英语人>词典>汉英 : 文质彬彬 的英文翻译,例句
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I thought perhaps he was a little lightheaded and after giving him the prescribed capsules at eleven o'clockI went out for a while .it was a bright,cold day ,the ground covered with a slect that had frozen so that it seemed as if all the bare trees,the bushed,the cut brush and all the grass and the bare ground dad been varnished with ice .


The urbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came.


While Frank and his quiet churchgoing friends realized the necessity of the system, they deplored it just the same.


This Dane is urbane, but gambling is the bane of his life.


Those noisy neighbours are not urbane, they are the bane of the urbane Dane's life.


And yet her creator, Ian Wilmut, a quiet, balding fifty-two-year-old embryologist, does not remember where he was when he heard that the lamb, named Dolly, was born.


The last chapter of the dissertation deals specifically with linguistic ideas of Confucius, to be detailed, his ideas about teaching, the world, customs, literature, and language, and his own speech. Confucius' ideas of benevolence, reticence, rightfulness,"gaudiness of language should be avoided","poems are necessary for speech","ideas should be expressed in words, and words should be rhetorical"are theoretically discussed. It is revealed that linguistic ideas of Confucius and Zhou culture are related.


Godfrey Ablewhite is a hypocritical villain whose real nature betrays his disguised gentlemanlike behavior.


I saw right away he was a fine-appearing, gentlemanly young man, and when he told me he was an Oggsford I knew I could use him good.


Here is Bill Jukes, every inch of him tattooed, the same Bill Jukes who got six dozen on the WALRUS from Flint before he would drop the bag of moidores ; and Cookson, said to be Black Murphy's brother, and Gentleman Starkey, once an usher in a public school and still dainty in his ways of killing; and Skylights (Morgan's Skylights); and the Irish bo'sun Smee, an oddly genial man who stabbed, so to speak, without offence, and was the only Non-conformist in Hook's crew; and Noodler, whose hands were fixed on backwards; and Robt.


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Hide and seek:迷藏

布鲁克斯先生白天是文质彬彬、拥有巨大财富的公司老板,夜晚就成了下手狠毒、不留痕迹的"拇指杀手",饱受良心谴责的他惊诧地发现女儿也遗传了他的性格,所有噩梦一齐扑向他;"捉迷藏"(Hide and Seek)中那个失去母亲的小女孩慢慢发现了母亲的真正死因,

he's got panache:他风度翩翩

4. you are a facinating person 你魅力十足 | 5. he's got panache他风度翩翩 | 6. he's charming, witty,and personable他文质彬彬,有才气又友善

he's charming, witty,and personable:他文质彬彬,有才气又友善

5. he's got panache他风度翩翩 | 6. he's charming, witty,and personable他文质彬彬,有才气又友善 | 7. he has a pleasant personality他如沐春风

Why don't you take her for a ride:干嘛不跟她去嘿咻一番

You're decent-looking, Dr. Skippy.|你看起来文质彬彬... | Why don't you take her for a ride?|干嘛不跟她去嘿咻一番 | Which means he'll be dead long before Foreman turns in his parking pass.|也就是远在For...