英语人>词典>汉英 : 数轴 的英文翻译,例句
数轴 的英文翻译、例句


numerical axis · number axis
更多网络例句与数轴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It shows that mental axis direction is closely related to cultural elements. From the standpoint of interculture, it helps us to get to know the characteristics of digit processing.


The process of forming a myelin sheath .


This article supposed a novel idea of building a new kind of database by unifying algebraical method and geometrical method. Each LssDNA was presented by a dot on a natural number coordinates axes, then the database was termed by'DotBank'.


Thus, we may have to extend our view from one dimensional axis to multi-dimensional space, m -space, and to extend our research tools from scalars to multi-component vectors, m -vectors.


Fuzzy distance of the theory of fuzzy sets an important component of the fuzzy set theory from the early stage of development, Fuzzy Sets distance has been attracting a large number of the concerns that people use real theory of practice with a non-negative real numbers to measure the distance of fuzzy sets, is through the appropriate transform its alluding to the real axis.


The typical Arithmetic Coding does not map a single source to a word, but maps the whole input symbol sequence to a section of 0,1 on the real number axis, the width of which is equal to the probably of the sequence. A representative binary fraction in the section is chosen as real output to get efficient compressed codes.


By the iterative functional equation we usually mean an equation containing at leastan n-th iterate〓of an unknown function.A relatively general form of it is〓(1)where〓is a given integer,J is a connected closed subset of the real number axis R,G is a given〓function from〓to R,and f is an unknown function to be solved.


This part systematically induce the common method of form helps number like number axis method, unit circle method, portrait method and geometry model method.


This article supposed a novel idea of building a new kind of database by unifying algebraical method and geometrical method. Each LssDNA was presented by a dot on a natural number coordinates axes, then the database was termed by'DotBank'.


Most axons in adult nerve tissue are ensheathed by single or multiple folds of a sheath cell.


更多网络解释与数轴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

argali:盘羊, 原羊

argala | 印度或非洲产的鹳类 | argali | 盘羊, 原羊 | Argand diagram | 阿干特图(两垂直轴, 一为实数轴, 一为虚数轴)

Argand diagram:阿干特图(两垂直轴, 一为实数轴, 一为虚数轴)

argali | 盘羊, 原羊 | Argand diagram | 阿干特图(两垂直轴, 一为实数轴, 一为虚数轴) | argand | 圆筒芯的灯

imaginary axis:虚数轴,虚轴

227. imaginary argument 虚自变数 | 228. imaginary axis 虚数轴,虚轴 | 229. imaginary characteristic 虚数特性

Number line:数轴

像这样规定了原点(origin)、单位长度(unit length)和正方向(positive direction)的直线叫做数轴(number line). 如果两个数只有符号不同,那么我们称其中一个数为另一个数的相反数,也称这两个数是互为相反数,

Number line:数轴,规定了原点,正方向和单位长度的直线,数轴上的点和实数一一对应

number 数,数字 | number line 数轴,规定了原点,正方向和单位长度的直线,数轴上的点和实数一一对应 | numerator 分数的分子

Real number line:实数轴

Exponents 幂 | Real number line实数轴 | Imaginary number虚数

number lines:数轴

nucleotide n.[生化]核苷酸 | number lines数轴 | obstetrical a.产科(学)的,助产的

number lines:数轴 HCV新思路教育

nucleotide n.[生化]核苷酸 HCV新思路教育 | number lines数轴 HCV新思路教育 | obstetrical a.产科(学)的,助产的 HCV新思路教育

positive direction:正方向

规定了 正方向(positive direction)、 原点(orgin)和 单位长度(unit length) 的直线叫做数轴 通常称正方向、原点和单位长度的直线叫做数轴的三要素例1.说出下图中数轴上的A、B、C各点表示什么数?

real number axis:实数轴

real multiply 实数乘 | real number axis 实数轴 | real number field 实数域