英语人>词典>汉英 : 文章短 的英文翻译,例句
文章短 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与文章短相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper lays stress on the establishment of the optical system model of solar simulator and xenon short arc lamp model, especially the later.


The Journal publishes original research papers, review articles, short communications, book reviews, forum articles, announcements or letters on applied ecological, environmental, biomathematical and informatical or multidisciplinary agricultural research, including information technology and biometry in agriculture; sustainable agriculture; natural resource management; ecological monitoring and modeling; biodiversity and ecosystem research; statistics and modeling in epidemiology.


Because I think that in such a short period of time to finish a quick one-two short articles, and to do that, we need to do right, right reading of the very high requirements.


The paper improves it in the following two aspects by analyzing and studying the basic principles and procedures of Dijkstra primary algorithm.


Papers dealing with the life stages of anadromous and catadromous species in estuaries and inshore coastal zones, theoretical papers, research papers, short communications and review articles, the proceedings of conferences and symposia are also published.


In this paper are introduced the technical measures and processing arrangement in spinning Indian and African cotton with the focus on the strengthening of impurities and short fiber removing in scutching and carding processes to raise the formed yarn quality.


Dan Wenzhang also cannot be taken short, of unexpected short also with respect to meaning of it doesn't matter.


Penetrating view about scholar , the article inherited the view of many scholars, and increased some of my own opinions, such as point out short information of cell phone concrete handle course " suggestion leader " function strengthen greatly , from " the media is the message " and " media "--The people one extension "watch short information of cell phone the the developments one rationality,"last " weaken reality of function "; In addition, the article has offered the objective standards of how to judge the short information of cell phone in order to be judged of the short information of cell phone through understanding communication of the short information of cell phone, thus know and have certain reference meanings to some mistakes which clarify people.


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This article will be very short, I will insinuations about an issuethat is also very disturbed recently my specific matter how you cantake a look at this article, SEO】【SEO with different seocapitalized words with lowercase Key distinction.


更多网络解释与文章短相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Lantana camara:五色梅

文章摘要:五色梅(Lantana camara)又名马缨丹=如意草,马鞭草科马缨丹属,直立或半藤本状灌木,全株具有一种特殊的气味. 株高1至2米,老枝黄褐色,分枝对生,茎枝无刺或有下弯的钩刺,叶对生,卵形或矩圆状卵形,先端渐尖,边缘有钝齿,上面粗糙而有短刺,


>,文章指出,研究小组先测试了袋鼠、鬣蜥、短吻鳄、鹬、驼鸟、鸡、火鸡、鸸鹋和驼鸟等动物依靠两足奔跑所需的腿部肌肉占体重的比例,然后测试腔骨龙(Coelophysis)(AMNH 7224)、美颌龙(Compsognathus)(type)、双脊


这里 Cnv 是"逆"(converse)的缩写.它是一个关系对其逆的那种关系.例如,较大对较小的关系,父母身分对儿子身分的关系,前对后的关系 等等.我们有 为了有更短且常常更简单的记法,我们给出① 参见前面提到的文章>,

microfilm strip:缩微胶卷条(短条的缩微胶卷, 适于复制短篇文章)

currentvoltage 伏安 | microfilm strip 缩微胶卷条(短条的缩微胶卷, 适于复制短篇文章) | salvoconducto n.护照, 通行证


结构主义学者杰聂(Gerard Genette)曾经将作品中的事件延续时间与敷衍时间(叙述时间)的比率关系,称为"步速"(pace),事件延续时间的久暂与文章长短(字数、页数)的反比越大,则"步速"越快(亦即,事件时间长,文章短) ,此一"步速",

shortest path problem:最短路径问题

文章摘要:本文主要探讨了最短路径问题(Shortest Path problem)的现实意义,通过C语言程序设计,寻求一种操作简易的解决最短路径问题的人机界面,能帮助解决诸如最优交通旅游路线的选择、电缆管道铺设、物流配送等应用领域的最短路径问题.


文章摘要:本文报道了新疆真藓科(Bryaceae)新纪录属短月藓属(Brachymenium Sehwaegr.)植物纤枝短月藓BrachymeniumPzi如(Doz.et Molk.)Boseh et Lac.在新疆昆仑山西部叶城县的发现,并对其形态特征和生态环境及至新疆的分布进行了描述和讨论.


pantsn.裤子;男用短衬裤 | papern.纸;官方文件;文章vt.用纸包装(或覆盖) | parachuten.降落伞;风散种子

Beah waaih ndaeldungx yez jangl sel:衣破肚内有文章

Dezjins wenz hoc saml deel saangl,阿俊人穷志不短, | Beah waaih ndaeldungx yez jangl sel.衣破肚内有文章. | Xib bil doh bail dangz gauyyif,十年寒窗进高一,