英语人>词典>汉英 : 文图拉 的英文翻译,例句
文图拉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Analysing and introducing his times background, all his life and important writings. Mainly analysing the rising of universities and mendicant order, the Aristotelianism, and their great influence on spiritual visage of the western in 13〓 century.


We don't think Bonaventure's philosophy is a eclectic philosophy based on Aristotelianism with tendency to Augustinianism, as some scholars thought; we think that Bonaventure established and developed a original synthesis of philosophy and theology, just as Thomas Aquinas did.


Through analysing, we think that Bonaventure developed Augustinianism and established the Franciscan school. The school had ever resplended very much during the debate with Thomism and Dominican school.


In the furious struggle between newly established Aristotelianism and Augustinianism which insisted the tradition of Platonism, two great theologians and philosophers, Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure presented themselves, who stood for the highest level of theology and philosophy system at that time. The former one successfully established a new philosophy system using Aristotelianism, and the latter one developed the Platonism-Augustinianism to the peak.


In this chapter, we focus on Bonaventurean salvation, individuality and immortality of soul, and the difference between Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas which they were against together the union of intellect of Latin Averroism. Chapter seven: Finality and Echo.


According to the text that is being sent back to the Chamber of Deputies, CTNBio will end up having more power than ministers, imposing its decisions on the health and environment ministries," said Ventura Barbeiro of Greenpeace's genetic engineering division."


In this chapter, we mainly analyse the spirituality of Bonaventurean theology and philosophy and the relation of Bonaventureanism and Thomism.


At the end of 19〓 century, along with the revival of new scholasticism, for the better understanding of Thomist theology and philosophy, Bonaventuran theology and philosophy became the best frame of reference. Bonaventure's theory got unparalleled attention.


In this chapter, we stress Bonaventure's exemplarism, universal hylomorphism and rationes seminales which three consist of main trunk of Bonaventure's metaphysics.


A translation into Spanish of sura 70 ("Al-Mi'raj") was made in the thirteenth century, at the behest of Alfonso X., by the physician of Toledo, Don Abraham; a French rendering of this was afterward made by Bonaventura de Seve.

翻译成西班牙文的苏拉70 (&基地Mi'raj &)是在13世纪,在阿方的要求十,由医生的托莱多,唐亚伯拉罕;法国绘制的,这是后所作的波纳文图拉由塞弗。

更多网络解释与文图拉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BUENAVENTURA, Colombia:布埃纳文图拉

BARRANQUILLA,Colombia 巴兰提亚.......哥伦比亚 | BUENAVENTURA, Colombia 布埃纳文图拉 | CARTAGENA, Colombia 卡塔赫纳

BUENAVENTURA, Colombia:布埃纳文图拉(哥伦比亚)


BUENAVENTURA, Colombia:哥伦比亚,布埃纳文图拉

BARRANQUILLA,Colombia 哥伦比亚,巴兰基亚 | BUENAVENTURA,Colombia 哥伦比亚,布埃纳文图拉 | BUENOS AIRES,Argentina 阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯

Ventura:文图拉 瑞士

Vacheron Constantin 江诗丹顿 瑞士 | VENTURA 文图拉 瑞士 | Versace 范思哲 法国

Anthony Ventura:安东尼.文图拉

诉讼书由安东尼.文图拉(Anthony Ventura)于27日递交到加州法院,状告索尼故意移除了其以前宣传的功能,并索要赔偿. 诉讼中说,索尼的行为不仅违反了索尼与顾客之间的销售合同,同时也是针对数百万顾客的一个商业欺诈性行为.

Ventura, Santiago:文图拉(西班牙)

68.Clement, Arnaud 克莱门特(法国) | 69.Ventura, Santiago 文图拉(西班牙) | 70.Vliegen, Kristof 弗列根(比利时)


Bolzano,Bernhard 波尔察诺822 | Bonaventura,Sanctus 波那文图拉744 | Bonhoeffer,Dietrich 朋谔斐尔806


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