英语人>词典>汉英 : 断流阀 的英文翻译,例句
断流阀 的英文翻译、例句


sluice valve · shut-off valve
更多网络例句与断流阀相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cut off cut-off valve is mainly used for fluid pathway, including the cut-off valves, gate valves, plug valves, ball valves, butterfly valves, diaphragm valves, control API Cast Steel Valves valves and other folders; The main control valve for regulating fluid pressure, flow, etc., including control valve, throttle, valve and float valve, etc.; Check valve used to prevent reverse flow of fluid; Shunt valve fluid channel for distribution of destination, or two-phase separated, including slide valves, multi-valve, trap, and emptying valves and so on; Safety valve is mainly used for security, to prevent the boiler, pressure vessel or pipeline overpressure due to the damage; Multi-valve is a valve with more than one function, such as the cut-off valve can both start and end back from the role of the role of drying.


更多网络解释与断流阀相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cutoff valve:停汽阀

cut-off valve 截止阀; 关闭阀; 断流阀; 断流闸 | cutoff valve 停汽阀 | cycling solenoid valve 周期电磁阀; 周期工作的电磁阀

cutoff valve:断流阀

断流开关 cutoff switch | 断流阀 cutoff valve | 自动限电器;自动截止器 cutoff; automatic

pump cutoff valve:泵断流阀

pump cutoff pressure;泵断开压力 | pump cutoff valve;泵断流阀 | pump cutoff valve pressure;泵断流阀压力

Shutoff valve:截流阀,断流阀

shute gasket 斜道衬垫 | shutoff valve 截流阀,断流阀 | shuttle belt conveyor 梭式带型运输机

SOV shut off valve:断流阀,截断阀

SO Shut off 关闭,切断 | Sov Shut-off valve 断流阀,截断阀 | SPD Speed 转速

disconnecting valve:断流阀, 断开阀, 截止阀

hypotensive [医]低血压患者, 降血压药adj.低血压的 | disconnecting valve 断流阀, 断开阀, 截止阀 | Berl saddle packing 弧鞍形填料 贝尔鞍形填料

disconnecting valve:断流阀

disconnecting switch 切断开关 | disconnecting valve 断流阀 | disconnection 分开

disk hinged valve:球门自动阀

disconnection valve 断流阀 | disk hinged valve 球门自动阀 | disk valve 圆盘阀; 片状阀; 平板阀

auxiliary steam valve:副汽阀

auxiliary steam pipe 副出汽管 | auxiliary steam valve 副汽阀 | auxiliary stop valve 辅助断流阀

EBRO ARMATUREN:中线蝶阀,双偏芯蝶阀,刀闸阀,断流阀,止回阀,电动/气动执行器

ebm 德国依比安电机和风机 | EBRO ARMATUREN 中线蝶阀,双偏芯蝶阀,刀闸阀,断流阀,止回阀,电动/气动执行器 | ECKARDT 德国阀门,执行器