英语人>词典>汉英 : 斑点 的英文翻译,例句
斑点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fleck  ·  freckle  ·  freckled  ·  freckles  ·  freckling  ·  lentigo  ·  macle  ·  macula  ·  macule  ·  mottle  ·  speck  ·  splotch  ·  spot  ·  spots  ·  tache  ·  maculation  ·  flecker  ·  mouche  ·  plaga  ·  punctum  ·  splatch  ·  spottedness  ·  splotched  ·  splotches  ·  splotching  ·  flecks  ·  motes  ·  speckles

更多网络例句与斑点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Include precise pure left fasten quintessence , C of vitamin ,, can deepen stockin ground floor suppress junket amine sour enzyme and reduce the melanin, desalinize the spot thathas been already formed, reduce and wh-iten the skin.


Using potato tubers of Irish cobbler variety naturally infected with X- and Y-virus, the writer compared the concentrations of X-virus in the young sprouts of different seed pieces longitudinally cut from the same tuber and subjected to various temperatures, light and darkness, normal and dereased oxygen tensions during the period of germination.


The microstructure and compositions of the spots on the blue colours of Jingdezhen Blue andWhite porcelain were investigated. The spots on the blue colours of Blue and White porcelainare the result of crystallization and enrichment of manganese and iron contained in cobalt bluepigment after high temperature sintering, and the compositions of the spots mainly depend on thecontents of manganese and iron in cobalt blue pigment.


As such, this paper focused on the pioneer experiment of "the Mark on the Wall" in its text form, and its underlying origin and groundbreaking significance from the following aspects: First, the article dealt with the pioneer experiment of "the Mark on the Wall" in its text form, which will be manifested mainly in three aspects: that is the plotlessness of its content, the variousness of its Style, as well as the network structure formed by two types of time; Then, the article discussed the underlying origin behind the experimental text form of "the Mark on the Wall", there are two main aspects: namely, the generation of "the Mark on the Wall" is not accidental, but is of close relation with Virginia Woolfs resentment to the text form of the traditional novels and her exploration in the new novel forms.


The TLC of them were concordance.They presented the same color fluorescence in the corresponding position at the ultraviolet light(365nm). After the vanillic aldehyde sulphuric acid ethanol solution developed, violet color spots presented at the same place. Reference substance of Polysaccharide presented violet color ,but in the corresponding position the crude and the prepared didn't show the spots . It proves that the chemical constituents of Polygala Root may not have changed after stir-baked with honey.

生远志正丁醇部位色谱和蜜远志正丁醇部位色谱基本一致:紫外灯(365 nm)下二者在相应位置呈相同颜色荧光,香草醛硫酸乙醇溶液显色后二者在相应位置的几个斑点均呈紫罗兰色,且远志皂苷元对照品斑点呈紫罗兰色,而在与其相应位置生远志供试品和蜜远志供试品均未检视到相应斑点

Description: Humans skin has the spot reason, is because human body endocrine disorders and hereditary factors related, particularly feminine female hormone being out of balance, the abnormal menstruation, the liver function suffer injury or the chronic nephrosis, can create the spot the appearance, when the ultraviolet ray solarization and the pressure as well as the diet are improper, will aggravate the spot the color, will present the skin pigmentation.

描述: 人的皮肤产生斑点的原因,是由于人体内分泌失调和遗传因素有关,尤其是女性的雌性激素失调、月经不调、肝功能受损或慢性肾病,都会造成斑点的出现,当紫外线日晒和精神压力以及饮食不当,更会加重斑点的颜色,出现皮肤色素沉着。

Analyses the cause of Turkey red oil stains on real silk knit s and offers countermeasures toprevent or remove such stains so as to ensure knit quality and avoid heavy economic lOSSes.


The content ofone liver protein band (R_f=0.79) at 1℃was significantly higher than at room temperature (P<0.05).On the 2-D native-PAGE/SDS-PAGE gel, the content of P spot (MW=51kDa, R_1=0.47on the 1D native PAGE gel) at 1℃was significantly higher than at room temperature (P<0.05), and the content of N spot (MW=65 kDa, R_f=0,94 on the 1D native PAGE gel) at roomtemperature was significantly higher than at 1℃. These protein spots may be related with the adaptation to the low temperature of the Heilongjiang wood frog.

黑龙江林蛙肝脏蛋白电泳显示,胶浓度6%的肝脏PAGE图谱分辨率高、谱带多,可分辨出15~19条谱带,其中1℃组R_f=0.79蛋白含量比室温组显著增加(P<0.05)。2-D native-PAGE/SDS-PAGE电泳时,胶浓度为12%时分离效果较好,蛋白斑点较多。1℃组中P蛋白斑点(MW=51kDa,一向PAGE的R_f=0.47)显著性上调(P<0.05),N蛋白斑点(MW=65kDa,一向PAGE的R_f=0.94)显著性下调(P<0.05),推测这两种蛋白可能与黑龙江林蛙在低温环境下的适应性变化有关。

Results TLC can be used for the identification in-vitro cultured Calculus Bovis and artificial Calulus Bovis, the samples containing cultured Calulus Bovis showed the specific spots of bilirubin but no hyodeoxycholic acid spot while the samples containing artifical Calulus Bovis showed the hyodeoxycholic acid spot but no bilirubin spot.


Weapon 1: If the face is not the spots into a block or a sheet, just a little bit sporadic, it is recommended to use Blemish mm were affixed, or high concentrations of Blemish essence attached to the spot, or put a cotton pad and cut a small piece of stained Blemish essence deposited at the spot, so that can reduce the burden on other parts of the skin, more focused and efficient way to lessen his "newborn" spots, killing them at the source.


更多网络解释与斑点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dot blot:斑点印迹,斑点印迹膜

dosage compensation 计量补偿(效应) | dot blot 斑点印迹,斑点印迹膜 | dot blotting 点渍法,斑点印迹(法)

Diffraction mottle:衍射斑点, 绕射斑点

poid 形心(曲线) 拟正弦线, 膺正弦线, 瞬心轨迹 | diffraction mottle 衍射斑点, 绕射斑点 | becomingly 合适地, 适当地

mottled discoloration:斑点样褪色

mottle effect 斑点样褪色 | mottled discoloration 斑点样褪色 | mottled surface 斑点样表面


fleck /斑点/ | flecked /有斑点的/有污点的/ | flecker /斑点/雀斑/微粒/

speckle interferometry:斑点干涉术

speckle interferogram 斑点干涉影像 | speckle interferometry 斑点干涉术 | speckle photography 斑点照像术


speckled 斑点 | speckled 斑点斑点的 | speckled 有斑点


splodge /污点/斑点/ | splotch /斑点/污点/使有斑点/ | splotchy /弄的/有污渍的/

dot blotting:点渍法,斑点印迹(法)

dot blot 斑点印迹,斑点印迹膜 | dot blotting 点渍法,斑点印迹(法) | dot hybridization 斑点杂交

specked butter:斑点白脱,斑点奶酪

斑点,瑕疵,碎屑,腌猪肉,肥肉,鲸脂,海豹o speck | 斑点白脱,斑点奶酪 specked butter | 光谱分析 spectral analysis

specked butter:斑点白脱,斑点乳酪

"斑点,瑕疵,碎屑,腌猪肉,肥肉,鲸脂,海豹o","speck" | "斑点白脱,斑点乳酪","specked butter" | "光谱分析","spectral analysis"