, which have always been rejected by the faithful, especially on the nature of the rational soul, with the claim that it is mortal, or only one among all human beings, and since some, playing the philosopher without due care, assert that this proposition is true at least according to philosophy, it is our desire to apply suitable remedies against this infection and, with the approval of the sacred council, we condemn and reject all those who insist that the intellectual soul is mortal, or that it is only one among all human beings, and those who suggest doubts on this topic.


In his comments, Zhu spoke effusively about Chinese-American relations, asse rting that the friendship between the two countries ''cannot be undermined by anybody.


It is before this a month, yi Qugang just announced, him throw the helve after the hatchet holds to 5 years " free not be commercial pattern " say or state with certainty, begin follow-up to get a Yang Taobao " free " politic.


A cup is useful only when it is empty; and a mind that is filled with beliefs, with dogmas, with assertions, with quotations is really an uncreative mind.


The act of affirming or the state of being affirmed; assertion.


In her major work, A Vindication of the Right of Woman(1792), she assails a host of male authorities, asserting that "liberty is the mother of virtue," and that one can exercise one's duties only if one has basic human rights.


He asserts eternal life, but as a life of hate magnified to its extreme.


First Job repeats is complaint to God, asserts, however, in three speeches his unchangeable devotion to God by lauding in brilliant discourse the power, justice, and wisdom of the Almighty.


更多网络解释与断言相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


assert 宣称;断言 | asserted 宣称;断言 | assertion 命题;断言


affirmable,adj.可肯定的;可断言的 | affirmance,n.affirmation,断言;肯定 | affirmation,n.断言;主张


但是你的"要求","保证",以及"断言"(assert)在这里的实现有多大区别. 杨德瓦片:我说好. 但是我迟早把它改了......因为在契约式设计的一般概念里,"断言"一般不会在release模式下开启的,只在debug时专门做运行时检测(runtime verification)时才会检测.

asseverate:郑重声言, 断言

assets | 资产 | asseverate | 郑重声言, 断言 | asseveration | 断言, 誓言


asseverate 断言 | asseveration 断言 | asshead 笨蛋

asseveration:断言, 誓言

asseverate | 郑重声言, 断言 | asseveration | 断言, 誓言 | asshead | 笨蛋, 傻瓜


affiliate 联合,加入,加盟 | affirm 断言 | affix 黏上,贴上,附加

affirm vt.1:断言,坚持声称 2.证实,确认

affiliate vt.使隶属于 n. 附属机构,分公司 | affirm vt.1.断言,坚持声称 2.证实,确认 | afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨

affirm vt.1:断言, 坚定地声明,证实正确 2.支持或维护......的正确性

optimism n. 乐观主义 | affirm vt. 1.断言, 坚定地声明,证实正确 2.支持或维护......的正确性 | sacred a. 神圣的,不可侵犯的

affirmance:断言, 确认

reappear 再出现 | affirmance 断言, 确认 | Aragon 西班牙北部地方