英语人>词典>汉英 : 文雅的 的英文翻译,例句
文雅的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
couth  ·  genteel  ·  gentle  ·  polite  ·  genty  ·  gentled  ·  gentles  ·  gentling

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By'.'' refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest for new sensations.


Eg.They are in t he habbit of speaking wit h Attic salt.


I thought him more sensitive and gentle than his occasionally brusque manner suggested.


And gentility is defined as a sort of spirit, romantic and chivalrous.


A man who affects extreme elegance in clothes and manners; a fop.


You are genteel enough, you look like a lady


This could all be fun-but not if you're expecting a fair, polite, and genteel confrontation.


Tennis, in a more genteel way, has followed the trend.


He's gentle and he seems to me .......


For some words can be seen as infantile, some as womanish, some as virile; and of the virile some are thought rustic and some urbane; and of those we call urbane some are combed and glossy, some shaggy and unkempt.


更多网络解释与文雅的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Attic salt:文雅的机智, 优雅的俏皮话

Attic salt 文雅的机智, 优雅的俏皮话 | be faithful [true] to one's salt 忠于自己的职位 | be not made of salt 不怕雨淋; 遇水不溶

Attic salt:文雅的机智

Attic faith 坚定的信念 | Attic salt 文雅的机智 | Attic wit 文雅的机智

Attic salt:阿蒂卡的鹽 文雅的機智;妙語

11. as shy as Daphne 含羞如黛芬妮 怕羞的,忸怩的 | 12. Attic salt 阿蒂卡的鹽 文雅的機智;妙語 | 13. Aunt Sally 莎莉大嬸 眾矢之的;無聊的娛樂節目

They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt:他们习惯了讲文雅的俏皮话

4、Attic salt阿提卡的盐,指语言文雅诙谐 | They are in the habit of speaking with Attic salt.他们习惯了讲文雅的俏皮话. | 5、The salt of the earth直译为"世上的盐",意思为社会中坚、人类精华

Attic wit:文雅的机智

Attic salt 文雅的机智 | Attic wit 文雅的机智 | attic 阁楼

Attic wit:文雅的机智, 典雅而意义深刻的妙语

attic window | 屋顶阁楼的斜窗 | Attic wit | 文雅的机智, 典雅而意义深刻的妙语 | attic | 阁楼, 顶楼, (耳的)鼓室上的隐窝


mirth 高兴 | couth 文雅的,有教养的 | uncouth 笨拙的,无教养的

粗笨的 couth,文雅的,有礼貌的:uncouth a

undergird v. 加强 ,支持 | uncouth a. 粗笨的 couth,文雅的,有礼貌的 | unexceptionable a. 无懈可击的,极好的

genteel a.1:有教养的,文雅的 2.装绅士的,假斯文的 3.古朴幽静的

genial a.和蔼的,亲切的,友好的 | genteel a.1.有教养的,文雅的 2.装绅士的,假斯文的 3.古朴幽静的 | gentility n.有教养,文雅,彬彬有礼

indelicate:不文雅的, 无教养的, 卑鄙的

blister type cracking 起泡型开裂 | indelicate 不文雅的, 无教养的, 卑鄙的 | general delivery term 一般交货条件