- 更多网络例句与数据库引擎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Because the BDE is been used as interface between application program and database. So, compared with the ODBC of Microsoft Corporation, it can promote connection speed of database.
A database engine can make very strong assumptions about first constrain ing the heavily indexed dimension tables, and then attacking the fact table all at once with the Cartesian product of the dimension table keys satisfying the user's constraints.
Its database engine allows instantaneous access to thousands of records.
Each database engine has its own advantages. We cannot recommend one over another.
Simple Data Object Customer Database Engine complete source code, has been tested.
The method to access attribute database by Borland Database Engine in a complex way was provided in this thesis.
Over time,the language has been added to so that it is not just a language for queries,but can also build databases and manage the database engine's security.
Microsoft ADO database engine packaged, it is convenient ADO database a...
Microsoft ADO database engine packaged, it is convenient ADO database access.
This paper integrates theory with practice, follows the principles and methods of software engineering, setup the constitutes frame of NC machine servo feed CAD system, and finishes the research and development of four modules of servo feed CAD system, such as Graphical User Interface Module, Design and Compute Module, Database Management System and Graphics System, by using Object Orient Programming technology, Borland C++ Builder 5.0 Database Engine, parametric feature model technology and 3D solid modeling technology.
本文理论联系实际,遵循软件工程的原则和方法,创建了数控机床伺服进给CAD系统的总体框架。它采用了面向对象编程技术、Borland C++Builder 5.0数据库引擎、参数化建模技术和三维实体造型技术,完成了伺服进给系统的四大部分功能:即图形用户界面模块、设计计算模块、数据库管理系统模块以及图形系统模块。
- 更多网络解释与数据库引擎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
database call:数据库调用
570database administrator数据库管理员 | 571database call数据库调用 | 572database engine数据库引擎
database engine:数据库引擎
依次安装"工具"(Tools)、"数据库引擎"(Database Engine)和"数据库"(Database),在某些电脑中安装数据库引擎时可能会报错,提示缺少"强密码"(Strong Password),没关系,只要加参数执行安装程序即可.
Spatial Database Engine:空间数据库引擎
要进行多用户的并发访问,需要用ArcSDE-空间数据库引擎(Spatial Database Engine)来构建空间数据库. 所谓"3S"是全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)的统称,系统可以同遥感影像和GPS定位结合,本系统能够处理遥感图形能够处理GPS采集的坐标.
Spatial Database Engine:多源空间数据库引擎
分布式并行数据库:Distributed and Parallel Database Systems | 分布式异构数据库:Distributed Heterogeneous Database | 多源空间数据库引擎:spatial database engine
Jet database engine Jet:数据库引擎
jagged 交错的 | Jet database engine Jet 数据库引擎 | join 联接
MSDE MicroSoft Database Engine:微软数据库引擎
193 MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group 运动图像专家组 | 194 MSDE MicroSoft Database Engine 微软数据库引擎 | 195 MSP Moduler System Program 摸块化系统程序
Spatial Database Engine, SDE:空间数据库引擎 空間
■ spatial data 空间数据 空間データ | ■ Spatial Database Engine, SDE 空间数据库引擎 空間データベースエンジン | ■ spatial datum 空间基准 空間測地系
PARallel Applicative Database Engine:计划;平行适用数据库引擎
平行和管线处理 parallel and pipeline processing | PARADE计划;平行适用数据库引擎 PARallel Applicative Database Engine | 平行架构 parallel architecture
search engine:搜尋引擎
利用软件的"搜寻引擎"(Search Engine),用户可以随时找出所需资料. 你还可以设定文字和段落格式,方便将有用的资料打印出来使用. 私人日记的内容储存在一个数据库文件(DDF)中,因此不同用户可以开启单独的文件来储存资料. 有需要的话,
Jet Engine Jet:数据库引擎
JEIDA 日本国家标准组织 | Jet Engine Jet 数据库引擎 | JetSend Protocol JetSend通讯协议