英语人>词典>汉英 : 整倍体 的英文翻译,例句
整倍体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与整倍体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DNA content of tumor cells was determined with flow cytometry in surgical samples from 36 patients, with esophageal carcinoma. The aneuploid was found in 25 cases (69.4%).


Because polyploidy is thought the route to aneuploidy, we also tested whether EBNA2 can induce aneuploidy.


The rates of the heteroploidy and aneuploidy rose gradually in the shift of benign- borderline-malignancy, and the same was true for the rat es of mortality/relapse as well as the contrast risk. The nature of ovarian tumors with heteroploidy was much malignant than that with diploidy.


That PI and the percentage of the cells in s-phase of the borderline/malignant and heteroploid/aneuploid tumors were higher ted to higher mortality and relapse rate as well as the corresponding risk. Because of the changable characters and dissociative phenomenon of the tumor, the measurement of PI and the percentage of cells in s-phase may be disturbed in few of diploid tumor and in part of double DNA stem ones. Therefore other paramet- ers should be added to analyse before making any conclu- sion.


Included aneuploid with 84 and 85 chromosome. Aneuploid offspring collected from Cheng-gong and euploid offspring collected from Suao both seeded in aneuploid and euploid.


ELISA method was used for the serum PSA measurement among the 3o cases of PC sufferers. Results: 5 cases of NP were all ploidy (2C and 3-4C); 23 out of 30 PC cases were euploidy. As PC levels increased, the ploidy rate increased accordingly; in 25 cases of PC sufferers, the serum PSA was higher than normal; in 6 Out of 7 ploidy sufferers, the serum PSA was abnormal; 4 out of 5 normal PSA are euploidy.


The results showed that the number of chromosome, which was from the cultured seedlings of meristem tip and the rank seedlings of meristem tip, was not altered, both the number were 2n=16,the hereditary stability of callus and regeneration plant was poor; and the variation percentage of chromosome in callus was 43.4%, among which haploid accounted for 6.7%, triploid accounted for 2.5%,tetraploid accounted for 10%,pentaploid accounted for 4.2%,hexaploid accounted for 3.3%,septuploid accounted for 4.2%,octoploid accounted for 3.3%,dysploid accounted for 9.2%;the chromosome variation percentage of differentiation seedlings derived from callus was11.7%,among which haploid was 6.7%,triploid accounted for 1.7%,tetraploid was 3.3%.


Progeny of this plant included aneuploids, such as trisomic and tetrasomic.


Monosomic 3, monosomic 5, monosomic 10, trisomic 4 and trisomic 5 as experiment materials, their meiosis behavior of pollen mother cell, pollen characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics of anther, section observation of pollen development and the structure of embryo sac were studied, and the effects on the seed set and transmission rate were analyzed.


Some approved aneugens Trip terygiuwlIypogaucum (evelHutch, colchicine, thiabendazole, a tropine sulfate,d-ubocurarine was added into the reactive system respectively and the changes of their absorption values were taken down during different periods under the conditions of 37 0C and 350nm .


更多网络解释与整倍体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


整倍体整倍体(aneuploid)指细胞丢失或增加一条或几条染色体. 缺失一条染色体时称为单体(monosome),增加一条染色体时称为三体(trisome). 染色体数目的改变会导致基因平衡的失调,可能影响细胞的生存或造成形态及功能上的异常.

aneuploid study:非整倍体的研究

anesthetic screen 麻醉屏架 | aneuploid study 非整倍体的研究 | aneurism needle 动脉瘤针


多年来一直从事非整倍体(aneuploidy)的起源、命运决定及其细胞分子生物学机制的研究. 非整倍体是指细胞核内的染色体数目出现异常,是细胞分裂时染色体分离异常的产物. 非整倍体严重危害人类健康,如果发生于生殖细胞,

Aneuploidy inducer:非整倍体诱导剂

Aneuploidy 非整倍体 | Aneuploidy inducer 非整倍体诱导剂 | Antigenic specificity 抗原特异性


32同源多倍体(autopolyploid)同一物种经过染色体加倍形成的多倍体,称为同源多倍体. 33非整倍体(aneuploid)有一种染色体数目的变异,是增减一条或几条,染色体数目不是整倍数,所以叫非整倍体.


整倍体 整倍体(euploid)指染色体数目的异常是以染色体组为单位的增减, 如形成三 倍体(triploid),四倍体(tetroploid)等.在人体,3n为69条染色体,4n为92条染色体.在肿瘤 细胞及人类自然流产的胎儿细胞中可有三倍体细胞的存在.发生于生殖细胞的整倍体改变,

euploid:<基因词汇Gene> 整倍体

eukaryotic 真核生物的 | euploid 整倍体 | exonuclease 外切核酸?

euploid karyotype:整倍体的核型

整组基因 genome | 整倍体的核型 euploid karyotype | 醛缩酶 aldolase


1.数目性染色体畸变 染色体的数目异常可表现为非整倍体(aneuploid),即其数目并非单倍体(haploid)的整倍数,在数目上出现多或少于整倍体,如45或47条染色体. 还可表现为多倍体(polyploid),即染色体数目整倍多于单倍体,如三......


Plasminogen activators 纤维蛋白溶解酶原激活因子 | Ploidy 整倍体 | Point mutation 点突变