英语人>词典>汉英 : 断断续续的 的英文翻译,例句
断断续续的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
desultory  ·  fitful  ·  intermittent  ·  semicontinuous  ·  intermissive  ·  snatchy

更多网络例句与断断续续的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has been raining by spells since yesterday.


Be driven to join the Liangshan Mountain rebels now also is desultory do.


This process will continue to be halting and episodic, depending on political pressures.


There was an awkward pause and then she started, falteringly


I had a fitful sleep last night.


It has been raining fitfully from tomorrow.


He just slept fitfully last night because he has to take care of the baby.


It's rainning fitfully since yesterday.


It's going to be sort of full of fits and starts in terms of getting the mess cleaned up.


It is rain intermittent from yesterday to now.


更多网络解释与断断续续的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

desultory missing:断断续续的思念

亦都是一生的伤痛 is also whole life hurt and affliction | 断断续续的思念 desultory missing | 是不是也在期待着一种永恒 whether is also expecting one eternity or not

desultory aimless, pointless, unplanned, jumping from one thing to another:散漫的, 不连贯的, 断断续续的

credulous susceptibility, dupable; Easily imposed on or t... | desultory aimless, pointless, unplanned, jumping from one thing to another 散漫的, 不连贯的, 断断续续的 | contrite regretful; sorry 悔悟了...

And the voice of that fitful song:那断断续续的歌声

Are longings wild and vain. 狂热的渴望和虚无的理想. | And the voice of that fitful song 那断断续续的歌声 | Sings on, and is never still: 一直在唱着,从未停止:

fitfully:发作地; 断断续续地 (副)

fitful 断断续续的; 间歇的; 一阵阵的 (形) | fitfully 发作地; 断断续续地 (副) | fitly 适当地; 整齐地; 恰好地 (副)


fitful /断断续续的/一阵阵的/间歇的/ | fitfully /发作地/断断续续地/ | fitly /适当地/整齐地/恰好地/

He tends to do things in fits and starts:断断续续的

21) At first blush ,it seems the senate is lagging far behind the House乍一看 | 22) He tends to do things in fits and starts.断断续续的 | 23) Shibboleth 陈旧思想


intermittent /间歇的/断断续续的/ | intermittently /断断续续/间歇地/ | intermitter /间歇调节器/

sporadic: a.1:断断续续的,零散的 2.孤立的,个别的,偶发的

stylized: a.程式化的,格式化的 | sporadic: a.1.断断续续的,零散的 2.孤立的,个别的,偶发的 | premeditated: a.预先考虑(策划)的;预谋的,蓄意的

stutter step:断断续续的

ceremonial 仪式、正式的 | stutter-step 断断续续的 | crave 恳求、渴望


snatching /冲动/ | snatchy /断断续续的/不规则的/ | snath /大镰刀的长柄/